The American Dog Magazine Summer 2011

Page 118


MAGOO’S MIRACLE! shot, Abused, Left Blind and Abandoned… Then, Finally Rescued!

after By C ati e S e ll e r s (M a g o o ’ s m o m )

I am from a town in Tennessee where the general consensus is that a dog is just a dog. There are a lot of stray dogs here. Nine in my neighborhood, the last time I counted. There used to be ten. The tenth one’s name is Magoo now, and this is his story. My husband Curtis and I were getting ready for bed on the night of January 14th, and my husband had just gone out in the freezing temperature to take

the dogs for one last potty break. I was already in bed when Curtis flew back into the room. “That dog is outside!” he hollered. I hopped out of bed and threw my slippers and a coat on. We had seen “that dog” many times in the neighborhood, limping, but he was always too scared to come to us and eternally elusive, no matter what we tried. We always feed the strays, so he would often come and nap on our patio furniture stored in our carport during

118    Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine

photos courtesy of Catie Sellers

the winter. But if we got anywhere near him, he was gone in a flash. As I walked outside that night, I could see him in the neighbor’s yard. Even at a distance I could tell that he was tense and scared. I knew we had to get him out of the snow. My husband went to one side of the yard and I to the other, and we slowly started walking towards him, baiting him with treats and praise. He wanted nothing to do with us. He backed away and aimed to take shelter on our neighbor’s

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