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Sharks There are lot of sharks in the sea. It's carnivorous animal. It has got two eyes. It's a long animal. The shark is bigger than the fish. Shark can swim. It can't run and fly.


They can jump. They can run. They can't fly and swim. It has got two long legs. It eat leaves. It's brown.


It's a herbivorous animal. It eats eucalyptus leaves. It can climb, run and swim but it can't fly.


The weight is 13 to 20 KG The legs are about helf then legth of the body. The colour is sandy to brown.


The towns of Australia are Sidney, Mellbourne Brisbane, Perth and Adelaida. The capital of Australia is Canberra.

Ayer rocks

The tallest mountains are mount koscivsko,Mount Mc Clintock,Nawson Peak and Mount Menzies.

Great Barrier Reef

It's the largest coral reef. Is extends for 2.000 km.


People of Australia are froms differents countries England, Italy, Germany. The population of Australia is 21 million of people.


English is the nacional language of Australia. Another languages are Italian,Arabic, Mandarin, Greek, Vietnamesse.

Physical description

They have got dark brown hair. They have got straight wavy or curly hair. They have got dark skin. They paint their face.

Way of live

They are hunter. They live in Australia,Tanzania and another island.


They have a zodiac made of birds fishes and dancing men. Some legend is two brothers and the stars. There are stories from native American Indians,the Aboriginal Dramatin.


They use spear and boomerangs. The weapons are of woods

Musical instruments

They use Didgerido or Tidaki and Bull roader. They use it in the north of Australia.

The Australian Flag

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