Becky's Daily Devotions

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Every action has a reaction: a result. I remember hearing my mother tell me so often growing up that I am just as responsible for my reactions as I am for my actions. I tend to be a reactionary type person. I have learned many lessons in my life about attitude and behavior, being loving and trustworthy, giving of myself and not taking all the time. I have been given incredible role models along my journey that have been strong, loving, compassionate Christian women and one of the most influential has been my mother. Today is her birthday! So, as I thought about today and what to share, her beautiful face came to my mind. Here are some of life’s lessons I learned from being Priscilla’s daughter: SERVICE: We are not in this world for ourselves. We are in this world to be a light and to reflect Jesus's love in and through us. I learned this by example as she unselfishly cared for, loved and counseled the many different parishioners along on the parsonage journey in the ministry. Her example as the wife of a minister is one I will never forget. The people in the various churches knew that Jesus lived within her. He radiates through her still today! She taught me that life is not about me, but about the people that need to know about Jesus. She taught by example to always be ready with a word of encouragement, to look around and see the need, to smile - always smile, to forgive when someone hurt my feelings and not hold on to issues. CONTENTMENT: Both my parents would say to us children, “The Lord is not going to bless you with more until you are content with what you have”. Her example was never to grumble or complain. When God calls you to a job (no matter what it is), He provides and equips you with the tools and grace to live it. JOY: We laughed a lot and often and we still do! She has the best sense of humor! Our home was a happy home because my mother laughed at herself and taught us the joy of life as well. I loved watching her with people and hearing her laugh. I always feel like I can see the Lord smile when the bright brown eyes of Priscilla dance with joy! She wouldn’t allow attitudes: we didn’t get to be sulky because that gave ground to the devil! COMMITMENT: I am the oldest of 4 children. She will tell you today that Dad’s call was to the people and her call was to her children. She invested her life into ours. It was her desire that each of us grew up and gave back to the Lord. To live for Him so that one day, we would share eternity. There are so many stories of how she made that work, but for the sake of time, I will share that it was because of the commitment she made to her Heavenly Father to raise us in His Grace. I would watch her doing her laundry and praying out loud for one of us. She, by example, had God’s Word not only in her heart but on her lap, reading it often. All four of us

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