Asa phoenix vol 46 no 4 summer 1961

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CONTENTS CoME TO CoNVENTION .... .. .... . .......... .. . .. .. .. .. .......... . ....... . . . .... ... .. ............... .. ... . . .. ... .. .... . . .

2 3

A~A CoNVENTION PREVIEW ................. .. ... .. . .... .... .. .. ... .... .. . .... .... . .... ....... ... ..... ...... ... . ... . .



WHAT T o WEAR AND WHEN .... .... .. .. .. .. .. ............................... ... ............ .. .. .. ................. .


TRAVELING CAN BE F uN ................ . .. .... ............. . ......... .......... ..... ...... ............................ .

8 9

THE ART OF TRAVELING .. . ....... .. ........... .. . .. ... .. ............. . ......... .... ... .. . ........ . .. ...... ... .. ..... . .. MICHIGAN -

PLAC ES To SEE AND THINGs To Do .. .... ... .................. ........ ..... . ............ .


GAMMA EPSILON INTROD UCES ALFRED .............................................................. .. ...... ..

13 14 14 15 16




.... . ... ... ... .. .. ... ......... ....... ... ...... .. .. ... .. ... ... ...... .. .... .. .... . . .. .... ..... . .

ELIZABETH BIRD SMALL AwARD CANDinATES .... ... .. .... ... ...... ...... ..... .. . .... . ............... .. .. FROST FIDELITY AwARD CANDIDATES ............... .. .... ..... ..... . .. . .. ...................... .. .. .. . .. ... ... . WE SALUTE O u R CREED .. ... ........... .. . .... .. . .... ... ..... ......... .............. .. ........................... . .... .. TH E HARM ONY GANG .. ........... . ...... .. .. .. .. .... ....... .... . .......... . ............. ..



ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA PROUDLY PRESENTS ... ..... . .. . ............. .. ......... .. ................... .. .... .


A SoRORITY SisTER FROM THE NETHERLANDS .... .. ...................................... ..... .......... .


NATIONAL PHILANTHROPIC PROJECT ................. . ... . ................. .. ...... . . ... .. .... ..... ..... .... .. .


CoLLEGIATE HoN O R S ... . ........................... .. ............ .. . . ................ . ................... .. .. .... ... ..... .

NEW ALUMNAE CHAPTER S . ........ ............... . . . .. ........ ... .. .. .. ....... .. ....... ............. ....... ....... . ..

26 28 28 29 33 34

O u R TASK ... .. ........ ........... . . . ...... .. .. . .. .... .. .......... ... ............... .. .... . ....... . .... . . .. ... . ........... . . ... .


CAMPUS LovELIES . .. .......... . .... ... .. .... ..... . .. . .. ... ... ...... ................... . . .... ...... .... ....... ... . ....... .. .



ELIZABETH jANE AGNEW .. ....................... . ................. . ................. ... ..

FoRMER CouNCILORs RECEIVE R EcOGNITION ............. .. .. .......... . .. . ............................ . THE ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA



NATIONAL CoNVENTION .... ..... .... .. .......... ... .... ...... ..

SPOTLIGHT .. .... .... ... .. . .. .......... .... ... .... .. .... ...... .. . .. .... .. ....... .... ..... ... .. .. ... .... ......... .... . .... .

CoLLEGE NEws LETTERS .... ........ .. . ..... .... ........ . ... . . ..... .. . ....... .... .... .. .... .... ... .... ..... ... ... .. .. .


ALUMNAE NEWS LETTERS ..... .. .. .. .. ... . ... ...... .. ... . ....... . ............ ... . .. ........... . ... .. .. .. . .. ..... .... .


ALPHA SiGMA ALPHA DIRECTORY ............. .... .. .. ... ................ .. .... .. .... .. ...... .... ....... .. ..... ..


ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA OFFICERS ' CALENDAR ..................... .... .. . ......... . ............. .. ...... . .. ..







THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA is published in the fall , winter, spring, and swnmer of each year at 2642 University Avenue, St. Paul 14, Minnesota, by Leland Publishen;, Inc . (The Fraternity Press), o fficial publisher. for the sorority. The subscription price is $1 a year. Send change of address and business correspondence to Alpha Sigma Alpha Cen 11路a l Office. Suite :-:o. 206. 2852 Delaware Ave nue, K enmore 17. New York. Address all correspondence of an editorial nature to the editor, Mrs. Eugene H . Crompton, Jr., 7001 Spring Road #3, Richmond 28, Virginia. Second-class postage paid at St. Paul , M.innesota. l' ost master : Se nd Form 3579 to Alpha Sigma Alpha, Suite No. 206 . 2852 D ela wa re Avenue, K ,路 nmo><路 l i. :--- ew York .








As we approach our Sixtieth Anniversary a nd our forthcoming National Convention, we are abreast of rapidly changing situations in a 路'S paceAge" world. This is a time of reawakening of both intellectual and spiritual needs and values. \11.11:' must realize our responsibilities as fraternity women. Now is the time to separate th e worthwhile from the worthless and the golden opportLmities from the mediocre. We must think, plan, and work together to formulate policies which will determine and strengthen a secure future. We must preserve th f' essential factors that guarantee us our freedoms. You are cordially invited to attend our 1961 National Convention. Come prepared to intelligently discuss sorority topics, maintain a keen understanding, gain new ideas, and enjoy the fellowship. I know that you will want to be an integral part of this important meeting. I'll be looking forward to sharing many happy days with you at Mackinac Island in July where .JoYe can work together and through faith, love, and the common bond of friendship , insure the continuance of our beloved Alpha Sigma Alpha. jEAN R. GRADY National Prnident CoNVENTION!! It is that time again in Alpha Sigma Alpha. And what is a convention? Any dictionary will provide a definition. Any book on parliamentary law well describes the organization

and fun ction of a convention . but an Alpha Sigma Alpha National Convention is so much more than well-stated words and proper procedures. It is an experience in friendship- to be long remembered and cherished. An A~A Convention is a rekindling of faith and co urage to be worthy of ideals and vows. It is a time for sharing and planning together, for having a voice in the national program and transaction of fraternity business. An A~A Convention has ntoments of singing and sea rching, of gay relaxation and somber reflection . The 1961 National Convention will be geared to "the new frontiers of the sixties." It will be a time of person a l enrichm ent a nd of profit for Alpha Sigma Alpha. "You COME, Too." WILMA WILSON SHARP Presidt>nt Em eritus IF you are a confirmed A~A Conventioneer, by this time you have fill ed in your reservation blank for the 1961 National Convention to be held .July 5-9 at Grand H otel. What a spot for a con vention! - The Grand H ot el with its glamour and its glory. This famous hotel is on M ackinac Island, Michigan ( pronounced M ackinaw ) . This island is in the Straits of M ackinaw from which you get a bea utiful view of the new-world famou s bridge across the Straits. If you have not attended an A~A convention, you can't imagine the fun you've missed or the wonderful " national" feeling you get, as you stand


in the utid:t of a 10up of Alpha igma inging s. ngs ~o dear to a ll of u. . . Your eyes will be opened when you realize the scope of lpha igma Alpha operation ,uidancc for co llegiate m mbers m their .cho lastic and so ial ac tivities. Opportu nities for .g rac iou. living in A'i.A campu~ ·'!tome-away-from-home. ' ' • 1[a kinv it po ible for membe rs to continue study through loa n. . hoth co llegia te a nd '4radua te.

. \iding others in a philanthropic proj ct. Finding fonnal essions interesting a nd 111formative. One of the mo t important a pect of convention is the renewing of vows of loya lty. spiritual n·plenishment, a nd the forming of new friendship~ . It i with these goa l. in mind th a t the social . id(' of convention is planned . OW REALLY-


YO\ '




Conul' nlion Chairma11


Yot · will love th ex itement of arrival at con,·cntion . As y u board the ferr-y a t th dock the excitement begins. During this short ride you ge t 1he ut agn ifi cent iew of the ' world's longest . tef'l ~ •• spe ns i o n bridge" across the Straits of M ackin ac. a live-mi le spa n- truly a wonder and a link be1\\ t" n the lower a nd uppe1· peninsulas of Mi higa n. Mack in ac Isla nd stands in a ll its mag nitud , a nd as ou a pproach each on trie to b the fir. t tll spy the b au tiful Grand Hotel. Cries of " There it i - ther it i where- where?" Gra nd H otel has th " Ionge t por h in the world." He sur tha t you heck your baggag wi th th e (;ra nd H otel bellmen at the d k and g t our rhe ks. Then forg t ou r baggage until you get to you r 1oom. Y u t p off th e f n-y and there to take you on the ten-minut ride to th hotel i an assortm nt of hor e-d rawn chi le (at this writing- a Aa t rate i 60 a p rson ) .


You will receive a " red-carpe t welcome.'' If yo u should be a n earl y a rriva l a nd have to wait a little while for yo ur room , that would be a good tim e to take care of your A"'i.A R egistration. Per hap · you will arrive in time to get unpack d a nd still have enough time for a dip in the Grand Hotel wimming pool or just ,·ela.x in a reclining c ha ir on the porch a nd watch the ship g o by. NATIONAl; OJ<'PrCElt."l' IUX'IW'I' ION

Hy 5:00 P . M . we hope that you will be unpa k d a nd a ble to change from your traveling a ttire. Three big eventi will open our convention . Dre up "k inda pretty' ( not formal ) . ' l'he offic r will be anxious to meet and gr et yo u in the Governor's Suite between 5:00 and 6:00 P.M. At 6 :30 P .M . we will go to the Terrace Room for dinner, here to be welcomed by the Mich igan and Wisconsin college and alumnae hapters.


The convention's official opening will be at 8: 30 P.M. when our national president, Jean Grady, will call the convention to order. The National Council will be assembled on the platform in the Club Room. Each delegate will be seated in the chair labeled for her particular chapter. Alpha Sigma Alpha visitors, please fill in the seats back of the delegates. After the Invocation and formal opening, the national secretary, Helen Corey, will call the roll of chapters. It is with great pride that each delegate answers for her chapter and city. Delegates are required to attend all assigned meetings. Non-delegates, you are on your own, although there will be convention sessions you will not want to miss either! The comfortable beds of the Grand Hotel will be most welcome-for A~As, "you've had a busy day."


One of the highlights of Grand Hotel is the opportunity to eat in the main dining room. Arrangements have been made so that you may make your own selections from a fabulous menu (surprise table decorations ) . Following dinner, enjoy the concert in the lobby.



All breakfasts will be served in the main dining room. This is a good time for committees to meet or to get together with new friends and exchange ideas. Select your own menu.

About a three-minute walk from Grand Hotel is a Little Stone Church- just big enough for us. This little church has been made available for our use for the beautiful A~A Memorial Service.



When some free time comes your way, don't fail to visit the exhibit room. Our most talented art chairman, Mrs. Robert Wolf, better known as Edi, is in charge of exhibiting all the scrap books, publications, philanthropic projects, and our national publications. FOR SALE

Tuck a few extra dollars in your bag for there may be some item that you would wish to take home from our A~A Sales Table. Have you ordered your cook book? The first edition of Gourmet's Guide with recipes submitted by A~A members (including a few husbands and several Panhellenic friends) will be available at convention-$2 a copy, 40c of which goes into your chapter treasury. GUEST DAY

Thursday, July 6, after a morning of important business, we are having a gala luncheon. As our guests we are expecting the advisers of the Michigan and Wisconsin A~A college chapters. "Panhellenic Womanpower" is the theme of the day. An outstanding speaker will be with us for the luncheon. The Indiana girls have charge of this affair.


A photographer will be busy taking candid shots, as well as posed pictures, which will be on display each day. These pictures may be ordered. MEETINGS, WORKSHOPS

EvERY DAY there will be business meetings scheduled. Sometimes they will be general sessions; at other times college and alumnae groups will meet separately. There will be workshops and discussion groups on such topics as RUSHING, PLEDGE TRAINING, SCHOLARSHIPS, RECOMMENDATIONS, PROGRAM PLANNING, PUBLICITY, PHILANTHROPY, and more to come. TOPICAL TABLES

This promises to be a most interesting luncheon. A national officer will hostess each table with some interesting topics for expression of opinionsinformal discussion but informative results. Anne Niemeyer and Marni Groh will pool their talents as chairmen of this luncheon.


No trip to this part of the country is complete without a trip around Mackinac Island. Thursday afternoon will see the parade of the carriages as A~A takes to the road. Don't forget your camera. You will have many opportunities for good pictures.



All Alpha Sigma Alphas are requested to WEAR '"'RITE for the Awards Dinner followed by Initiation. The Initiation Service, so dear to all of us, will be conducted by the national officers. Viola Brewer, national ritual chairman, is in charge. AWARDS DINNER AND INITIATION

We have waited anxiously for three years for this important event. Who will win the Council Trophy for chapter efficiency for a three-year period? Who will receive the scholarship awards? Who will win the Amy Swisher graduate fellowship, the Frost'Fidelity Award, and WHO WILL BE OUR NATIONAL ALPHA GffiL? Other awards and prizes will be included. FUN FOR ALL

Alpha Sigmas are most fortunate to have a talented person as our national music chairman. Shirley Hellrich will lead our convention music. In addition, Shirley is so much fun, and this hour of A:SA antics you will not want to miss. Shirley knows just how to draw out the talent of each A:SA. RECREATION

There will be some time each day set aside for you to enjoy the great outdoors. If you take along the "family," they will find many things to do while you are attending meetings. Your family can enjoy all of the convention events right along with you, with the exception of the Initiation Service. ELEa:r.ION AND INSTALLATION

The election of the national council will take place on Saturday during the final business session, with Installation at 5:00 P.M. Our beloved presi-

dent emeritus, Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, will conduct the Installation. FORMAL BANQUET-


Dress up in your prettiest formal (short or long), for the formal banquet is the last official event (formal dress not required for men ) . The banquet hostesses are the Greater Chicago Alumnae. From what I hear, it will be an event we shall long remember. There will be special music, a fine speaker, convention favors at everyone's place, and a word from our national president. Following the banquet, you may enjoy the music in the Terrace Room or just plain relax after busy convention days. "ALL GOOD TIDNGS MUST COME TO AN END"

The days have passed much too quickly, and we would rather not say "goodby." There will be time at breakfast for those last-minute visits, checking on addresses, etc. Check out time is 10:00 A.M. If you must leave very early to make connections, it can be arranged. Perhaps you would like to remain at the hotel until afternoon. The management has graciously consented to allow you to do so. Check your baggage, giving the hour of ferry departure. You will find several churches close by. Luncheon is not included in the basic convention rate but may be secured if you so desire. In addition to the dining facilities, there is an attractive Snack Bar at the Golf Course (twominute walk ) . This is no commercial, but I know you will find that the famous Mackinac Island fudge will be a treat for yourself and the folks back home. The 1961 convention will be A:SA History, and we shall look forward to meeting again at our next convention in 1964.- HELEN L. CoREY, National Convention Chairman.

WHAT TO WEAR AND WHEN SoRORITY CONVENTION can be a highspot in your life. Any long-to-be-remembered experience will be loved more dearly if you put your best foot foz:ward.. This means having just the right dress, swrm sw't, and travel costume for those precious moments. A little before-hand p lanning, with convention schedule in hand and a temperature chart for Mackinac Island handy, will guarantee you a wonderful time because you know you will look just right. Remember that Mackinac Island is just about as far north as the boundaries of this country go--


it can be cold outside! Even in July it can be cold, especially after the sun goes down. With this in mind, no matter what the temperature in your home town when you leave for convention, be sure you take a light-weight wool or jersey coat . . . a coat that travels well and will go with any outfit you pack. The suit or dress you pick for travel must stay crisp and fresh looking throughout the trip. Again, consider a jersey travel costume. Keep it dark and keep it simple, and do wear a hat on the way. (People traveling by car can disregard the above until the day you

haps a bright print ; or perhaps you prefer a basic sheath dress that is sleeveless, teamed with a pretty embroidered sweater (you must plan a sweater or wool stole to wear with these dresses in the cool evenings if your coat does not look well with them ) . For the breakfasts, luncheons, and business sessions, bring two daytime tailored dresses or summer suits. These should "sit" well, because you'll be sitting in them for many interesting hours. These are the costumes you' ll be wearing for the longest hours, so make them comfortable. If you're the type to dash out of the meeting for a tour around the island, a swim, or a game of tennis, bring along the appropriate clothing. Not too much in the sportswear department- your time for this will be limited. plan to arrive at the hotel. Never let it be said that an Alpha Sigma would stumble out of a car in messy slacks, with windblown hair, and everything she owns on an uncovered line of coathangers! (Right or wrong, you are too often judged by first impressions.) After you register at the Grand Hotel, register at the convention and unpack. The water babies might have a few minutes to try the beautiful hotel pool. Since you will be in a hotel, you must have a swim suit "cover-up"-a jacket to match your suit, perhaps a short terry beach coat. Wednesday and Thursday night dinners are not formal, but do take time to change into a pretty informal afternoon dress- something in silk, per-

The two most glamorous occasions at convention are the Awards Dinner on Friday night and the formal banquet on Saturday night. The white dress for the Awards Dinner should be no problem in this season when white is a fashion favorite once again. It is necessary, and you will enjoy the occasion to its fullest in a lovely white afternoon or dinner dress (this is not a formal dinner, so do leave the white evening dress for the Saturday banquet ). At the final banquet all Alpha Sigmas look their most glamorous best in beautiful evening gowns. You know what I mean, I'm sure.-VIRGINIA CARPENTER, Former National Vice-President; Fashion Coordinator for Halle Brothers Department Store, Cleveland, Ohio.



AN A~A CONVENTION is composed of making plans and accomplishing much, of making new friends and enjoying "old" ones, of finding inspiration and helping others, and of having lots of fun! The traveling to and from convention can also be fun. You are responsible for making your own travel arrangements. You will be traveling over a holiday, so make all reservations well in advance.


Grand Hotel is situated on an island a few miles out in the Straits of Mackinac. No cars are allowed on the Island, so the following information is VITAL for you to know: If you are approaching from Northern Michigan, you leave your car and take the ferry to the Island at St. Ignace. The ferry runs every half hour from 8:00A.M. to 8:00P.M. with the excep-

tion of 1:00 P.M. Fare 1.65 for round trip. Island Ferry Service Arnold Transit Company (closest to the hotel) Protected parking adjacent to ferry for $1.50 per night. Car can be locked. Daily Schedule (EST ) Round-trip fare $1.90 Leave Mackinaw City Leave Mackinac Island 8:00 A.M. 1:15 P.M. 8:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. 9 : 00A.M . 2:00P .M. 8:30A.M. 2:30P .M. 9:30A.M. 3:30P.M. 9:00A.M. 3:30P.M. 10:00 A.M. 4:30P.M. 10:00. A.M. 4:30P .M. 11:00 A.M. 5 :30 P.M. 10:30 A.M. 5:30 P.M. 11:30 A.M. 7:00P.M. 11:00 A.M. 7:50P.M. 12:00 A.M. 12: 30 P.M. Mackinac Island Ferry Company Parking less expensive-dock a little farther from hotel Daily Schedule (EST ) Leave Mackinaw City Leave Mackinac Island 7:00A.M. 1:30 P.M. 8:00A.M. 2:30P.M. 8:30A.M. 2:30P.M. 9:30A.M. 3:30P.M. 9:30A.M. 3:30P.M. 10:30 A.M. 4:30P.M. 10:30 A.M. 4:30P.M. 11:30 A.M . 5:30P.M . 11:30 A.M. 5:30P.M . 12:30 P.M. 6:30P.M. 12:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M . 1:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M . Will you drive, take coach or Pullman on the train, fly, or take a bus? CAR If you drive, check your route carefully, and make reservations for each night well in advance. Remember you will be traveling over a holiday. U.S. 23, 27, and 31 via lower Michigan and U .S. 2 and connecting highways via Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula. There are ample garage and auto parking facilities at both mainland terminals. You may lock your car. Prices range from 75c per

night to $1.50 per night depending on proximity to the ferry. RAILROAD New York Central from Chicago or Detroit. Coach service is availab le daily. Check schedule for Pullman service. Leave Chicago Arrive M ackinaw City 4:45 P.M. (CDT) 8: 20 A.M. (EST) Leave Detroit Arrive Mackinaw City 10:50 P.M. (EST ) 8:20 A.M. (EST) ORTH CENTRAL AIRLINES Pellston Airport serves Mackinaw City. Bus service to the Mackinaw City Ferry Dock is $2.50 per person, and traveling time is twenty minutes. FAMILY PLAN See your local agent. As our convention starts on Wednesday, you will undoubtedly be eligible for family-plan travel fares on airplanes and railroads. Stopovers in cities such as Chicago, Detroit, and Buffalo are allowed on round-trip tickets. Bus SERVICE Greyhound Lines service is available from all major points to Mackinaw City or St. Ignace. Check with your agent. LAKE STEAMSHIP SERVICE This service is direct to the I sland. Passenger service on sister ships, S.S. North American and S.S. South American, is available between Mackinac Island and Chicago, Cleveland, D etroit, and Buffalo. Georgian Bay Lines (information folder), 118 West Monroe Street, Chicago 3, Illinois. Capital Airlines no . longer serves this area.

THE ART OF TRAVELING WHEN you pack your bags to explore the beauties of your own country or to travel around the world, consider these keys to a happy journey: Travel lightly. You are not traveling for people to see you! Tra vel slowly. Jet planes are for .getting places not seeing places ; take time to absorb the beauty and inspiration of a mountain or a cathedral. Tra vel expectantly. Every place you visit is like a surprise package to be opened. Untie the strings with an expectation of high adventure.

Travel hopefully. "To travel hopefully," wrote Robert Louis Stevenson, "is better than to arrive." Travel humbly. Visit people and places with reverence and respect for their traditions and ways of life. Travel courteously. Consideration for your fellow travelers and your hosts will smooth the way through the most difficult days. Tra vel gratefu lly. Show appreciation for the many things that are being done by others for your enjoyment and comfort.


Travel with an open mind. Leave your prejudices at home. Travel with curiosity. It is not how far you go, but how deeply you go that mines the gold of experience. Thoreau wrote a big book about tiny Walden Pond. Trav el with imagination . As the Old Spanish proverb puts it: "He who would bring home the wealth of the Indies must carry the wealth of the Indies with him." Travel fearlessly. Banish worry and timidity; the world and its people belong to you just as you

belong to the world. Travel relaxed. Make up your mind to have a good time. Let go and let God. Travel patiently. It takes time to understand others, especially when there are barriers of language and custom; keep flexible and adaptable to all situations. Travel with the spirit of a world citizen. You'll discover that people are basically much the same the world around. Be an ambassador of good will to all people.-WrLFERD PETERSON, reprinted through the courtesy of Bermingham & Prosser's House Magazine, The Friendly Adventurer.

MICHI路G AN PLACES TO SEE AND THINGS TO DO THE 1961 ALPHA SrGMA ALPHA NATIONAL CoNVENTION will be held at Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, Michigan, and, in addition to the beautiful convention site itself, the State of Michigan has much to offer in its wealth of perfectly delightful

wooded trails. Thousands of daily visitors can be accommodated by the island's many hotels, tourist homes, and restaurants. Purchases may be made at a variety of shops. History comes alive in perfectly preserved O ld Fort Mackinac and lofty Fort



vacation spots, charmingly interesting tourist attractions, and valuable historical areas. So, Alpha Sigma Alphas, plan now to attend the national convention, July 5-9, 1961, and to enjoy the State of Michigan, which does, indeed, present for pleasure, places to see and things to do.

Holmes, as well as in the Fort Museum and the Astor Museum with their precious documents and rare mementos of a bygone age.


Mackinac Island is called "Gem of the Great Lakes" and is filled with beautiful scenery, rich history, and vacation play. Every street and every road ring day and night with the hoofbeats of walking, trotting, cantering horses. They pull the sight-seeing surreys and carry riders over miles of 10


Sau lt Ste. Marie is the third oldest white settlement in the United States. The "Soo," as the County Seat is commonly known, is on tlw shore of Lake Superior, which is connected with Lake Huron through the waters of St. Mary's River. Here is the home of one of the great engineering marvels of our time, the Locks of the St. Mary's (The Soo Locks). Many boat cruises are available in the vicinity, and travel by car is equally en-




a great collection of landmarks of American history. The D etroit Institute of Arts is a magnificent museum of paintings, sculpture, and decorative arts, representing every great p eriod in art history. The famed Zoological Park will surely demand a long visit to be enjoyed by children and adults a like. Michigan does truly possess areas a nd activities to please every individua l. Make your decision now to attend convention, and plan carefu lly for your utmost vacation pleasure.


joyable. This area can be reached by the famous Mackinac Bridge, which links the upper and lower peninsulas between Mackinaw City and St. I gnace and is approximately an hour's drive south of The Soo. DETROIT

Traveling south from Mackinac I sland through the heart of beautiful Michigan, one will reach industrial, cultural, and sports-minded Detroit. Found here will be many outstanding sights. Greenfield Village, founded by Henry Ford, offers






.. LOOKING FORWARD WITH AlPHA SIGMA ALPHA JULY S-9, 1961 jULY 5- VVEDNESOAY .1:00 P.M. TO 4:00 P.M . Arrival-Registration and Credentials . 1 5:00 P.M. National Officers' Reception 6: 30 P.M. Dinner - Hostesses, Michigan and VVisconsin College and Alumnae Chapters- Terrace Room 8:30 P.M. Opening Business Session- Club Room Mrs. Jean Grady, National President, Presiding JULY 6-THURSOA Y 8:00 9:00 9:45 12 :30 2:00 3:30 6: 30 8:00 9:00

A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.

Breakfast-Main Dining Room Business Session Group Meetings Panhellenic Luncheon- Casino Continue Morning Group Meetings R ecreation and Tour of the Island Dinner-Main Dining Room Hotel Concert A~A Entertainment jULY 7-FRIDAY

8:00 A.M. Breakfast- Main Dining Room 9: 15 A.M. Business Session-Club Room 11 :-30 A.M. Recreation

1:00 P.M Topical Tables Luncheon-Main Dining Room 2:30 P.M. Group Meetings-Panhellenic 4: 15 P.M . Officers Speak to Group Sessions 6:30 P.M. Awards Dinner (wEAR WHITE) Casino 8:30 P.M. Initiation-C lub Room 9 :30 P.M . Memorial Service - Little Stone Church jULY 8-SATURDAY 8:00 9: 15 11:30 1:00 2: 30 5:00 7:30

A.M. A.M . A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.

Breakfast- Main Dining Room Business Session-Club Room Recreation Luncheon- Main Dining Room Final Business Session-Club Room Installation of Officers-Club Room Banquet- Formal- Casino jULY 9-SUNDAY

8:00 A.M. Breakfast 10:00 A.M. Departure Those wishing to attend church may do so. Lunch is not included on the basic hotel rate but can be added. Several places in the village feature food service. There is a snack bar at the hotel golf course.

路THE 1961 NOMINATING COMMITTEE THE CoLLEGE AND ALUMNAE MEMBERS OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA are asked each convention year to make recommendations for National Council members for the ensuing three years. Each college and alumnae chapter will be contacted by mail for suggestions, but members not affiliated with a chapter are ~ked for recommendations. All names sent to the committee will be given serious consideration when the slate of officers is prepared to be presented and voted upon at the National Convention, GRAND HoTEL, MACKINAC IsLAND, MICHIGAN, July 5-9, 1961. MRS. HAROLD C. BROWN, CHAIRMAN 3 105 R exford Drive, South Bend, 15, Indiana Mrss jANE McCoRMICK Box 207, Pearisonburg, Virginia 12

MRs. EDWARD A. SAUER 4995 Mad River R oad, Dayton, Ohio

"CONVENTION ORCHIDS" THE planning of an Alpha Sigma Alpha Nation al Convention is time-consuming and requires much effort and energy. The work involved in carrying out the planning is tremendous. A successful convention, as it is finally presented, is an accumulati )n of many and varied tasks, and small, by many loyal and devoted Alpha Sigmas. Every link is important in building the long chain of convention, and no endeavor should pass unnoticed. To each one who did her part promptly a nd efficiently, go our very best thanks. It is, of course, impossible to thank or to recogn ize each individual who has contributed to a convention, but we would like to take this opportunity to pass out orchids to two of our members who have done extensive convention work for a number of years. Helen Corey, national convention chairman, is responsible for much of the planning and spends months before the appointed date at her desk with planning sheets of all types. Once the long-awaited day has arrived, she spends hours c h e c k i n g on schedules and supervises, in general, the daily routine of convention.

Edi Wolf, national art chairman, begins her work in advance, too. She is in charge of all drawings you see and enjoy in THE PHOENIX. Her busy time, however, begins at convention when she assembles the exhibits for the display room and works well into every night for the last-minute art objects that

So, orchids to Helen, to Edi, and to all Alpha Sigma Alphas who have added, or will add, l.n any way, to our coming convention a t Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, Michigan.

CONVENTION HINTS 1. Plan your own participation in the convention from the moment you decide to attend.

2. Avoid disappointment- make your reservation early. 3. Review names of your National Officers and convf!ntion chairmen. 4. Study the convention program. A delegate is obliged to attend all sessions planned by the National Organization. Be punctual at all sessions. 5. As the Convention is the governing body of the sorority, a member attending as a delegate has a vital part in determining the future <?f Alpha Sigma Alpha. 6. Jot down specific problems now confronting your chapter. Have them ready for discussion in the round-table sessions in order to help find a solution. 7. When you arrive at Convention, check the list of delegates and visitors. sonally.

Get to know them per-

8. Capitalize on meal-time hours. Many new friends can be made. The decorations will provide rush party ideas. 9. Make a list of new friends made at Convention. Keep in touch with them after you return home. 10. Make the most of everything offered at Convention. You will be well paid for your efforts. As a chapter delegate or visitor, we hope the Convention will help to your chapter.


better to fulfill your duties HELEN L. CoREY

National Convention Chairman


ALPHA GIRLS OF 1961 ELIZABETH BIRD SMALL AWARD CANDIDATES THE WINNER of the coveted collegiate award given each year in the memory of Elizabeth Bird Small 1111 will be selected from this group of Alpha Girls. Qualifications for the award include scholarship, leadership, and graciousness in daily living.

Beta Sigma


Kappa Kappa

Beta Zeta





Alpha Alpha

Nu Nu

Beta Eta

Beta Upsilon





Alpha Beta

Rho Rho

Beta Theta

Beta 路 Phi





Alpha Gamma

Sigma Sigma

Beta Iota

Beta Psi





Beta Beta

Phi Phi

Beta Kappa

Beta Omega





Epsilon Epsilon

Chi Chi

Beta Lambda

Gamma Alpha





Zeta Zeta.

Psi Psi

Beta Mu

Gamma Beta





Eta Eta.

Beta Gamma

Beta Nu

Gamma D elta





Theta Theta.

Beta Delta

Beta Pi

Gamma Epsilon





Beta Epsilon

Beta Rho



FROST FIDELITY AWARD CANDIDATES EACH year one girl is chosen to receive the Frost Fidelity Award, established by Donald and Emma Frost IIII and based on intangible fratemiity values including loyalty and "unsung" service . Alpha

Kappa Kappa

Beta Zeta

Beta Sigma





Alpha Alpha

Nu Nu

Beta Eta





Beta U psi/on MILL


Alpha Beta

Rho Rho

Beta Theta

Beta Phi





Alpha. Gamma

Sigma Sigma

Beta Iota

Beta Psi





Beta Beta

Phi Phi

Beta Kappa.

Beta Omega






Epsilon Epsilon

Chi Chi

Beta Lambda

Gamma Alpha





Zeta Z eta

Psi Psi

Beta Mu

Gamma Beta





Eta Eta

Beta Gamma

Beta Nu

Gamma Delta






Theta Theta

Beta Delta

Beta Pi


Gamma Epsilon





Beta Epsilon

Beta Rho




• • •

To fill my days with satisfying activity, To find dominant beauty in art, literature, nature and friendships, To know the peace and serenity of a Divine faith, To love life and joyously live each day to its ultimate goodThis is my creed in Alpha Sigma Alpha.

OUR CREED THE CREED OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA presents a guide for daily living which can make life a happy and worth-while experience for the members of our sisterhood. It was created for yesterday, today, and always by our beloved president emeritus, Wilma Wilson Sharp, who has devoted a lifetime of loyal and loving service to Alpha Sigma Alpha and whose life, in itself, is an inspirational creed by which we have all profited. 15

. GAMMA EPSILON INTRODUCES ALFRED ALFRED SIGMOND ALPHA is a plump little boy about two and a half feet tall. He wears a red sweat-shirt and a pledge beanie with our sorority letters on them. Alfred is a full-fledged member of Alpha Sigma Alpha. That is, he is the full-fledged mascot of Gamma Epsilon Chapter. He was created early in 1959 by Carolyn Bermke, who was then our chapter's historian. She drew pictures of him on the opening pages of our scrapbook with these words, "Through the year with Alfred Sigmond Alpha." On the following pages of the book, Alfred appeared in costumes to depict our activities. For homecoming he wore a raccoon coat. For the military ball, he wore an officer's uniform. Alfred was soon adopted by the whole sorority, and he became as familiar to us as the four-point badge. Soon we had Alfred pictured on our rush invitations and decorations. He first came to life at the dinner honoring our graduates in May, 1960, when through the work of Carolyn and Dee Bussy, the chubby, blue-eyed, cloth doll was presented to the chapter as a gift from our graduates. With the gift was a huge card showing Alfred wearing a cap and gown. The card was signed by all of our graduates and read, " We can't stay, but can Alfred?" Alfred, who has red hair and blue eyes, joined our chapter at the cottage this year. He was kept

PHI PHI CHAPTER GIVES CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR ORPHANS FoR the fifth consecutive year Phi Phi members, assisted by Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity members invited the orphan children from Noyes Home in St. Joseph to spend the day on the campus of Northwest Missouri State College. The children arrived in the morning on December 11, and they attended worship services at the Baptist Church with members of A~A and TKE. The .girls ate dinner together at the Student Union, and boys were guests at the TKE house. A party was held in the Union early in the afternoon. The group sang Christmas carols and 16

on a ledge in the dining hall so that all cottage visitors could see him. He was also present at our rush functions and at other .gatherings.

Alfred is a very popular member, and when anyone asks what we think of our "sorority brother," we reply, "We love him."

watched a series of cartoons and short comedies. Shortly afterwards, the group gathered around a huge Christmas tree and listened to Christmas stories. Santa Claus and his helpers arrived, and Santa gave each a special gift and a stocking full of candy. The children were eager to show their appreciation. They entertained us with short poems and recitations and finished by harmonizing on some carols. Refreshments were served of Santa Claus cookies and Christmas punch. The group sat around and watched the children play with their new gifts. Then the children had to return to the home in St. Joseph. Goodbyes were hard to say, but soon they were on their way, escorted by a clan of Alpha Sigmas and TKEs.




- - - ALIVE

THE HARMONY GANG Description: Lively new song. Parody or original words and music.

Locale: Likely to be found locked in head of any Alpha Sigma Alpha active or alumna.

Warning: This elusive character has evaded capture for years. The marshal (national music chairman) vows to shoot on sight anyone w ho ignores order for capture.

' 路

Send any information and/ or bodies to

Mrs. Arthur L. Hellrich National Music Chairman 27 Abbington Terrac_e Glen Rock, New Jersey


Do many individua ls realize how important a place an alumna has in Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority? Perhaps, as you read, you wonder what role can alumnae who live remote from college chapters and campu es have in the sorority world. True, alumnae living mi les away cannot actually help mold the attitudes or ocial culture of the girls presently in the co_llege chapters. The rr:ere knowledge that there IS a system of orgamzed alumnae groups is security for the college chapters. How can and do alumnae assist some college c hapters? These organized a lumnae may assist a college group by making a financial contribution or through an award. Alumnae are called upon every year to recommend desirable individuals as chapter members. Each year at State Days or tri-annually at AlA National Convention, alumnae help to mold policies of the national organization. The same nation-wide philanthropic project is supported by college girls, as well as a lumnae. What is true in Alpha Sigma Alpha is the same in any other NPC sorority. There is always another area where alumnae can organize. Are you a fully initiated member from one of our A~A chapters in these United States? Did you leave school before graduation, or were you granted a degree upon graduation? In either situation, you ARE an alLUnna . . . and we are looking for you and for others like you in your community to form an A~A a lumnae chapter for a bigger, stronger, greater A~A . If you want to give something for the many hours of happiness and fond memories which A~A gave you, then volunteer to assist in forming a new alumnae g roup in your area. A~A Central Office has a lengthy list of towns

and cities in many states from coast to coast where there are five or more initiated Alpha Sigma Alpha members. Is your home town one of these? There are information sheets which the national a lumnae organizer has compiled which she will be happy to mail to any prospective group. These suggestions and a petition for an alumnae chapter charter may be found helpful during the organization period.


Yes, we are looking for you to organize an ALPHA SrGMA ALPHA ALUMNAE CHAPTER in your town.-HILDA GIRAUD HEBERT, National Alumnae Organizer.

Did you ever see a boy who couldn't walk? Did you ever see a boy who found it hard to talk? Did you pity him? I don' t think you should, for he can do things you never dreamed he could. True, you do things he can't, but just remember this. Everyone is equal, and joy and fun are his. H e may have some wisdom money cannot buy. He may have understanding no one can deny. He may have a talent- an ability to laugh, So never think he has a life that's cut in half. RoGER Age 9


• • • • 107 Main Belton, Missouri January 20, 1961 Miss Helen L. Corey 6310 Sherwood Road Philadelphia 51, Pennsylvania Dear Miss Corey: I was thrilled to hear about the Gourmet's Guide and am happy to contribute some of my favorite recipes. I think this is a wonderful way to make us feel that we can in this way be an " active" again. I shall be looking forward to receiving my copy, and I am sure I shall a lways prize it as well as find it very useful. Yours in A~A, HAZEL SLUSHER O'DELL Z eta Z eta Chapt er

WITH the dawn of a nother convention year we are increasingly aware of the need not only' for looking forward but for going forward with Alpha Sigma Alpha. Individually and as a sorority, we can look forward . This is a time of remembrance and reunion. It is a gala time when we shall all gather together a t Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island to discuss Alpha Sigma Alpha and how we can a id more in the intellectual, social, and mora l development of our members. It takes all kinds of struggles in life to m ake strength; it takes fight for principle to make fortitude, and it takes crises to give courage. It takes singleness of purpose to place our highest ideals first in life. Take an inventory so that your chapter will be in excellent condition so that we can work as a united group to ASPIRE, SEEK, and ATTAIN.- MARY EMERSON BLACKSTON E, N ational Vicl' -President.

WHY GO TO COLLEGE AT ALL? For many generations in America young m en and women have been going to college for a great variety of reasons. Perhaps the student feels that he will, in this way, raise his social standing in the community, or h e may look forward to fow路 years of fun and frolic, or where is he likely to find a more suitable mate? All these motives have filled our institutions of higher lea rning, but the day is past when they are adequate. Universities and colleges all over the country are stiffening their entrance requirements and tightening the reins on those who wish to remain in college once they are there. A smaller and smaller percentage of those young people who desire a higher education is being accepted into our colleges tod ay. Competition has never been as keen as it is now. And as far as one can see the future holds only more of the same. Only those who can actually profit by the advanced training are being a llowed to remain in school. The student who has, in the past, been willing to " just get by" must, in the future, look for another place to spend that precious four or five years after his g raduation from high school. To him the gates of college will soon be closed. " Scholarship" implies proficiency in learning. So it would seem that to stay in college at all

students must begin to put scholarship very high on the list of requir ments. The college freshman seldom realizes that th four to ix years immed ia tely after high school will probably repre ent the only such period in h is life- a period in which he may devote the major portion of hi time and efforts in acquiring th at " pearl of great price"-knowledge . This knowledge is not of facts and techniques only, but of learning to evaluate life, to make wise choices, to form judgments a nd to make right decisions. In short it is a preparation for adult life. "Commencement" is just what that word implies. It is a beginning- a time when one commences to apply the learning previou ly acquired . Life consists of a number of things. We work, we play, we meet e>ur obligations, we m ake decisions and choices and for a ll this we can use our college years to prepare ourselves. It is through this knowledge that we open new fields of intellectual adventure. Fraternities and sororities in our co lleges and universities throughout the land are doing a good job of training their m embers in organized living, social amenities, democratic government, happy choices in friendships and the encou ragem ent of high scholarship standards. Their officers are usually able to say with pride that the fraternity and sorority average is above the all student average. In most college Panhellenic constitutions we read, under " Purpose of this Panhellenic" these words, "To further fine intellectual accomplishment and sound scholarship." I hope every Theta Upsilon chapter will keep the above stated purpose in mind and strive toward a high rating for your chapter. Some of our ,c hapters rank very high in scholarship while others have fallen below the average. If yours is a high ranking chapter- keep it that way. If you have fallen below the average bend your efforts this year to reach, not the average, but the top. Grades do not m ean everything and some times do not ignify what they seem to, but they are the technique used by most co lleges and universities to m easure accomplishment. Unti l something better comes along let us respect them and aim at the highest. No chapter, no matter where it is located or what its size, is a weak chapter that stands first in scholarship on its own campu s. " Why Scholarship ?" A striving for scholarship helps us deve lop into the person we want to be. The more we know, the more we sha ll understand and appreciate life with its obligations and rewards and acquire that "Sane and democratic outlook toward the world at large."- ERMA DRUJINA, The Dial of Th rta Upsilon.







May 15, 1961

ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA is preparing a cookbook, Gourmet's Guide, which is of unusual value and content. It will contain 250 or more favorite recipes from women of our sorority. We think our book is the finest that one could want. The cover is red and white. The books are plastic-bound, so they lie open when in use, and the covers may be kept clean with a damp cloth. In addition to the 250 recipes, the book will contain a complete section of specially ~elected, authentic, up-to-date, basic cooking information. We are very pleased with these additional pages of "Kitchen Handbook" material and with the clever "thumb index" for quick reference. There ·a re charts and information on Ways to Use Leftovers, How to Carve, Time Tables for Meat Cookery, Quantity Recipes for 100 People, Suggestions on What to Have for Dinner, Substitute Ingredients, Spice Charts and much more. There's all the basic cooking information one could wish for, collected and bound together with our recipes in one book. The price of the completed book will be $2. If you should like to have a copy reserved for you or additional copies for gifts, please let us know by sending the enclosed order blank. Payment must accompany each order. Forty cents of the commission will be paid to your college or alumnae chapter for each book sold. The remaining profits from sales will be used to further national council projects. Send orders with payments to MRs. HAROLD C . BRowN, 3105 REXFORD DRIVE, SouTH BEND 15, INDIANA. Thank you for your help and cooperation m providing us with your recipes. Join us at ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA CoNVENTION, and pick up your copy of the first edition. If y~u are not present, orders will be mailed out following convention. Yours truly, HELEN L. CoREY and MARIES. BROWN, Committee Chairmen

- - ·- ------------------------------- -- . . _ ------+-:--:A~A

Please reserve .... ............ copies of the



Cookbook, Gourmet's Guide, which is to be released July 5, 1961.

,. I am enclosing my payment of $........... ......... .... .. ($2 per copy) for ........ ... .. ........... copies.

I .

· lu •

Kindly credit the ... ... .... ...... .... .... ..... .. ....... .. ... ... ... ... ... .. .. ...... ..... ..... ... ........ .... ..... .. .... ... ...... , ... .... ..... ... .... .. .. college chapter or :.... ......... ......... .. .. ..... ... ........ .... .............. ..... ... .. ... .. .. ..... ..... .. .... ... ........ ........... ..... .... ... .. .. ..... ,..... .. .. , ....... .... .. ..... .. alumnae chapter with the commission. Chapters may withhold their commission on an order paid for by a chapter treasurer. M~ke check or money order payable to Al:A Cookbook, and send your order to MRs . HAROLD C. BROWN, 3105 REXFORD DRIVE, SouTH BEND 15, INDIANA. The receipt for your order should be mailed


Name .. .. ... .. ..................... ...... .... ....... : ....... .. .. ...... ... .. .. ...... ......... .... .. ...... .. .. ..


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ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA PROUDLY PRESENTS ALPHA ALPHA- Sandra Kightlinger achieved <1 straight A average for the fall quarter, and fourteen members achieved Dean's-List averages. Elsie Rice AA rush chairman, is a counselor, house chairman of a freshman dormitory, and a member of Associated Women Students and the Association for Childhood Education. BETA BETA- Straight A averages were achieved for the fall quarter by Darlene Conover, Annabelle Cliff, Charlotte Dunstan, and Dorothy Haug. Six members were listed in Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges, and Karen Reed and Janet Wenger received bids to Pi Lambda Theta. JoAnn Thompson, a junior, was sophomore-class vice-president, is now junior-class vice-president, and has been a cheerleader for two years. She is a Military Ball Queen Candidate, a member of the Associated Student Activities Committee and is listed in Who's Who . Carolyn Lake, a junior, is president of Spur, a Military Ball Queen Candidate and a member of the Associated Student's Actiyities Committee and Angel Flight. She is also listed in Who's Who. Sharon Widener, the recipient of the Boetcher Scholarship, has many activities. These include Pi Lambda Theta; Spur ; Angel Flight, comptroller ; A. W. S. secretary ; orientation leader and chairman, Military Ball. She received the Outstanding Sophomore Award and Freshman Award from Pi Lambda Theta and is in the Honors Program--4.58 Average. EPSILON EPSILON- Six members attained HonorRoll averages. Kaye Johnson, Jan Blackwalder, Kay Cantrell, and Loretta Ehlers received an A in student teaching. Suzanne Hendrickson and Judy Carpenter were in the Top Ten in their class. PHI PHr- This chapter reports ten members in honor societies or fraternities and ranks first among the four sororities on campus. Marguerite Donaldson Phelps and Marlene Hizer achieved straight A averages, and Barbara Burgess made the Dean's List. Marguerite Phelps has maintained a 2.8 overall grade average (A value, 3.00). She ranked in the top ten in her freshman class and is a member of Pi Kappa Delta, Alpha Psi Omega, and the Debate Team. She holds the office of vice-president in her departmental or.ganization, Drama Club, and has participated in all dramatic productions during the past year and a half. She




was chairman of the Homecoming Variety Show. Her membership in Student Governmental Organizations include Associated Women Students, Student Senate, and Union Board. BETA DELTA-Members rank first on campus scholastically, and pledges rank fourth out of the eight sororities. There are seven members on the Dean's List. Mary Nell Carruth was named to Who's Who, and Ruth Stuart was bid by Alpha Lambda Delta. Marion Anne Bushby, a businesseducation major, was named to the President's List, having made all A's on the fall quarter's work. She is a member of Pi Gamma Pi and Kappa Delta Pi. In addition, she is an officer in B. S. F . and served as state secretary at the State Convention this year. BETA THETA- This chapter ranks first in cumulative average and second in semester average out of eleven sororities on campus. Two members were listed in Who's Who. BETA IoTA-Diana Dodd, Jean Lennon, Frances Keel, and Martha Buchanan were named Outstanding Seniors. Lynn Donovan and Martha Buchanan achieved straight A averages for the quarter, and four members attained Dean's-List averages. BETA KAPPA-Two members were listed in Who's Who in American Univ'ersities and Colleges. Lynn Brohmer achieved a straight A average, and Judy Praul attained a Dean's-List average. BETA Mu-Anna Lou Allen, a senior, has been chosen a class favorite for the last three years, is a "Reddie" cheerleader, was chosen Queen of Stars, Valentine Queen, Reddie Day Queen, was senior maid in the homecoming royalty, is a member of the Student Senate, president of the Association of Women Students, recently elected military sponsor, and is president of Beta Mu Chapter. Also, she was selected for Who's Who and is Sweetheart of Phi Sigma Epsilon Fraternity. Margaret Boschetti, who achieved straight A's this semester, has main tained a very high grade point throughout her college years. She was selected to Who's Who for the second consecutive year, is a Sweetheart of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, a member of Colhecon, Heart and Key, Alpha Chi, and the Student Christian Association. Judy Matthews, a fresh man, has taken part in practically every schoolsponsored activity and has maintained a straight A

average. She wa a wa rd ed a bracelet for her outstanding scholastic achievement at the annual Mother-Daughter Banquet. BETA Nu- Mary Allen and Nancy Lewis achieved straight A averages for the semester. Jo Ann Rodgers was se lected for Alpha Beta Alpha and Carol Van Wingen, Beulah Wooten, and Nancy Lewis were listed in Who's Wh o. Five members achieved D ea n' -List averages.

BETA Pr- Carol Bandy Brown and I zetta Norris attained straigh t A ave rages for this semester. Izetta has been a cheerleader since her freshman year and is head cheerleader this year. She is a member of the Concordian staff and was recently selected to Wh o's Wh o. Five other members were also selected for Wh o's Wh o, and six members achieved Honor-Roll averages.- GAIL DIXoN DICKSON, National Sc holarship Chairman .

A SORORITY SISTER FROM THE NETHERLANDS BY D oRIS E. DIETZ, Beta Eta BETA ETA CHAPTER agam has the honor of having as a member of its c hapter a sister from a foreign land. She is Agnes Cysow of Utrecht, The Netherlands. Agnes was a member of the winter quarter pledge class and was initiated on Febma ry 20. Agnes is twenty-one and has graduated from a teachers college in her country. H er formal education consists of six years of elementary school, three years of high school during which she enrolled in the "classical" r:urricuAGNES CYSOW Jum studying Latin and Greek, and five years of teachers college at which she studied elementary education. For study in the United States, Agnes applied for a scholarship with the Institute of International Education and received her scholarship under the Fu lbright program. Dickinson Sta te College was the school they chose for her to attend. During her stay in the United States, Agnes is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ward C. Johnson of Dickinson. Agnes' father is a lecturer of chemistry at the University of Utrecht ; her mother is a housewife. She has two sisters, both of whom are going to

school. Among her interests a re reciting literature, both prose and poetry ; singing and dancing. Agnes likes classical music and art. The universities in T he Netherland s differ quite extensively from ours in America. They have no general courses, for they are all taken in high school. In the university you take only those courses tha t a re closely related to your major or minor fields. They have no credit system in T he Netherlands ; you simply take the courses you need to graduate regardless of the number of hours or credits. Agnes thinks people here have more time to engage in extra-curricular activities than they do in her homeland. A "wonderful coun try" is the way Agnes describes the United States. She says, " I like the wide open spaces in this p art of the U nited States of America." Particula rly impressive to her is the friendliness of the people. " We are happy to have you'' is one of the p hrases that impresses her the most. As yet, she isn't acc ustomed to food in America. She doesn't like some of our food combinations, such as pancakes with sausage and syrup. She says, " Syrup is OK, but the sausage !" Agnes plans to return to U trecht when school is out this spring. She would like to get a job on radio or television. H er second choice is teaching, but she prefers teaching those children who are mentally or physi路ca lly handicapped .

GIFT TO SPITLER SCHOOL MEMBERS of Alpha Gamma Chapter, for their philanthropic project, made an artificial Christmas tree and favors for the students of Spitler School

for Mentally R etarded in Pittsburgh. The project was completed before the holidays. Pat Dave made the presentation for the chapter.



A~TER m~~ths ~f inquiry and research your corn-

graduate school-to Dean Irving Stout, Graduate College and for Special Education to Dr. Willard Abraham. (2) George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tennessee. Applicants for the scholarship apply to the Special Education Department, George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville 5, Tennessee, c/o Dr. L. J. Lucito. (3)Teachers College, Columbia University, New York 27, New York. Applicants for the scholarship apply to the Department of Special Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York 27, New York, c/o Dr. Maurice H. Fouracre. ( 4) University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. Applicants for the scholarship to apply to the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children, University of Illinois, 1003 West Nevada, Urbana, Illinois, c/o Dr. Samuel A. Kirk. The composite opinion of authorities consulted indicates that training teachers for the mentally retarded is the critical area of need at this time. Most of them further feel the urgency is to train individuals at the graduate level who have demonstrated competency and are most likely to stay in the profession and have proven themselves te be creative teachers. Your committee recommends the above program as an initial effort on behalf of the National Philanthropic Project. However: we believe frequent reevaluation of plans and up-dating the program to keep current with the fast changing national needs is imperative if Alpha Sigma Alpha is to listen critically to the "Sounds of the Sixties."

~ittee mandated by convention action to establish

a , national scholarship program ' in the area of mental retardation, is glad to announce the following scholarships available upon application. Four graq~ate schools strategically located in geographic areas of the nation and well known for their research and special contributions in the fieH of mental retardation have indicated interest in the Alpha Sigma Alpha program. The scholarships are to be established in training teachers for mentally retarded children at the graduate level.. Members of Alpha Sigma Alpha interested in being considered for the scholarships would apply to one of the four schools listed. They would be required to meet the same requirements and standards as other applicants and receive priority consideration by the college or university on ly when they rank equally with other applic:mts. The scholarships are within the $800-$1,000 range and are to be pro-rated by the university in te~s of Summer Sessions, semesters or quarters in a manner to be determined by the particular institution. These colleges or universities have the privilege of choosing the awardee under plans established on their campus and of administering the scholarship funds by their committees and policies, reporting to the National Philanthropic Coinmittee and the National Council the names of the. scholarship winners with the amount of the awards and biographical material about the individuals chosen. 路 Al.A Scholarships are to be offered by: "' ( 1) Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. Applicants for the scholarship apply to the Special Education Department, Mrs. Marge McKemy, Scholarship Office. For requirements to enter

Philanthropic Advisory Committee: MRs. HELEN C. SHIBLER, DR. EMILY L. STOGDILL, and DR. S. JuNE SMITH, Chairman.


- - - --




Chnirman 342-D Higgins Road Park Ridge, Illinois

Please enter Sl&bscriptions ror the following magazines to be mailed as iss ued hy 1hc Puhli ~ hel's to the subscribers indicated below :


' Local Address


Post-office and State











- --


.路 TOTAL $




PUT SPRING IN YOUR LIFE Chapters s e 11 i n g most magazine subscriptions since last convention.


College Chapters Epsilon Epsilon ... .149 , Alrha Alpha ........ .. 149 Phi Phi .. ..... .. ... ...... .. 139

Changing Tim es-6 months $2.00 Popular Gardening- $3 .50 per year. Planned for people who garden as a hobby.

Alumnae Chapters

Th e Bride's Magazine-$2.00--4 issues. The per-

Akron ... .... ............. ........ 72

fect guide to her wedding, trousseau, beauty,

Milwaukee ... .... ......... .. .... 66

honeymoon, and new home.

Los Angeles .... .... .. ............ G5

Field & Stream- 2 years $6.00. Authentic up-tothe-minute information on the out-of-doors.

Harp ers Magazine- 1 year $3.87. America's first national magazine for peop le who want to be informed.

Mrs. A. Howard Hall National Magazine Subscription Chairman 342-D Higgins Road Park Ridge, Illinois 25




KA v KREBSBACH of Gamma Alpha was the recipient of the 1961 Margaret McGuire Award presented by the Omaha Alumnae Chapter. The award which came into being in 1957 was originally given by Margaret McGuire, one of Gamma Alpha's mother patronesses, and is now being continued by Omaha alumnae in her honor. The award is a plain membership badge which is presented to the outKAY RREBSBACH standing pledge at initiation. The recipient of the award is selected for her service to the sorority, her campus activities, scholarship, and pledge points. Kay is a freshman in the College of Arts and Science at Creighton University. She was a candidate for Cotillion Queen and was a finalist in the "Best Dressed Co-ed Contest." Kay is a member of the Pep Club, Bridge Club, and the Women's Recreation Association. She is the newly elected recording secretary of Gamma Alpha Chapter.

MARY ANN LEIGHT of Kappa Kappa was recently presented by Temple University the 1961 Owl Award for outstanding service to the University through athletics. Mary Ann is also the recipient of the Owlette Alumni Award. She is a senior rnajoring in physical education and has been named to the All - American U n i t e d States Hockey team for the second consecutive year. f• She has previously placed on the All-American Re~tiARY ANN LEIGHT serve team. Mary Ann was a member of the United States Women's Field Hockey team which toured Europe in 1959. Besides hockey, she also participates in basketball, lacrosse, swimming, and tennis. Mary Ann has maintained above a 3.0 grade average and in recognition of her outstanding scholastic ability has been chosen a member of Magnet, senior women's honor society. She is a member of Delta Psi Kappa, physical education honorary. Presently, Mary Ann is serving as vicepresident of the All-College Hockey Association, recording secretary of the Women's Athletic Association, and corresponding secretary of the Health, Physical Education and Recreation Society. She served Kappa Kappa as rush captain this year.

EMPORIA ALUMNAE AWARD TO DORIS JEAN DREHLE DoRIS J EAN DREHLE of Epsilon Epsilon was named "Most Honored Senior" by Emporia Alumnae Chapter. The award was presented at the joint Founders' Day meeting of Epsilon Epsilon and the Emporia Alumnae Chapters. The basis of the award is scholarship, service to the ¡c hapter, and campus activities. Doris Jean is a member of Pi Omega Pi, business honorary ; Kappa Delta Pi, education honorary ; and DORIS JEAN . G DREHLE P1 amma Mu, social science honorary. She is a delegate to the Interfaith Council. Doris Jean has served her chapter this year as its chaplain.


AAUW SCHOLARSHIP TO DIANA SCHMIDT DIANA ScHMIDT of Beta Eta, a senior at Dickinson State Teachers College, has been awarded the Catherine Brand Scholarship by the Dickinson Chapter of the American Association of University Women. The AAUW Scholarship is given each year to a junior or senior girl. The scholarship of $90 is divided so that the basic fees are paid each quarter. The criteria for the award are scholarship, leadership, good moral character, and the promise of future success.

Diane is . erving as pre ident of WRA and membership director of Beta Eta Chapter. She is president of Stickney Hall Dormitory and is a member of Newman Club. Diane has served as secretary of Student Council and has been active in all college activities. She is majoring in physical education a nd English and i minoring in Library Science.

BRENDA BRIDGES AWARDED BIOLOGY FELLOWSHIP BRENDA NELL BRIDGES of Psi Psi, a biology major a t Northwestern Louisiana State College, was recently awarded a $369 grant-in-aid and a $500 fellowship for undergraduate research in biology. For the past eighteen months she has worked as a research assistant to Dr. Richard Garth. R ecently, she attended an open house of the Louisiana H eart Association at Tulane and the Louisiana State University Medical BRENDA NELL School with Dr. Garth and BRIDGES a group of other students. Brenda Nell is serving as president of Psi Psi

Chapter. s a pledge she received the Be t Pledge Award. he recently has been elected corresponding secretary of the A ociated Women Students.

PAT LEE'S PLAY WINS FIRST -PLACE AWARD PAT LEE of Beta Lambda, a speech major at Atkansas State Teacher College, received the firstplace award for her p lay, "Good Morning Class," in a contest sponsored by the Arkansas Edu ation Association. She received an award for excellence in debating at the Un iversity of Mississippi Forensic Debate tournament this spring. Pat's play was presented on campus this spring under her direction. Besides writing plays, she has taken part in several pl ays and had the leading role last year in "The Glass Menagerie." This year she had a ro le in "The Women." Pat is president of Alpha Psi Omega, dramatic honorary. She is a member of the Royal Rooters a nd the Student C hristian Association. After grad uation she plans to be a speech therapist.

·---HAVE YOU MARRIED OR MOVED?---. Cut this out and mail to the Officer in Charge of Central OfFice: MRS. CLAYTON A. RICHARD Suite 206, 2852 Delaware Avenue, Kenmore 17, New York Please change my address or name and address on the AlA files as follows: COLLEGE CHAPTER .... .. .. .. .............. DATE OF LEAVING COLLEGE .... .. .... ..... .. .. .... DEGREE .. ... .. ................ . FROM MAIDEN NAME .. ................................... ............... ............... .. ... ................................. .. ....... .. .......... ....... .. .. .... ... .. .. MARRIED NAME ....................................... ... .................................................................... ...................................... (Please obser~e this form: Mrs. John A. Jones)

ADDRESS ....... .................. ...................... .. ...... .... .. .. ....... ....... .. ... ... ........

.... ........... ....... ...................


NAME .. .... ..... .... ..... ........... ... .... ... .... .......... .. .. .... . ..... .... .. .... ... .... ..... ... .... ... ..... ............. ............... .... .......... ......... .. .. .. . (If you are reporting your marriage, give your husband's full name)

ADDRESS ............ ... ............... .... ............. ....................... ...... ··· ···· ········ ····· ····· ............. ........ DATE OF MARRIAGE .................... .. ........ .. ... ............. PLACE OF MARRIAGE .... ... .. .................. ......... . (Month Day Year) ACTIVE IN ..................... .. ..... .. ...................... ALUMNAE CHAPTER, ARE YOU AN OFFICER .................. .. WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN AN ALUMNAE CHAPTER IF ONE WERE FORMED NEAR YOU? YES .. .. ........ ......... . .. ............... NO .. ... ................. .......... .... ... .

REMARKS ... ........... ........ ..... ........ .................................................... DATE RETURNED ... ................................. .. .



IN MEMORIAM ELIZABETH JANE AGNEW Miss ELIZABETH JANE AGNEW TT, former adviser of Tau Tau Chapter and dean emeritus of women at Fort Hays Kansas State College, died February 8 at Presbyterian Manor in Newton where she had been a resident for two years. In 1910 Miss Agnew established the home economics department at the college, and a few years later she became the first dean of women, a position she held until her retirement in 1943. "Zabeth," as she was called by her many friends was a charter member of Tau Tau. It was under her supervision that Tau Tau contributed to Alpha Sigma Alpha the first printing of our creed and demonstrated how effectively it could be mounted as a wall plaque. In 1956 the Kansas State Board of Regents named the new women's dormitory Agnew Hall in her honor. At the homecoming festivities that fall, the a lumnae of Tau Tau presented an oil painting of Miss Agnew to the college. The portrait hangs in the center section of Agnew Hall. Unti l her illness three years ago, Miss Agnew took an active part in •college functions and the activities of Tau Tau and the Hays Alumnae Chapter.


FORMER COUNCILORS RECEIVE RECOGNITION Miss EvELYN G. BELL IIII was recently named assistant coordinator of personnel by the Buffalo, New York, Board of Education. Evelyn began her teaching career in the Buffalo schools, later served as a critic teacher, and became then an assistant principal. In 1952 she was appointed an elementary supervisor. Serving as Alpha Sigma Alpha's national president (1936 to 1941 and 1952 to 1958 ), Evelyn began her devoted work to the sorority as president of Pi Pi Chapter. She later became national registrar, vice-president, and a lumnae director. She participates actively in church and community affairs, American Association of University Women, and the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. She is an accomplished public speaker and has served on speakers' bureaus of various civic groups. Evelyn received her bachelor of science degree from Buffalo State Teachers College and her master of arts degree from Columbia University.


Miss EsTHER BucHER HH was elected secretarytreasurer of the Board of the Better Business Bureau of Kansas City in January. Esther has been a staff member of the Better Business Bureau for a number of years. In addition to the investigative and information activities of her work, she makes frequent talks to civic groups in the Greater Kansas City area on the work of the Bureau. In 1959 after a term as Alpha Sigma Alpha's National Panhellenic Conference Delegate, Esther retired from serving her sorority in national work. During the years she has held the following national offices: fellowship chairman, secretary, vice-president, treasurer, and editor. She is a member of the Women's City Club, Women's Chamber of Commerce, and Altrusa International Service Club. She is presently vicepresident of the Altrusa Club of Kansas City and formerly was secretary of the Women's Chamber of Commerce board of directors.

CONVENTION REGISTRATION BLANK Registration Fee (for each person to be registered) must accompany this blank. Fee and Registration Blank are to be sent by May 15, 1961, to MRS. CLAYTON A. RICHARD Suite No. 206, 2852 Delaware Avenue Kenmore 17, New York Make cheeks payable to Alpha Sigma Alpha. Registration Fee on or about May 15 ............................................................. ......................... .................... ..$20

::::::~::::: ~:: ;:;rd~a~ .. ~.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·.::::::: :::::::::::::·.:·.:::::::·.: :·.::·.: : ::::::::::::·.:::::::::·. :::::::::::::::::: ::::: : :2~ (Non-member guests do not pay registration fee.) Married Name ·· · · · · ··· ··· · · · ···· · ······ · ············· ··· · · ···· · ······ ······;iiii;~· ·;;~;;;~;;;,··~· ·;~;; ··;;;;;;,~j·· ··· ·· ···· · ····· ··· ···· ·· · · ············· ··· ······· · ··· · ·· ···· ··· ·· ·· ··· ······ ·· · ··· ·· ···· Maiden Name .......... ........... Fi~~;-- ...........................................f;ti"d"di~ ····················· · ········· · ········ · ·· ··L~t ........................................................... Home Address · ·· ··· ·· · ···s·;;~~; ··;;~·i; · ·;.;~;;;;;~~ ·· ··· · · ···· · · · ······ ········ · ·c;-;;,· · ...···· ·· · ·· · ·· · · ···········z~~~ ··· ··· ·········· ······ ······ ..s·;;;;l········································ Delegate from ......... ...... ................. ...............................................N;;;;,~ ··· .. ........... . .......... .. ... .. ... . ............... . ..... . ............ Alumnae Chapter Delegate from ........ ................ ....................................................... N;;;;,~· ············· ·············· .. ·············································· College Chapter Visitor from .................. ........................................................... ..... .N;;;;,-.···················· .. ················ .. ····················· ...... ..... Alumnae Chapter Visitor from

······ · · · · ·· ······ · ········· · ··· · · · ··· · ···· ··· ······ · ·· · ········ ·· ·· · ·········· · ··· "N;;;;,~·· ········· ·· ······ · ····· · ·· · · ·· ······ · ··············· ··· ·· · ··· · ··········· ·

College Chapter

Present National Offieer.............................. ...................................... Past National Officer ...... ..... ....... .... ..... ...... ................ .......... .............. . Previous national conventions attended .......................... .. ............ .. ...... ... ...... ... ............................................ ...................... ........................ . Roommate preference .... ................................................................................................................................... .......... ............ .... ········· ···· ········· Chapter in which initiated ...................................................................... .............. .......... ................ ......... Year ............... .... ...................... . Will arrive

········································o;;;;,......................................... ............................................ By

....... ................................................... Mode. of tnne/ (Mfl'/ send later)..


Date ...... .... ........ ... ................................. .... ...... Signed ................. ....... ...... ...... ..... ........ ......................... ............... .. .. .. ...... .......... .. .. .. ... .... .. ........ . Do not till Itt below tills line

Confirmation Sent: ............................. .............. ................................. ..................... ................ ........... .................. ...... .......... ... ........ .......... ... .....

THE REGISTRATION FEE This fee of $20 covers favors, programs, and special events of the convention, as well as rour 15i'o gratuity charge during your stay at the Grand Hotel. This fee does not include specia personal service and does not include the bellman on arrival and departure. CONVENTION REGISTRATION Convention registration blanks will be found in each edition of The Phoenix. Extra blanks will be sent by Helen Corey upon request. Please fill out and send in the two forms at the same time. The registration blank with a check or money order (made out to Alpha Sigma Alpha) is to be sent to Mrs. Clayton A. Richard, Suite No. 206, 2852 Delaware Avenue, Kenmore 17, N.Y. The Registration Fee is $20 per person if sent before May 15; after May 15, the fee is $22 per person. The part time fee is $5 per day per person. Other members of your family do not pay a Registration Fee. Each person Jor husband and wife) use only ONE blank. Do NOT make reservations for others. We do not want uplication.


RESERVATIONS T~e charge, starting with the Officers' Reception at 5:00 P.M. on Wednesday, July 5, 1961, a nd closi~9

w1th breakfast on Sunday, July 9, 1961, is $17.50 per day, per person. In addition there is a 4cy0 Michigan State Tax and a $1.50 charge for transfer of luggage to and from the dock. Non-member~ will have a $7.50 gratuity charge, children in proportion to rate. PLAN YOUR BUDGET Registration Fee .......... .......... .. .................... $20.00 Hotel American plan 3% days ................... .$65.62 4% Michigan State tax ................. ...............$ 2.62 Baggage transportation-dock to hotel and return .............................. ... ............. .. $ 1.50 Gratuity for Non-members ........................ $ 7.50 Bellman tipping, arriving and departing 25c x number of pieces of baggage..... ...


TRANSPORTATION MUSTS Round-trip ferry Mackinaw City to Mackinac Island ... .. .. ........... ............... .... .$ 1.90 Surrey to Grand Hotel and return (2x.60) .. $ 1.20 If traveling by air-arrival at Pellston Airport, Mackinaw City. Bus to and from dock 2 X $2.50 ..... ,................... .........................$ 5.00 You can walk to the dock from either the train or the bus, but your baggage must be driven or wheeled over. Tip again. If driving-parking SOc, 75c, $1.00, or $1.50 per night in Mackinaw City or St. Ignace

HOTEL RESERVATION BLANK No Deposit Required Mail to MISS HELEN L. COREY, 6310 Sherwood Road, Philadelphia 51, Pa., by May 15, 1961 Full Name: Mrs., Miss, ... .......... ..................... ...................... ..... ..................................................... ...................... . Address ......... .. .. .. .. ......................................................... .............................. .. .......... .. ................ ........................... .. Street ond Humber




Undergraduate .................... Alumna .................... Delegate .............. ...... Non-member Guest ................... . College Chapter .......................................................... Graduating Class ....................................................... . Please reserve es follows : (All rates American Plan, room end three meals) .... .... Single room with beth, $18 ........ Double room (twin beds) with bath, 17.50 .. ...... Room for three with beth, $16 All rates plus 4% sales tax (limited number) Rates for children occupying the same room es their parents are as follows:

$ 6 daily plus tax $ 9 daily plus tax $14 daily plus tax

............ Up to, and including, 5 years of age ........ ... . 6 to II years of age ... ......... 12 years end over

Added to your hotel bill is a charge of $1.50 per person for the transfer of luggage from the dock to the hotel and return. Arrival ........ ........ ...................... ............................................................ Departure ..................... ......................... ........................................... . Date

Approdmote time

Node of fta't81

Preference for roommate(s). Give name and address.


Approlllmate time

Node of tnnel

She must make her own reservation•


................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Room Assignment Procedure: Assignments will be in order of receipt of application including payment of registration fee. Some rooms have a more pleasant view. If no roommate is specified, we shall assign one of approximate ege.

Date ... ... ... ... ................... ....................... ..

Signed ............................... ............... .................. ......... ................. .

Do not fill In be/ow tills line

Confirmation Sent: ...................... ........................................... ...............................................................................



G路RAND HOTEL, MACKINAC ISLAND, MICHIGAN JULY S-9, 1961 At the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island a royal welcome awaits you as your surrey drives up to the red-carpeted entrance. The view from the longest porch in the world (880 feet) is breath-taking. Natural beauty is the greatest charm of Mackinac, and the island claims to have the purest air in the world. Urge your husband to join you, and bring the children along, too. They can enjoy the beautiful turquoise pool where bathers sun and swim. The golf course, tennis courts, and other recreational facilities adjoin the hotel. Nine-hole golf course-green fee is $2.25 daily. Putting green is near the pro shop where clubs can be rented or stored. Swimming-bathers may dress in their ro:>ms or in the pool dressing rooms. The fee is 90c per person, including tax. Saddle Horses-Riding stables a short distance from the hotel offer an excellent selection of riding horses at $3.00 an hour. Forty miles of bridle paths meander over the island's nine square miles-no automobiles to frighten horse or rider. Various shops in the hotel and others in the village (a ten-minute walk) will help to make your visit to this island most enjoyable. A wonderful convention program has b een planned for our members and their families. It is a vacation spot you will long remember. To assure the best rooms, get your reservation in early to

MISS HELEN L. COREY 631 0 Sherwood Road Philadelphia 51, Pennsylvania WHO: YOU WHAT: ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA 1961 NATIONAL CONVENTION WHERE: GRAND HOTEL, MACKINAC ISLAND, MICHIGAN WHEN: NOW WHY: .so that you ~ay work and play with those who are gathered and may benefit by the mvaluable wisdom and guidance of those who have worked for so many years for Alpha Sigma Alpha. 32


• •

SPOTLIGHT RENEE MAGINNIS • Renee Maginnis BZ. a senior majoring in home economics, is president of Vermillion senior women's honor society, and is Keeper of the Grades of Lambda Omega. Renee is first vice-president of Women's Student Government. She is a member of Aggie Club, Home Economics Club. and Newman Club. Renee has been named to "Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges." She has served Beta Zeta as president and membership director and was named Outstanding Pledge of her pledge class.

MARY LOU DONOVAN • Mary Lou Donovan ®® was on the Dean's List for her four years at Boston University. She was a member of the Student Council for four years and served as its treasurer her senior year. Mary Lou was editor-in-chief of the B.U. Educator. In 1960 she received the Senior Woman Award and was named to "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges." She was a member of both Torch and Scarlet Key. activities honoraries. Mary Lou is employed this year as a research chemist.

PATRICIA McKAY 0 Patricia McKay rA, a senior majoring in education, is a member of Queens College Student Center planning board and a member of the dance regulations committee. Patti is a member of the Education Club, Newman Club, and A Capella Choir. She is an assistant scout leader. Pat was selected for "Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges." She is the current president of Panhellenic Council. Patti has served Gamma Delta as president. vice-president r recording secretary, and scholarship chairman.

SANDRA COOMES • Sandra Coomes BE. a senior majoring in institutional management, is a member of YWCA. German Club. Sigma Phi Lambda. Canterbury Club, S.E.A .. V.E.W .. and the social committee. The offices Sandy has held have been treasurer of the Granddaughters Club, secretary of the Frances Sale Home Economics Club, and social chairman of Madison College. Her other activities include being Junior Counselor and Junior Marshal. Sandra has been named to "Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges." She has served Beta Epsilon as secretary and vice-president. 33


ELKHART, INDIANA THE first meeting for the organization of the Elkhart Alumnae Chapter was an invitation by the South Bend Chapter to join them on December 3. Through the combined efforts of Marie Scanlan Brown, national fellowship chairman, and Delores Janeczek Watson BK of Elkhart, organization plans were completed by adopting the constitution and by-laws on February 21 and receiving their charter at a banquet meeting in March with South Bend a lumnae as guests. Nine meetings will be held yearly. OFFICERS

President-Dolores Janeczek Watson (Mrs. J. Marshall ) BK Vice-President and Magazine Subscription Chairman- Goldie Johnson Bennett (Mrs. DuWayne) B~ Secretary and Coordinator with the Mentally Retarded Children's Home in Elkhart-Sally Weyler Constantinou (Mrs. Michael ) XX Treasurer-Mary Etta Arnold Cripe (Mr'i. Jack ) XX Editor and Publicity Chairman- Janice Schurr Hassell (Mrs. Charles E. ) XX

GRAND VALLEY, MICHIGAN ON February 13 Jeanne Marie Eyman Black 13® was hostess to the organizational meeting of

the Grand Rapids area a lumnae. The name of the chapter was chosen, officers elected, future meetings planned, and possible philanthropic projects were discussed. M eetings wi ll be held the second Monday of every month and every third month, a Saturday meet.lF.ANNF. BLACK ing is schedu led. This will enable members in bordering communities to attend.


President- Jeanne Marie Eyman Black (Mrs. Raymond L. ) B® Vice-President- Jo Ann Dietz B® Secretary- Marylee Baker Pischner (Mrs. Barry ) B® Treasurer- Mary Helen Pierce Horning (Mrs. Wilfred R. ) B® Editor and Magazine Subscription Chairman-Sally Ann Blackney Calhoun (Mrs. John C. ) B® Pan hellenic Representative- Jean LeN eve BN

MISSISSIPPI GULF COAST ALUMNAE from Bay St. Louis, Pass Christian, Gulfport, Biloxi, and Ocean Springs were invited to attend the organizational meeting of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Alumnae Chapter on March 2 at the home of Elizabeth Langdon Bridges B-6. in Ocean Springs. The order of business included election of officers and appointment of a constitution committee. The chapter will meet on the first Thursday of each month. OFFICERS

President- Regina Buono ' Hines (Mrs. Raymond 0. ) N Vice-President- Nancy Rider Lydick ., (Mrs. Arthur S.) Ar Secretary and Editor-Frances Holifield Andrews (Mrs. Roger W .) B-6. Treasurer-Elizabeth Langdon Bridges (Mrs. John D. ) B-6. Magazine Subscription Chairman- Ruthmary Ragsdale Wright (Mrs. John D .) Bn

NATCHITOCHES, LOUISIANA THE Natchitoches Alumnae Chapter was reorganized at a meeting held Tuesday, December 6, at Psi Psi chapter house on the Northwestern State College campus. Meetings will be held once a quarter on the first Tuesday of the month at the Psi Psi house. Viola Caraway Brewer, national ritual chair-

man, who inspected the college chapter, wa the guest of the alumnae for dinner on March 6 at the home of Rosemary Thomas Easley ww. OFFICERS

President- Wilma Elaine Pittman (Mrs. William ) ww Vice-President--Annette Dordan Rambin (Mrs. Stanley) -Jtw

ecretary- Ethelyn Scroggins MilJar (Mrs. John ) w-It Treasurer- Peggy K err Carr (Mrs. Dan ) ww Editor- Frances Ros Normand (Mrs. R . J., Jr. ) ww Magazine Subscription Chairman- Dorothy Tullos Robertson (Mrs. E. W. ) ww Publicity- Sylvia Ann Ward McLain {Mrs. Charles ) ww

OUR TASK "TO HELP A WANDERING CHILD FIND HER WAY" BY DoROTHY DuRANT, Beta Iota MAK Sw PING, a little Chinese girl, was recently adopted by Beta Iota Chapter of Radford College. She was adopted through the Foster Parent's Plan, an organization that is nationally known. The idea of adopting a child was introduced to the chapter by the 1960 fall pledge class as its project. It was immediately accepted by the entire chapter as a group proj ect. Siu Ping's father first came to Hong Kong in 1937 and worked in a shop sellinf! fire wood. H e had worked in the rice fields of his native village before coming to the colony, and when the Japanese took Hong Kong, he returned to his native village again. He returned to Hong Kong at the close of World War II in 1945. H e had married Siu Ping's mother in their native village, and she remained in their native village with two children. In 1954 after the Communists had taken control of the mainland, the mother and the elder children fled to Hong Kong to join the father. There are five children in the family: four sons, Lap Man, 17 ; You Man, 15; Siu Man, 1; Lup Ki, 3; and the daughter, Siu Ping, 6. The father works in a fire wood shop and is earning what is the equivalent to $26.30 in U. S. dollars 路plus meals. The eldest brother is an apprentice mechanic. He lives where he works and earns in U.S. dollars $1.75 a month which is barely enough to cover his incidental expenses. The second brother works in a factory. He, too, lives away from home but manages to send his family $7 every month. When Siu Ping's family first came to Hong Kong, they lived in a cubicle in a tenement under the most appalling conditions. Recently they had the great good fortune to be selected for a tiny

a partment in a new low-cost housing block. The rent is $9.18 a month. It is a fine place in comparison to the tenement they just vacated, but it is a struggle to pay the rent. The apartment measures 18 x 17 feet. Siu Ping is a shy little girl with a charming face. She is now in the first .grade of Primary School studying Chinese, arithmetic, civics, general knowledge, music, handicraft, and drawing. She is a good student who already wants to be a teacher. "Vithout help, she will be forced to leave school.

Beta Iota is taking much pride and pleasure in trying to help Siu Ping find her way in this world and hopes anyone who reads this article may also like to do her share in " helping a wandering child find his way."



ARCHER CASSADA A Kn1>1>n A lpha Rose

RONITA LISH:O BH 路~2:E S weetheart

BLANCHE ELAM BK Best Dressed Girl


lUYRTLE HARIUO N BI Ap ple Blossom Princess

WINI WEST BIT Snowflake Q,ueen

FRAN KEEL Bl !Uuy Day l'lluid of Honor

PAULINE ZACHERY Cotillion Q,ueen


JOANN OIBONA BK - Winter Princess

R 0 SANNE RIKER r& AAA Sweeth eart

• • • •

COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Longwood College

LoNGWOOD's ALPHA CHAPTER has had a busy winter schedule. January was a big month for last year's -pledges. Sophomore production included many A'l:As. Sherrill Hudlowe, Bobbi Loth, Carol Buckner, Charleen Owen. and Jud y Pharr made their stage debuts in «Lucifer At Lot-a-Loot." The script was written by Longwood students. It included clever dialogue and original songs. Sue Spicer was the "extraordinarily nice, polite, personality-plus" Evelyn Everbroke. Mary Beth Olsen ·p ortrayed the "young and fair and debon air" Lucifer, the bumbling villain. The chapter surprised Sue and Mary Beth with loveily red and white carnations before the performance. The chapter room now boasts a lovely new sofa. Yt has a lovely gold slip cover which brightens the room and adds much needed sitting room. There is also a new chair to go with the sofa. Thanks to Phillip Morris c igarette contest, Alpha Chapter is now the proud possessor of a brand new stereo. We think it was worth all the effort of collecting and then tearing and bundling thousands of empty cigarette packs. Ginny Van D eR eit kindly donated a mirror for the room. With its gold trim it harmonizes beautifully with the decor of the room. The theme for the rush parties was "Alpha Sigma Alpha at Dogpatch." Bobbi Loth and Charleen Owen were in charge of theme favors. Jan e Price and Judy Pollard made Alpha's red octopi. Margie Shumate and Dottie Nelson made the A2:A pennants. Judy Pharr was in charge of purchasing and decorating the A'l:.A mugs. Alice White was in charge of the refreshments. Rush parties are now behind us. Members of Alpha Chapter shed their Dogpatch attire and cast a last lingering look at "Available Jones' General Store," the handiwork of Charlotte Haile, and Jubilation T. Cornpone, a large red nebbish. The record player ceased , and the music of "Lil' Abner" faded into memories. Punch cups were washed and carefully put away. The lights were turned off, windows closed, curtains drawn, and Al-pha's door was closed for the evening. Bids were issued on February 23, and Alpha's doors were opened to receive our new sisters. The College Shop and an evening at the movies topped the evening for both old and new members of Longwood's Alphas. Th new pledge class has elected its officers, and t~ey are already busy planning money-raising projects wh1ch include a rummage sale and peddling do-nuts throughout the dormitories. They are working toward Alpha Sigma Alpha ideals by emphasizing spiritual and educational growth. . . On March 8 Mrs. Waillace Chandler, natwnal constitution chairman carne for a visit. Conferences and parties highlight~d her short stay with us.-MARY BETH OLSEN .

Alpha Alpha Miami University FmsT-SEMESTER's activities were concluded with a . Faculty Tea sponsored by our pledge class. It was an

NEWS LETTERS inspirirtg afternoon and well attended by Miami University's faculty. Soon after we were confronted with final exams. Our constant quiet hours in the suite for studying proved rewarding as our chapter placed fourth in scholarship among th e eighteen sororities on campus. The new semester was ushered in with three weeks of rushing. Our parties were very successful, and pled~ing was celebrated with a dinner at the College Inn . While planning our parties, four of our members formed a quartet for entertainment. The members have decided to make the group a continuing chapter tradition. Help Week, recently renamed Starlight Week , began March 1. Some of the pledges' activities included cleaning the Phi Gamma Delta house, serving dinner to the Alpha D elta Phis, and serving breakfast in bed to their big sisters. The week was climaxed with a party in the suite. The pledge class presented its project. skit, song, paddlt>s, and poems. Activation was held at th e Phi Delta Theta National Headquarters on March 8 and was followed by the Scholarship Banquet in the University Student Center. Joyce Leipold received the Outstanding Pledge Award . and Sandra Kightlinger received the Scholarship Trophy with her four-point average. Our newly elected officers are organizing their committees and planning new activities for the corning year. Some of our spring events will be State Day, a dinnerdance, an d Mother's D ay Week End. Another project will be the redecoration of our sorority suite.-BETSI McKrNLEY.

Alpha Beta Northeast Missouri State Teac hers College FouNDERs' DAY was cellebrated with a dinner at Bonfoey Inn. Both actives and a lumnae enjoyed the meal, the entertainment, and just "being together." Christmas season was here before we knew it. Caroling and a Christmas party with our little friends at the Mentally R etarded School put us in the true Christmas spirit. Our an nua l Sweetheart Dance was held in February. Decorations in red and white made a Valentine Wonderland of the gym, and the girls carri ed home twin hearts with their names and the names of their da tes lettered on them. Favors were mugs with th e Alpha Sigma Alpha crest on them. Seniors, M a rilyn Mayes, Alpha Sweetheart, and Sandy Barnett a nd Marty Cokerharn , attendants, were honored for their contribution to Alpha Beta. We were "tickled pink" when th e sophomore class chose as their candid ate for yearbook queen , Lou Jon es. Alpha Beta joined with other campus Greek organiza tions in promoting the Student Union election . The student body voted at a ratio of 7 to 1 to request the Board of R egents to raise tuition for the purpose of building a Student Union building. Looking ahead into spring, we are making plans for the annual all-school Fun Festival, State Day, and the student body e]ection.-MARTHA THOMPSON .


Alpha Gamma

Beta Beta

Indiana (Pennsylvania) State Teachers College

Colorado State Colle!'(e

ALPHA GAMMA has had quite an active year of sorority life. Our philanthropic project, headed by Pat Dave, was completed before Christmas vacation. We made an artificial Christmas tree and favors for the mentally reta rded children at a Pittsburgh school.

OPEN HousE on January 8 started another busy quarter for the Beta Betas. Rush parties began on January 14. The first party had no theme. a nd the second and third parties had the themes "A~A Ski Lodge" and "Hawaiian." The Beta Betas welcomed their new pledges duringthe preferentia:l tea on J a nuary 22. The mid-year conference for educators gave the school a vacation, and Beta Betas attended many of th e discussion meetings. Saturday night, January 28, was another highlight for Beta Betas as Gail Moody was crowned queen of the Military Ball. Other Beta Beta candidates for Military Ball Queen were Carolyn Lake, JoAnn Thompson, and Linda Cornish. The next day initiation services were held for our fall-quarter pledges. During the early part of February the Beta Betas attended a concert presented by the Greeley Concerts Association. Later in the month, as a group, we attended the 'lecture given by Vance Packard. An all-sorority dinn er, a welcome to the new pledges, during th e beginning of February was only one highlight of our pledges' lives. Other activities included a pledge d a nce given in their honor by the actives, and a pledge tea for all fraternity pledges on campus was given by our pledges. An annual affair for Valentine's which is enjoyed by all Beta Betas is our " Singing Valentines." We serenaded all Greek houses on campus and left each one our traditional box of can dy on Monday evening, February 13. At our last meeting in February we were all inspired by a talk . " How We Behave As W e Do," given by our adviser, Dr. Bea Heimerl. A major activity of a ll Greeks during winter quarter is the annual Greek Follies of which Beta Betas were an active group presenting their version of "Uncle Remus South of the Border" on M arch 4 and 5 . The future holds mu ch work and fun for the Beta Betas including Greek Song Fest, our dinner-dance, spring formal, and the national convention in July. Two Beta Betas will represent our chapter. Ther are our new president, Hazel White. and our past president. Darlene Conover.-KAREN R EED.

Alpha Ganuna.'s Oriental Gardens rush pa.r ty. Second semester started with a week of formal rushing. J anet Dunlap was in charge of all rush activities. Two days before rushing formally began, all sororiti es on campus held an open house in their sorority rooms, and all freshmen girls were invited. We presented a skit portraying the fraternity fellows' choice of the neat Alpha Sig girl. Rush parties began on Monday and lasted until Saturday night. Each day we had a n afternoon popcorn or coke party in the sorority room. Each evening the part~es had a theme and the room, costume, games, decoratiOns, and entertainment centered around the evening's theme. The themes were Hobo Convention Hawaiian Secret Desire, M exican Hat Rock, Orient~! Gardens: and Cave Man. Throughout th e week we a lso h eld parties in some of our sisters' a partments in town. We also took rushees to convocatio ns, vespers, church, and to June~ or dinner in the dining hall or in town. Saturday everung we delivered our invitations for our forma:! rush party. These were small red velvet pillows upon which were a crown and the invitation. These were d elivered individually to each girl's room. The following Tuesday we held our formal rush party at Cla~poo l es R est Home. The th eme, "Coronation by !"'oonhght," found our president, Joy Doverspike, reignmg as queen an d crowning each rush ee as princess with a crown and scepter. The hall was d ecorated with stars hanging from the cei ling and the queen's thron e at the head of the hall. Each rushee was given a red and white turtle, "Al.phie," and the eve ning ended with the Rose Ceremony. February 16 found us at th e Sigma Tau Gamma house for pledging. Ou~ chapter received th e College Scholarship Cup for the_ h_tghest g~ade average of all sororities on campus. Thts IS the th1rd consecutive semester we have received the cup, and it is now in our possession permanently.EILEEN SADLER .


Epsilon Epsilon Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia OuR chapter has a new housemother, Mrs. William Bensing. A tea was given in her honor on November 20. D ecembe r 3 was a day which found the actives helping the Salvation Army coHect money for the underprivileged and the pledges holding a successful food sale. . Our . winter formal, "Silver Bell Ball," was quite tmpressJVe. The next day we went caroling at the hospitals and then returned to the sorority house for the Big-Little Sis party a nd gift exchange. Before leaving for Christmas vacation, each girl made a scrapbook to be given to th e Parsons School for Mentally Reta rded Children. Our first activity of th e new semester was initiation for our fall pledge class. Then it was time for another rush. The theme of our party was "Roman Holiday. " Ancient scrolls of red and white were given as favors. This was another successful rush for our chapter. Singing Bee slowly crept up on us, but we were ready. Unde r th e direction of Betty Lantz, Epsilon Epsilons sang "It's a Grand Night for Singing."

The Miss E-State Contest was March 3. Our candidate was Ann Lawl er who did a Charleston dance for her talent number. Epsilon Epsilons and th eir many ca mpus activities are as follows : J can Billing, Alpha Beta physical education honorary ; Janice Bonewitz, co-cha irman of the Social Science Club 路 Kay Cantrell, president of Panhelleni Council. member of Omega Litera ry Society, and Kappa Delta Pi, education honorary; H elen Dawson , co-chairman of the United Students Party. Doris Drehle, member of Pi Omega Pi, business hon orary, Kappa Delta Pi , edu cation honorary. Pi Gamma Mu, social science honora ry, a nd selected outstanding senior at Founders' Day ; Loretta Ehlers, Kappa D elta Pi , education honorary ; Suzan ne H endri ckson . candidate for Sigma Phi Epsilon Quee n a nd ranks third scholastically in the freshmen class ; Norm a Huston, candidate for Miss Sa nta : K aye Johnson, Xi Phi , lead ership honorary, and candidate for Homecoming Queen. Sha ron Killion , candid a te for Tau Kap pa Epsilon Bowery Queen ; Betty Lantz, recording secretary for Sigma Alpha Iota, music honorary; Anne L awler, candidate for Miss E-State ; Connie Ring Smith. Kappa Mu Epsilon . mathematics honorary ; J eanette Ritter, vice president of Women's R ecreational Association ; Betty Stainbrook , secretary-treasurer of Women' s R ec reation a l Association.-ELL EN MARTI :'/.

Zeta Zeta Central Missouri State College ZETA Z ETA had a successful rush centered a round an Oriental Holiday theme complete with fortun e cookies . incense, and Geisha girls. After welcoming our new pledges, we participated in open ru sh. G reek Week was March 19-25. Our activities began with a Panhellenic Workshop . Other highlights of the week included a song fete , community work day, picnic, da nce. a nd church toge ther in an outdoor theatre. The Rh etor Ba ll brought Ralph Marterie's Orches tra to th e campus on M a rch 9. Two of our members, Barbara Snyd er a nd J ean Th eo ni Ames. were candidates for Rh etor Queen. The big circle on our calendar was for KansasMissouri-Nebraska State Day on April 22 which was It was good to meet with old held on our campus. fri ends again a nd to hear the inspiring talk given by our own beloved Wilma Wilson Sh arp. president emeritus.VtCKI ADAMS .

Eta Eta Kansas State College of Pittsburg O N February 23 we gave our a nnu a l Mr. Bas ketball Trophy, and also the same night our chap ter received the Pep Night Trophy. Eta Etas participated in Pan he llenic Day on F ebruary 25 . Many of our members were in charge of various committees for this very successful Panhellenic Workshop. The president of Panhellenic is our own Donna M cCullough. The same week end we were honored to have as a g路ues t of our chapter, Miss Mary K. R eiff, who is nationa l college editor and also an a lumna of our chapter. Miss R eiff attended the P anhelleni c Workshop with us and was present on Sunday for the initiation ceremony for our fall pledge class a nd our mother-patroness service. Our new patronesses are Mrs. William W eigal, Mrs. G eorge Pogson, an d Mrs. Frances Schmicle. After

the moth er-pa tron ess scrvi e we gave a tea tn honor !Jf our new patronesses a nd Miss R eiff. R ecently we had an a ll-Greek Ba ll on ampus. Our chapter was in charge of th e entertainment. The theme of the da nce was "Ship- W reck," and everyone was decked out in cos tum e. On March 2 we were honored to have with us an Eta Eta a lumna, M a ry H arpole Evans-Lombe, who was the first Kanza Queen. Mrs . Evans-Lombe an nounced the fin a list for Kan za Q ueen at the Apple Day Convocation. One of the finalists is D elores P roffitt . Last fall an agreement was made between th e actives and pledges that whi chever group made the lowest gradepoint average would entertain the other group. On March 4 the fa ll pledge class entertained th e actives at a slumber party. The Eta Etas were in charge of the Easter Convocation which ha d as its theme, "The Life of C hrist." Portrayed in music, da nce. and narration , th e program featured such works as "Ave Maria," " What Child is This," " Were You There," "Christ The Lord I s Risen Today," a nd " Seven-Fold Amen." Selec tions were chosen to coincide with each phase of the life of Christ. Marjorie Pease Sharp, one of our Pittsburg a lumnae, he lped us in preparing the choral numbers. Many of our girls have been receiving awa rds and honors on cam pus and in the sorority. They a re Kay Wimmer and Trudy Kite, who received the Bucher Scholarship Awards for upper-classwomen: J ean Rodgers a nd Sha ron Katzman, who received th e R eiff Scholarship Awards for pledges. These award s, which are presented by Miss Esther Bucher and M iss Mary K. R eiff, are given in recognition of outstanding scholarship. Sharon Chapman and Donna McCullough were mttia ted into Golden Crest. an honor society for senior wom en who have d emonstrated scholas tic abi lity, desirab le leadership , a nd service in college. Both Sharon and Donna were listed in Who's Who Among Students in American Uni versities and Colleges. Marcia R owe was a member of the team which won the junior debate division champ ionsh ip trophy at th e Un iversity of Nebraska's for ensi c tournament. -KARI N SHEARB URI\ .

Theta Theta Boston University SI NCE form a l ru shing at Boston Un iversity commenced , our cha pter has been humming with activity including th e pla nning of parties. During the first wee k parties cou ld not have themes. The parties of th e seco nd week featured " Bea tnik" th emes. E veryone thoroughly enjoyed themselves in the inform a lity of th is atmosph ere. Each of th e girls ex hibited one ta lent. One notab le du osome, J acki Stubenvoll and Mary Ann Magiera, while seated cross-legged on th e floor. recited rather dubious " bea t" poetic phrases by the light. of a candl e as the rest of us rocked with laughter. Tru ly, the most talented performance of th e last part~ was a n enchanting modern dance executed by Tom Fletc her- compl ete with lighted cigarette and long black gloves. Theta Theta celebrated th e closing of rush with a form a l party featuring A~A's Southern tradition in a burst of :;lory.-JA i': ET HoLLY.

Kappa Kappa Temple University SPRI c semester has a lread y brought many honors


to Kappa Kappa Chapter. For the second consecutive year, Mary Ann Leight has been elected to t~e All-American United States Hockey Team, and T!Z Martin has placed on the All-American Reserve Team. Mary Ann was also chosen to receive the Owl~tte Award given by the Alumni Association. for out.sta_ndmg service to the university through athletics. Th1s IS the fourth consecutive year that an Alpha Sigma has received this award. Tiz Martin was elected president of the Women's Athletic Association. Esther Levine, Peggy Estes, Loretta Schebera and Cindy Neal are members of the W .A.A. executiv: board holding the offices of vice-president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, and publicity chairm an, respectively. Kappa Kappa is also proud of Evie Barrick who wa~ crowned Interfraternity Queen and Sweetheart of Ph1 Kappa Theta at the annual IF Ball. BiHie Wolfe was named recently "Miss Majorette of Pennsylvania" and baton twirler, Marith Potter, was given the title, "Miss Diamond Band ," at this year's Homecoming festivities. Kappa Kappa is currently busy preparing its booth for Carnival Week End. This year's theme, "New Frontiers" will feature four Kappa Kappa girls attired in wedding gowns representing different periods in bridal fashions against a stained-glass backdrop. The caption on the booth is "Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New." Greek Week End preparations have also begun. This year Kappa Kappa will sing "While We're Young!' and "The Alpha Sigma Alpha Sweetheart Song." Plans are being ·c ompleted for our annual Spring semiformal. This year the dance will be held in the Flag Room of the Sheraton Hotel. Kappa Kappas are also looking forward to being entertained at a party given for us by the Court Club of Princeton University. On March '6 the pledges entertained us with a program· of skits, songs, and a humorous portrayal of pledge day incidents written by Karen Thorsen and Billie Wolfe. The Bux-Mont Alumnae Chapter invited us to a hat sale on March 9.-CARMELLA PoLISANO.

Nu Nu Drexel Institute of Technology Nu Nu Chapter has the honor this year of being in charge of the programs for Pennsylvania State Day. Last year we enjoyed the work and the time that went into the successful meeting, and again we are looking forward to State Day. Eileen Matthews, a June 1960 Home Economics graduate, was awarded a partial scholarship by the Maryland Dietetics Association to be applied toward her one-year graduate dietetic internship at Oklahoma State University. Mary Rothrook is a recent pledge of Alpha Psi Omega, dramatic honorary. This year the Pennsylvania Home Economics Association, which is an affiliate of the American Home Economics Association , held its workshop at Drexel Institute of Technology. All of the Pennsylvania College Clubs sent representatives to this workshop. Nu Nu's Rosemary O ' Brien, president of Drexel's Home Economics Olub, presided at the meetings of the workshop. Jane Lindig and Loretta Matikiewiz were selected members of the Drexel Varsity Singers, a musical organization that has taken tours to distant cities and has toured Europe in 195 7 and 1960 and is now planning its European tour for 1963.


Marjorie Fletcher and Mary Anne Smith attended the Pennsylvania Home Economics Association College Clubs Leadership Conference held at Penn State. Every year we try to have some type of entertainment for a group of orphans. We have found that a time not connected with -a .holiday is the best. On .February 19 we entertained twenty teen-age orphans. We were glad for the assistance given to us by Delta Kappa Rho Fraternity in helping with the entertainment. Everyone had a good time, and we had a difficult time getting the children to leave so they would not miss their dinner. The actives gave their customary spaghetti dinner for • the new pledges. Then on April 14 we held our overnight-initiation at Drexel Lodge. The pledges entertained and served the members .-MADELYN HoAR.

Rho Rho Marshall University RHO RHo is no longer a chapter on the campus of Marshall College, but we proudly announce that we are a sisterhood on the campus of Marshall University. We became Marshall U on March 2 when the state senate passed our bill. We celebrated the change of the school's name along with our second-semester pledge class by having a slumber party in honor of both. Shimmering snowflakes and pine cones set the mood forour annual "Winter Wonderland" formal. We appropriately presented our dates with warm woolly sweaters as favors. On March 26 we initiated our fall pledge class. Sara. Lipscomb and Bobi Louden tied for · the scholarship· award; Pat Sullivan received the leadership award; and· Sara Lipscomb was named the model pledge. Peggy .Bentley was a finalist in the competition for· Miss Chief Justice, yearbook queen. She has been asked to serve on the planning committee for Marshall's SpringCarnival and was a candidate for Blue Mountain Girl at Sigma Phi Epsilon's Blue Mountain· Blast. As Greek Week approaches, &ho Rho is well represenJted on the planning committees for various events of the· week. Jackie Long, Susan Moore, and Martha Vamos head several committees which. are now preparing for the occasion. Rho Rhos are looking forward to a gala week of picnics, exchange dinners, and fireside chats which we hope wilL strengthen the friendships and idea:la. among our Greek brothers and sisters on our campus. - MARIA MGAN.

Sigma Sigma Western State College ON November 7 we took the pledges to breakfast. It was a fun-for-all event, and everyone had fun. · Founders' Day found the Greeley Alumnae meeting with us and having dinner in the cafeteria. It was the first time that our pledges had had an opportunity to meet our a:lumnae. After dinner, we held a joint meeting and also took pictures. During four days in December, the alumnae held a series of afternoon teas for our chapter. This gave us an opportunity for the actives and pledges to become better acquainted with the alumnae. Our Christmas party was a pot-luck supper held at the home of Mrs. Maxine Hatchers, one of our alumnae, who is serving as our adviser during the absence of Mrs. _ Lorena Hamricks. After the supper the actives were entertained with a Christmas skit put. on by the pledges, which was followed . by a gift exchange. The week after returning from Christmas vacation, alb

versities and Colleges. New initiates of Kappa D elta Pi educational honorary, are Th lma erd es, Martha Gray: and Marlene Hizer.- CICILY SPICER.

Chi Chi Ball State Teachers College " To OuR Wo NDE RFUL SISTERs" was th e message written on th e huge layer cake that th e pledges ca rri ed into the suite shortl y after they pledged. The surprised ac tives listened happi ly while the pledges sang "Getting to Know You," and everyo ne enjoyed punch, cake, and fellowship.

Sigma Sigmas and Greeley Ahunnae at their joint meeting for Founders' Day. the sororities on campus gave a tea in honor of Mrs. Grant V enn, th e wife of the new college president. Sigma Sigma was in charge of the entertainment. Janua ry 12 was open house in the Student Union, and each organization took part a nd set up a booth . Open rush add ed new pledges to our pledge chapter. The pledges took their meeting sneak in F eb ruary, and they did a good job, for it took us over two hours to find them. F ebruary 15 was "goat day" which started with the pledges taking the ac tives to breakfast. Holly Harrington was elec ted Theta Chi sweetheart of the w eek . . At pres:ent Sigma Sigm a is busy getting ready for Greek Ball. The them e is " persphon e," and we are in c harge of the publicity and ticket sales. Our philanthropic proj ect has been completed for this year. Stuffed animals, scrapbooks, pillows, and aprons were mad e with the help of our alumnae for the Children's Home in Grand Junction. Barbara . Gloven was a n attendant at th e Winter Carnival formal. Barb is also on th e Women's Ski Team. JANE McCAFFREE .

Phi Phi Northwest Missouri State College RusH ACTIVITIES began the second semester for Phi Phi members. The rushees were entertained with a take off on the program, ''To Tell The Truth," with a new version, "To LeaTn to ''Lie." Three m e'm bers claiming to be "Miss Typical A2:A " were presented with an affidavit highlighting the past honors and events of th e chapter. "Miss Talented A2:A" performed for the rushees. Introductions of all rushees were read. The theme was carried out in television路 invitations, prizes of Alpha cups, and refreshments. 路 " Sweetheart R endezvous" was the th eme of our annual Sweetheart Dance. The walls and ceiling of th e Union were covered with streamers of blush pink, Siamese pink, and American beauty with large doubl e hearts carrying the names of the couples. The pledges gave th e en tertainment which portrayed swee thearts of the different countri es. Judy Slusher was c?owned Sweetheart Queen b y Mr. J. W. Jones, president of Northwest Missouri State. Barbara Burgess was presented as Phi Phi's ca ndid ate for the Elizabeth Bird Sma ll Award, and Peggy Humphreys, a s th e candidate for the Frost Fidelity Awa rd . Marg ie Scholtz received the Perfect Pledge A ward . Thelma Gerdes was nam ed attendant to the Tower Queen. Barbara Burgess and Evelyn Robinson were selected to Who's Who Among Studen ts in A merican Un i-

P 路a rt of Chi Chi's pledge dass presenting a rake to the actives .as a gesture to get a cquainte d. The actives were able to show their apprecia tion to the pledges at the annual pledge dan ce by presenting to them small jewel boxes with th e letters A~A in go ld on the top. "Starlight Spect rum" was the theme of the dance which was held in the ballroom of the Hotel Roberts. Judy Kank e and Peggy Rollings were co-cha irmen of the dance. Chi Chi has received many honors this year a nd has recently added two more first-place trophies to its growing collec tion. The Alpha Sig Squirts carried home one of these trophies after they won the intramural basketball championship. The cheer of victory had h ardly subsided when it was renewed as Pa t Skorupa, social director, accepted another first-place trophy for Chi Chi's skit in the campus variety show. The skit, "Vagabond Ventures," portrayed four bums recalling their past positions in life. As part of our philanthropic program this year we addressed and stuffed severa l thousand envelopes which were sen t throughout the County for the D elaware Society"ior the Crippled. One year's subscription to THE PHOENIX was presented to th e graduating seniors at the banquet given in their honor by the Muncie and And erson Alumnae ChaJltei:S. Chi Chis will be filling eight of the twenty positions available for student staff in th e wom en's residence halls next year. The g irls selected are Suzie Waltz, Nancy McCarron, Barbara Victor, Pat Clock, Roberta Paul, Luanne Schooley, Becky Will iams, and Judy H ellinga. Several other girls have a lso received honors this spring. Judy Kanke and J anet Petry were selected to appear in Who' s Who in American Universities and Colleges. Janet has also recently been initiated into Pi Gamma Mu, socia l science honorary. Gretchen Kru ghoff


is a member of Alpha Phi Gamma, journalism honorary. Ann Webster and Deanna Scott Himelick are new initiates of Sigma Tau Delta, English honorary. Several dates are being set aside on our calendar for coming events. The most unique of these events is a trade week end being planned with Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity at Purdue University. Everyone is making plans to travel to South Bend for State Day. Following State Day will be the annual Ball StatP Spring Sing. Chi Chi is presently busy rehearsing "Tea for Two" in preparation for this activity. The annu a l dinner dance is one of the hi·~hli ghts each spring and will be the climax of a wonderful year for a ll and a memorable end of college days for each senior. - DEA:\'NA ScoTT HIMELICK.

Psi Psi Northwestern State College THE Psi Psis were very happy to have Mrs. J. H. Brewer, national ritual chairman, as their guest and inspecting officer. Since she is an alumnae of our chapter, we enjoyed her visit even more. We hope she enjoyed h er visit with us as much as we did. This semester we have had several money-making projects which included a car wash, candy sale, and a Valentine sale. On Valentine's Day we set up a booth where we sold V alentines. We also delivered the Valentines to the various dormitori es. It was so succt>ssful that we have decided to make it an annua l affair. Our latest project is selling subscriptions to th e Na t chitoches Enterprise, a local newspaper. Our president, Brenda Bridges, was recently elected corresponding secretary of the Association Women Students. Our spring formal was held on April 29 in the Student Center. We presented our Man-of-the-Year Award to Frank Conner, a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. This award is given to the one who does th e most to help us with our projects during the school year. At Easter we took food an d Easter baskets to a needy family. - BETTY Lo u jACOBS.

Beta Gamma Northeastern State College SECOND-SEMESTER RUSH was very SUCCessful for the Beta Gammas. We chose "Circus of Alpha Sigma Alpha" as our theme, and it was enjoyed by all. There were five rings, each having a representative from the circus. Clowns were numerous, and many of the Beta Gammas dressed as little girls and boys and went as spectators. Gaylene Law is a candidate for Freshman Queen. Janet Pugh, Pat Crawford, and Jo Ann Kinney are candidates for queen of the Tsa La Gi, our yearbook. Patricia Roberts was chosen as the best pledge of the first semester. Plans are being completed for our spring formal. A Pacific Isles theme was chosen, and we shall have as table decorations leis from Hawaii.- CAROLYN THOM PSON.

Beta Delta Mississippi Southern College MISSISSIPPI ALPHA SIGMAS held their second State Day on February 18 at the Holiday Inn in Hattiesburg. Beta Delta's hopes were dampened by the flood which lingered around the city and completely isolated it from the surrounding areas. This State Day was to be a join t meeting celebrated by the Mississippi and Louisiana chapters. but the Louisiana chapters were unable to attend due to thP hi gh water. The flood also prevented Mrs. W. Lawson Blackstone. national vice-president, from being present. State Day activ ities began with registration in the ColleP,"e Union Buildin~ on the campus of Mississippi Southern. Tht> luncheon was held a.t noon at the Holiday Inn. During this time the welcome was given bv Mrs. Penny Currie B.!l and the invocation, by Mrs. Homer Peden. The Rose Marie Shop presented a fashion show using Alpha Sigmas a.s models. After this. Mrs. Sidney Allen gave a brief talk. This concluded the luncheon. and from there the Beta Deltas proceeded to the Parkwav HeiP·hts M,.thodist Church where initiation was held. On March 5 Beta Deltas held their annual ParentDaughter Banquet. Mary Nell 'Carruth , chapter president, opened the meeting as everyone stood to s;ng "Grace Before Meat" fo.r the invocation. Alpha Sigmas introduced their parents, after which Mrs. Sidney Allen , chapter adviser, recognized th e graduating seniors. Pattye Sue Walley, membership director, reviewed the honors awarded to Beta Deltas during the year, and Vera Phelps. chaptt>r vi ce-president. reviewed the highlights of the year. Marion Ann Busby. parliamentarian. gave a "Tribute to Our Parents.'' after which the new officers were announ ced by Mary Nell Carruth. outgoing president. After being presented a bouquet of roses, Elizabeth Seamen. incoming presidPnt, gave the farewelL- DoNNA LF.VF.Rln'T.

Beta Epsilon

Beta Ga.nunas in oostume for their Ch·cus ntsh party visit with rushees. Seated from left to right: Bonnie Batterson, Delol'is Gonza.l is, Ura Lee Moore, Sandt•a Agurie, Marlvin Purviance. Standing: Patl'icia Roberts.


Madison College D URINr. the holiday sf'ason on D ecember 12, th e fall pledge class presented us with a very enjoyable and clever Christmas party. On the fifte enth these pledges became our proud new initiates. On January 31 it was our pleasure to initiate our new adviser, Mrs. Elizabeth Harnsburger, into Beta Epsilon. We are very proud of the six Beta Epsilons who made the Dean's List last semester. Pat Davis and Sandv Coomes have been named to Who's Who in America~

Univenities and Colleges. March 4-5 was the week end of the combined GermanCotillion sponsored jazz co ncert and formal dan ce on Madison's campus. Six Beta Epsilons who arc officers in the two clubs took part in the lovely figure a t the form a l dance on Saturday nig ht. Other honors which have come to mem bers of Beta Epsilon include the election of Carolyn Ryburn as president of K~ppa Delta Pi, education honorary ; th e tapping of _Kathcnn e Nagle for membership in Pi Omega Pi, busmess honorary ; th e tapping of Pat Davis and J eanie Armstrong for senior princesses in the May Court and Marallyn Gard, Ida D eluca, and H elen Davis for senior attendants. Betty Harrington was elected R eco rder of Points and Bonnie Greene was elec ted secretary of YWCA.-Juov FosTER and CHARLOTTE SMITH.

a nd her escort, carri d out the theme with the song o{ th e same name. ancy and her escort wcr named "Cu pid's Couple."

Beta Zeta University of &>uthwestcrn Louisiana "Busv AS BEAVERs " is th only desc ription that can describe the Beta Zetas. The Interfraternity Council held its Mardi Gras Ball the second wee k of th e semester. W e competed for th e trophy for decorations, and Ren ee Maginnis was our candidate for Queen of the Ball. The annual Camellia Pageant was held th e same wee k. Yvonne Ardoin was a m a id in th e pageant. February 16-23 were th e d ates of open rush. Mrs. W . Lawson Blackston e, national vice-president. was our guest and national inspecting officer from February 21-23. We enjoyed her visit and profited greatly from it. Our spring formal was April 18. We shall climax our year with a sunrise breakfast hono ring our graduatin ~< semors. Judy Chatelain is State President of the Louisiana College Clubs Section of Louisiana Home Economics Association.-HARRIET F LEMI •c.

Beta Eta Dickinson State Teachers Collcl{c ON December 19 was Be ta Eta's annual Christmas party, which was held in Mocassin Flat with Miss L eila Woods, chapter a dviser, as hostess. A display of Christmas cards received by the chapter and a gaily decorated tree enhanced the Christmas spirit. The chapter presented several choral arrangements for our honored guests, Mrs. 0 . A. D eLong, wife of the president of our college; Mrs. Ruth Murphy, Miss Lorraine Schumacher, and Mrs. Eve Weinbergen, Beta Eta patron esses. The occasion also marked the first anniversary of Mrs. Schumacher and Mrs. Weinbergen as our patronesses. Beta Eta's fa.ll pledge class showed typical A2:A spirit throughout its pledge-training period. Mary Pat Weber, pledge president, led the group in a n A2:A song fest presented to the actives after a work night on our philanthropic project. Red ftannel nightgowns and nightcaps were given to the big sisters as gifts after initiation. Our annual Valentine formal was th e highlight of winter quarter. "Wonderland by Night" was th e formal theme. This was carried out with emphasis on the abstract. Blue and green color schemes contrasted with silver and white were used. A fountain which res embled an out-door spring, highlighted by a revolving colored light. was the focal point of the decorations. The grand march, led by our chapter president, Nan cy Van Mill

The ''\\' onl.ler·land'' fou,•tuin nt Retn Et:a';; Val e ntine Formal.

On April 15 we presented a spring-summer styl e show. Fashion shops in th e area cooperated with us to present the show. Our winter pledge class dyed old shirts which they made into smocks or aprons for the crippled children at J ames town Hospital. Beta Etas sold sandwiches and coffee to the girls in the dormitories during final week as a money-raising project during win ter quarter. Shirlee Christensen, Hollace Paulsen, Diana Schm idt, a nd Marilyn Tietz were named to Who's Who Among Students in America n Universities and Colleges. Bonita Lisko was chosen Phi Sigma Pi Swee th ea rt at the Phi Sigma formal. Bonnie was crowned swee th eart at th eir annual formal dance. Beta Eta is pleased to announce that it will have a suite in Klinefelter Hall next year. This is a new ex r erience for us an d , we hope, a step toward obtaining o ur goal, a sorority home.- DORIS DIETZ.

Beta Theta Central Michigan University THIS spring much work has gone into our rush season, and we have been rewarded with a fin e pledge class. We have started to work on Greek Week. Beta Thetas will enter th e swim meet, tri cycle race, and bowling tournament. Rehea rsals for Interfraternity-Panhellenic Sing which closes our Greek Wee k are underway. We are singing " I Wish I Was" and " Blue Moon." As a part of our philanthropic project a Valentine party was given at the Home and Training School. A grooming kit was presented to each girl stud ent. In a ddition to this a group of our members go out to the Home every week to entertain th ese mentally retarded g- irls. Because we are anxiously awaiting our a nnua l house party at Chimney Corners. we are planning to have a warming-up party wh ere we' ll play games, listen to records, eat and have a general good time with our sisters. We have parties scheduled with Tau Kappa Epsilon a nd T au Alpha Upsi lon .


Besides having parties every two weeks, we dress in our red skirts and white A2:A monogrammed blouses and eat dinner together in one of the dorms. We have had many "Candlelights" this year which add to the fun and' fellowship of Beta Theta.-JoANN Evov.

Beta Iota Radford College THE members of Beta Iota have recently become mothers, through the Foster Parents' Plan, of a six-yearold Chinese girl, Mak Sui Ping. One of the major highlights of our past quarter was our participation in the college intramural basketball tournam ent. Our team was in competition with both sorority and non-Greek teams. Thus far the team has been very successful.

Several Beta. Iota Inembers cheering their team on at a recent intramtu•al basketball game. We shared St. Patrick' s Day with the children at the Roanoke Training School for Mentally Retarded. Attached to personalized shamrocks was a variety of lollipops for the children. Elections on our campus again placed A2:A in positions of leadership. Liz King is serving as president of Honor Council. Anne Bryant was elected president of Student Government with Jane King serving as first vice-president. Judy Mayo was elected to the presidency of YWCA. Recently Myrtle Harmon was selected to represent Radford College as Apple Blossom Princess, and Fran K eel was named Maid of Honor for our annual May Day celebration. Beta Iota also received the honor of having seven of the fifteen girls selected for Outstanding Seniors. Betsy Sanders was named to Who's Who Among Students in American Univ~rsities and Colleges. We are now looking forward to a fun-filled week end at our annual Cabin party to be held at Claytor Lake. - DoT DuRANT.

Beta Kappa Western Illinois University WINTER QUARTER found the Beta Kappas once more in the spotlight on W.I.U. campus. We started the quarter with a bang by sponsoring a registration dance with Kappa Sigma Kappa Fraternity. Then came exchange and caroling parties before Christmas. Highlighting the holiday season was a party given by the pledges for the actives. Judy Slifer spent her Christmas vacation "South of


the Border." ~he was among those chosen by a W.I.U. geography professor for a trip to Mexico. Jane Harden, Nancy Minnaert, and Jud~ Praul w~re initiated as members of Kappa Delta P1, education honorary. Pat Graham is a new member of Sigma Tau Delta, English honorary. All-university elections didn't slight the Beta Kappas either. Fran Chuey was selected both Campus Personality and Campus Leader. Barb Overstreet was elected Senior Senator to Student Government, and Blanche Elam was named secretary-treasurer of the junior class. Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges claimed Fran Chuey and Nancy Minnaert. Plans for the Winter Carnival Booth were engineered by Barb Overstreet and Sandy Haring. It proved to be very successful and loads of fun for those participating. Off-campus activities found the girls represented, too, as Marilyn Prather and her escort attended Governor Kerner's Inaugural Ball in Springfield. A third-place trophy was taken by the girls in the intramural swim meet. Tthe 1961 Western's Best Dressed Girl title was captured by Blanche Elam. Blanche was the second Alpha Sigma to be chosen for the title in the four years the contest has been sponsored. The musical, "Guys and Dolls," was presented this year, and Jane Harden gave a beautiful performance as Sarah Brown. Other Beta Kappas in the cast were Sharon Butcher and Madeline Gula. The quarter was climaxed by the crowning of JoAnn DiBona as W.I.U.'s first Winter Princess. Now the girls, headed by committee chairman, Jan Smith, are busily completing plans for State Day which will be held in Macomb April 22.- PAT GRAHAM.

Beta Lambda Arkansas State Teachers College ANo then it came to rushing time- and we started off with a bang at our "Indian Pow Wow." The Beta Lambda braves escorted the captive rushees to an Indian reservation at the Legion Hut, where they were entranced by the witch doctor, Terry Asher, who brought forth all sorts of entertainment. Our formal party, "Alpha Sigma ALpha's Olympus," carried the rushees into a night of myth and romance. Bids went out February 18, and we were especially thrilled that we filled our quota with twenty-one of the greatest pledges on campus. National inspection was held February 19-21, and we were happy to have visiting us Mrs. Joe H. Brewer, national ritual chairman . Activities for the week end began with a tea given Sunday night by Miss Christine Clavert, one of our advisers. Other activities included conferences with officers, faculty members, and pledges and ended with a dinner Monday night. •Beta Lambda girls have had quite an active part on campus this year. One-fourth of the cast for the play, "The Women," included Alpha Sigmas. Among the Royal Rooter members are Georgia Wallis Beazley, Rita Lynn Taylor, and Pat Lee. Pat Lee is president of Alpha Psi Omega, dramatic honorary, and Lee Ann Ashcraft and Rita Lynn Taylor have been accepted as pledges. Of the three ASTC Sweetheart candidates, two of them are Alpha Sigmas, Georgia Beazley and Rita Lynn Taylor. The Art Club recently elected Sandra Whisnant vice-president and Dianne Hood secretary. - BARBARA WEST.

Beta Mu

Beta P i

H end erson State Teachers College

Concord College

BETA Mu CHAPTER held its initiation week end February 17. Other activities during the week end were a mother-daughter banquet a nd a tea at the home of Mrs. ~letcher McElhanon, one of our patronesses. National ritual chairman, M rs. Joe H . Brewer, visited Beta Mu Feb~uary 24-26. There wa s a tea given in her h?nor on . Fnday? and ali wom en on campus were inVIted. Fnday mght a pa rty was g iven for the new members by th e old m embers. The th eme of the party wa s "'~his Is Your Life Al:A N ew M ember," and embarrassmg mom ents and baby pictures brought out the past of the new members. Beta Mu is now m aking plans for their spring weekend party to be held May 12- 14 in Hot Springs at P eter's Point Lodge. Sarah Shugart has been elec ted to represent Beta Mu at the national convention in July.-CAROLYN LovE .

TH E _m usic stoppe~, the d ancers stood still, and everyone watted. Then 1t was announced. Wini West was Snow Flake Queen . Reigning over th e Christmas formal Wi~i was. the pride and joy of eve ry Alpha Sigma: Bes1des bemg Snow Flake Q ueen, Wini is vice-president of Women's Hall Counci l and sorority membership director. During . the Christmas season th e Alpha Sigmas, a c~ompan~ e d _ by th e Sig Taus, went caroling. After they fimshed smgmg, th ey went to Mrs. H a rry Finkelman's home for a pa rty. The cha pter presented its advisers with brass candle sticks as Christmas gifts. We rocked it up with ou r brother fra ternity and other guests at th e a nnu a l Twin T wirl. The coupl es d a nced to the music of a dance ba nd surrounded by very impressive d ecora tions. lzctta Norris, Janice Ford, T eresa H a lsey, Ella Mae Hudson, and E ve lyn Wiley were on th e D ea n' s List for first semester. The them e of our rush pa rty was "AIA Dreamla nd." The d ecorations included baby crepe pa per, a dreamy mountain scene, a scene in which lambs were jumping over the fence, silhouettes, pi llows with blue pillow slips, and stuffed anima ls. The favors were red and white striped nightgowns and ma tching stuffed dogs. The menu included club sandwi ches, potato chi ps, a nd cokes. A spaghetti dinn er was held for our new pledges on F ebruary 25. Immedia tely foJlowing the dinne r, we held th e pledge ceremony. Janice Ford is our d elega te to na tional convention, a nd Linda Dorton is the alterna te delegate. We have three candidates for Miss Pin e Tree. They a re Georgann BaJlard sponsored by Beta P i, Betty Gale Hamrick by Sigma T a u G amma, and Ella M ae Hudson by the H om e Economics C lub.- MARY ALICE EPLING.

Beta Nu Mur ray State College AT the end of pledgeship for th e faJI pledge class, we held a form a l d a nce in their honor in the baJlroom of th e Paris L a nding Hotel.

Beta Rho Northern Illinois University

Beta Nu's football t e am.

Our activities have includ ed ta king part m some of th e sports on campus. Alpha Sigmas were weJI represented on the basketball court, a t the fi eld track, and at " D erby" day. The Beta Nus enterta ined th e spectators at Spring C a rn ival with a stage show. A big event was our Al:A week end at K entucky Lake. Another dance of th e season wa s our Bermuda Blast. This is an informal jukebox dan ce which is open to the campus. Our Mother-F a ther Banquet and th e Senior Send -Off end ed the year's activities. The Mother-Fa ther Banquet wa s held at the Ken-Lake Hotel with an overwhelming majority of parents attending. The Senior Send-Off was held at a local restaurant in Murray. Beta Nus are already making plans for "AJI-Greek Week End" which wiJI be held during the summer at Kentucky Lake.- PAT D owELL.

BETA RHo has a wond erful spring pledge class of fifteen m embers. They are a wonderful addition to our chapter. Beta Rho m embers participa ted in th e annu al D eKalb Hea rt Fund Drive and the All-Greek Sing. At present we a JI are working hard on ou r p lans for .tvlay F ete.-ARLENE SzAFLARSKI.

Beta Sigma Southwest M issouri State College BETA SIGMA held its an nua l Sweetheart dinn er-dance a t the Holiday Inn. D ecorations were carried out with th e traditional cupids and hearts. K a tie D avis, toastmish路ess, introduced Isabel Dunla p Weston, who spoke on the history of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Au drey Klein presented the Idea l Pledge Award to Charlotte Mays. Karin Fra nk received the a ward fo r the pledge with the hi ghest scholastic ave rage. J a n Swisher was crowned the 1961 .Al:.A Sweeth eart. As J an was being presented a bouquet of red roses, th e members of Beta Sigma sang the " Alpha Sigma Alpha Swee theart Song" to her. Our voJleyball team won the champi onship of the Greek Intramural for the fifth consecutive year. Carol Cowden was captain of the team . Candidates for 1961 O zarko Queen are Ann Bentley,


Carol Cowden and Janice Wilson . Ann was nominated by Beta Sigm~ ; Carol. by Mu Phi Epsilon, musi~ honorary; and Jan ice, by Sigma Phi Epsilon Fratermty. Nancy Presley and D eanna Donnelson were selected as candidates for Queen of th e 1961 Military Ball. Our annual Sock Hop was in March. D eanna Donnelson a nd Audrey Klein brought honors to S.M.S. campus and to the sorority by winning first places in th e Mid South D ebate tournam ent in F ebruary. - JA NICE WIL SON.

tear-filled eye back upon the fond memories that they will never forget while being an active of this. chapte~. So, with a weary, but well-filled pen, I dedicate thrs column to our new editor-historian .-SoNDRA MAXWELl..

Beta Upsilon Indiana (Terre Haute) State Teachers College Tms has been a busy and exciting winter for th e girls of Beta Upsilon. We were happy to pledge a good group of girls a t our annual " Squeal" which terminated formal rush. Shortly after rush, the members and pledges enjoyed ou r a nnu a l Christmas party at th e hom e of Sue Maehler. At th e Panhellenic's installa tion of new council members, Doris Lautner was presented with a charm as a memento of her year as a Panhellenic Council Member, and Donna Riggs received a similar token as one of the Panh ellenic Rush Counselors for th e 1960 formal rush season . Adherino- to our belief in participation in varied campus activities. Donna Riggs is now busily engaged in rehearsals for th e college tumbling show to be presented to various high schools in the area and to the Indiana State G.A.A. Plaque Day. The chapter has enjoyed trade parties with the various fraternities on campus. We are now launching into rehearsals for th e allcollege Songfest to be h eld soon. Anna Moroni is our director. We are looking forward to a picnic with the mentally retarded children of th e Indiana State Laboratory School, Sta te Day, our annual Senior-Pledge Banquet, and to a pleasant summ er vacation for a lL- Do NNA RIGGS.

Beta Phi Stout State College "RIBBO N OF FRIENDSHIP" was the title of Beta Phi's winning skit in the annual F .O .B. stunt ni ght. Last year we placed second , but this year with the theme centered around a scene from "U ncle Tom's Cabin" and featurin g the songs, " Sca rlet Ribbons" and " You' ll Never Walk Alone." we walked off with first-pla ce honors. R ecently Beta Phis held their annual Sadie Hawkins week which was very successful. The entire week the girls went a-courtin' the fellows and emptied their billfolds towards the cause. They speedily learned how expensive dates can be. On March 25 Beta Phi was hostess for the first Wisconsin State D ay. Stout Student Association campaign ing starts soon, a nd our candidate for secretary is Sharon Wyss. Her campaign manager is this year's S.S.A. secretary, Pat Choitz. Gloria Dallma nn was elec ted recently president-elec t of the Stout State Home Economic Club, and she will serve as an assistant for a year before taking official office the following year. N ewly elected social chairman of Province, the four-state regional section of Home Economics Clubs in th e country, is Jane Lutey. The school year now grows shorter every day, and sen iors are looking forward to graduation but cast a


Left to right: Margie Holstine, Brenda Paschall, Becky Reeder, and Lind路a Carnowski scrub the floor as par路t of their "Help Week" duties.

Beta Chi Arizona State University PLEDGES, before becoming initiated members, had "H elp Week" F ebruary 20-24. On Washington's birthday the pledges rose at 4 : 12 A.M. and proceeded to clean the whole floor. That night they gave a party for the actives. The theme of the party was " W elcome to .Al:A Island." On F ebruary 24 initiation was held. After the initiation ceremony we had a banquet at the Sands. Margie Holstine was named outstanding pledge. Linda Carnowski was presented the Alumnae "Full Measure" Award and won the best goodie box. Brenda Paschall had the highest scholarship a nd also received recognition for the best paddle. Becky R eeder received the best scrapbook award. Members of Beta Chi had a busy February. The steak a nd beans dinner, traditionally given by the group having the lowest grad es, end ed in a tie between actives and pledges, so eve ryone ate beans. A box social with the theme "Holidays in February" was h eld at Encanto Park in Phoenix. The girls' boxes were auctioned off to the highest bidder. Garbage can lids, chopsticks, hearts, horseless carriages, a nd other a rticles were used as the money. The fath ers of the Beta Chi girls were invited to the annual Father-Daughter Banquet. Faculty members were "adopted" as fath ers by those girls who were from out-of-state. The chapter is now in th e process of getting ready for Greek Week.- LINDA CARNOwsKr.

Beta Psi Western Michigan University TH E first week end of second semester was Snow Carnival. Our booth at the penny carnival took fourth prize among the sorority booths. In the snow sculpture division we took second prize with our sculpture of " Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."

Shortly after the beginnin ~ of the semester we held imhatwn. Our new initiates helped to bring a real honor to our ch apter- namely that honor of being first scholastically among th e sororities for the fall semester. Instead of havin ~ a secret pal , each Alpha Sigma has a secret sister whose name she has drawn and for whom she is supposed to do nice things. '!'his is r limaxed on her birthday when she sends a birthday card to her secret sister and signs her name. Another new tradition we have started is Girl of the Month who is awarded the Phoenix pin for outstanding service and contributions to the chapter. R eceiving the aw,1 rd to date arc Barbara Olsen, Pauline Adams, and Darlene Hill. Barbara Tallerday was among the four-m ember coed team which won the Michigan Intercoll egiate debate crown at Wayne State University. She was on the affirmative team whi ch defeated Alma. Labion, and Hope colleges. Sorority Sing is schedu led for the first week end in May, and already we have begun working on our song, "The Czecho-Slovakian Dance Song. " The costume committee is working diligently on our outfits which will coordinate with the son~.-J u uE BLANK.

Beta Omega Bucknell University A DELUGE OF SNOW welcomed Beta Omega back to the busy spring semester. During a cozy in our suite on February 2, we compared grades, schedules, and vacation adventures. Four of the members absent from the group were Linda Bodine, who transferred to Iowa State ; Ruth Bollmeyer, to Monmouth College ; Judy Whipp. to George Washington University ; and Nancy Lou Kunkle, who began teaching in a Lewisburg school. When classes were again in full swing, skits were prepared for the coming rush parties. For the first two parties Jean Polifka made a huge success as Escamilla in the Carmen skit. Her well-pa dded football outfit and hairy mascaraed legs brought forth gales of laughter. Our next party, "Toyland," was given on February 10.

Pref Night on February II had as its th eme "U nd er the Sea." All had pitched in to tra nsform our suite into an under-water pa radise. Th two attractions of the evening were Davy Jon es' s Locker and again J ea n Polifka as King Neptune. That afternoon we had ribbon pledg路 ing for our new pledges. During all this excitement Mrs. Robert Wolf, national art chairman, came to inspect our chapter. She won our hearts immediately with her good humor and helpful advice. A tea held in her honor on Monday, February 27, was followed by a dinn er at the Lewisburg Inn . Beta Omega' s Basketball season is a t last over. vigorous team challenged the tall Kappa team of six footers to first place in the interso rority competition. Our team put up a wonderful fi ght but was eve ntually squelched. Many Alpha Sigmas were active in Burma -Bucknell week end, March 3-5. During the week end Burmese guests exchanged ideas and good will with th e students at our university. Marlene Kresge , Nancy Jacobus, and Jan Wells acted as hostesses to three of th e Burmese students. J an also was a co-chairman of the Inter路 national Party for whi ch she drew, painted , and constructed a twenty-foot golden dragon. Joan Katagiri assisted her in this feat. M a ny honors have been bes towed to individuals in our group. Sally D e Long was presented with the Delta Delta Delta Scholarship. C hi cki e Conger became a member of th e Senate of th e Women' s Student Government Association when she took th e office of Panhellenic president. Amon ~ those on th e first semes ter's Dean's List were Linda Gui ld , Nancy Jones, Nancy Lou Kunkel , Dale Burkholder, Marlene Kresge, N a ncy Sestak, Barb Gross, Peggy Pine, and Alice Theissen. Scholastically, Beta Omega placed fourth among th e nin e sororities on campus. Our annual pledge dan ce was held on April 15 at the Susquehanna V a lley Country C lub. Under th e direction of Brenda Kooman this dance was a great success.JA NET WELLS .

Gamma Alpha Creighton University KAY KR EBS BAC H was presented th e Margaret McGuire Award by the Omaha Alumnae Chapter at a tea given on February 5. This award is a plain pin and guard which is presented each year to th e outstanding pledge. Judykay Raymer, treasurer of Panhellenic Council, was chairman of th e third annual Panh ellenic Workshop held on March 4. Gamma Alphas were all very proud when Pauline Zachery was named CotiHion Queen. Pauline, a freshma n. is also a candidate for th e College World Series Q ueen. Seven of our members were cand idates for the BestDressed Co-ed at Creighton. An informal "beatnik" party was held for those going through second semester rush. There were only eleven who signed up for informa l rush , an d nin e a re now Gamma Alpha pledges. Right now we are busy preparing for the a nnual variety show, " Creighton Capers." The. theme is "Cartoons and Com ic Strips. " The show wtll be presented on April 2 1.- MARJ.E E Br.u vAs .

Beta Omega's five pledges at the "Under the Sea" party. Standing, left to right: Joan Kataghi, Peggy Pine, 1\farny Root. Seated: Adrian Axtell, Barbara Gross.

Gamma Beta Wisconsin State College FIRST on the agenda for second semeste:r was CSC's


first Winter Carnival. The festivities began on February 2 when the king and queen candidates were introduced at a skating and tobogganing party. Representin~ Alpha Sigma Alpha were Carol Mielke and R~y Bolgrm. -r:he sorority participated in the ice-scultpturmg contest with a comic character that turned out to be "Little Lulu." And in the outdoor games Gamma Betas captured first place in the women's division. The following week end the sorontles on campus merged for the annual inter-sorority formal which. had the theme "Wonderland by Night." The Alpha Sigma banquet ~as held at the Mead Hotel in Wisconsin Rapids with Beulah Poulter acting as Mistress of Ceremonies. Mr. a nd Mrs. Thomas Hayes were chaperones fot the dance and were our guests at the banquet. With rushing in full swing the actives and rushees have been quite busy. A coke party on February 19 enabled us to meet all the rushees. The first rush party was on F ebruary 26. Gamma Beta chose "Reno Casino" for its them e. The union lounge was a place of gambling with a slot machine, card tables, a "bar," and cigarette girls. Acting as mistress of ceremony was Joan Spreda. The second party on March 12 found the lounge as a visitor's paradise for our theme, "Around the World in 80 Days." All came attired in foreign costumes, and we entertained the rushees with appropriate music or skits from the various countries. On March 19 was our pledge party. Gamma Beta is proud of its president, Judy Ungrodt, who gave her seruior recital. This is indeed . a. speci~l honor, for only the outstanding students partiCipate m this. Judy, a piano major, will enter Eastman School of · Music for further study. During her recital intermission the chapter presented Judy with a bouquet of red and white camations. -MARILYN KoTT.

Gamma Delta Queens College FIFTY-TWO RUSHEES attended Gamma Delta's "Winter Rose" rush party. Red and white roses were used in

the decorations. Diane DeAngelis has brought added honor to Alpha Sigma Alpha by passing the senior reading examin~tion with distinction. Roseanne Riker has been proclaimed Sweetheart of Alpha Lambda Alpha Fraternity. On March 18 we ~>ponsored the Shillelagh Shulle. our annual St. Patty's Day dance. With the dedication of the new Colden Auditorium and Queens College Theatre on March 7, our campus was quite excited and overflowed with celebrities. We were honored to have the Honorable Robert Wagner, mayor of New York City, and a majority of the members of the Board of Higher Education and other notables as guests. With the excitement of the dedication, NBC news also sent cameramen and reporters to interview the students of Queens College in regard to President John Kennedy's Peace Corps. At 6: 30 that night all Gamma Deltas were glued to their television sets to watch our membership director, Pat Jones, give her opinion on this vital matter over a nation-wide hook-up.-BARBARA PAULSEN.

Gamma Epsilon University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee THIS semester of sorority activities has kept Gamma Epsilons in a constant whirl. The annual alumnae and parents' teas were held in March. In the annual Peak Night Show our own Alphabets took second place in the special-acts category. They were also selected to introduce Peak Night at the Spring Prom. Members of our chapter attended Wisconsin State Day on March 25 at Menomonie. We are now making preparations for the annual Campus Carnival to be held in May. This is an allschool project for charity. Gamma Epsilons always enjoy the Carnival because it gives us a good opportunity to help others in need. On our calendar is the dinner given in honor of the seniors.-KAREN FENDRICK.


• • • •


ALUMNAE CHAPTERS AK RON, OHIO THE Akron Alumnae Chapter presented the Summit Council for the Retarded Child a $25 check for its building fund. One of the greatest needs of retarded ·children in Akron is a permanent building to house the school classes. The February meeting was held in the home of Eunice Boesel Brucken at.. Everyone enjoyed being with her in her home and hopes she can meet with us more often in the future. Sue Gardner McLemore BN entertained our chapter in her home for the March meeting. Lillie Greer M continues to knit the very popular balls that are filled with narrow strips of old nylon. hose. She presented nine of the balls to the Licking-Muskin-


gum, Ohio, Alumnae Chapter, which will distribute them to the class rooms of retarded children in that area. Lillie is also participating in the directing-teaching program in the first grade. This entails taking a student teacher into her room and working with her. Helen Strum Bunts ee is participating in the same program at the kindergarten level. Louise George Holt ee is a member of a committee that is studying the problem of discipline in the Akron Public Schools. Our spring rummage sale will be held on May 6 under the chairmanship of the philanthropic chairman, Helen Frame Snyder ee. Two of our members, Maude Murphy Barrere AA and Lillie Greer M, are planning to be convention bound on July 4.-RHEA FETZER YoDER.

cxperien e as are Charlotte Adams ee and Ruth Fletcher ee, national awards chairman .-LEONA FREDER ICKS.


Helen Fx~ame Snyder ee, vice-president of Akron Alumnae Chapter, presents .a check for $25 to Mr. Cale Ooulter, treasurer of the Summit County Cotmcil for the Retarded Child.

ANDERSON, INDIANA SALLY W EALES CLYDE was the hostess for an activ ity m eeting in F ebruary. Everyon e was busy making favors, p lace cards, etc., for the dinner that we share with th e Muncie Alumnae Chapter hon oring th e Ball State senio r A lpha Sigm as. This dinn er was held in Muncie on February 20. Another activity meeting was held in March at the home of Gloria MacD ermott Nipple. This month th e " work" was wrapping and preparing Easter eggs for sale at th e end of the month. All of this work was interspersed with much .Al:A fun and fellowship !- M ARIA N TR uAx McLA uGHLIN.

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS WE have had a busy year here in Boston. In J anuary we had our a nnua l luncheon when we gathered for a few hours of good food and fellowship at Patten' s R estaurant in Boston . Then, in February, we enjoyed togeth er the play "The D evil's Advocate." All of our meetings this year h ave been planned by our ab le vicepresident Ellen N elson D a ly ee, and Charlotte Adams ee. In March we were p leased to h ave Mrs. Fred erick Chapman, wife of the minister of the Church of the Good Shepherd in W atertown, display and explain h er most unusual collection, crosses from all over the world with some that date back to the Seventeenth Cenutry. Our president, Kathryn Meiser Barclay, s~es that. we keep busy on a number of philanthropic proJ ects which , in the la st few months, have provided many gift tags for the men at the Chelsea Naval Hospital to use on their personal gifts and large hand-made hearts fill ed with candy for these same m en on Valentine's Day. Also we provided the yarn to make sweaters for three needy children in the area. A friend of Al:.A did the knitting. Emiline Heath ee, our del egate to national convention in July, is really looking forward to an exciting

ON November 19 nin ety-six members of the Buffalo A lumnae Chapter surprised J ean Richard , nationa l treasurer, by honoring her at the Founder~' D ay Luncheon . With Evelyn Bell , form er national president as chairman, th e pleasa nt atmosp here of th e Saturn C lub add ed to the fest ivities. We were very interes ted to learn about th e many duties of Mrs. Richard as our treasurer, as we ll as her work as officer in charge of Central Office. The committee for the luncheon in cluded Marion Thomas Swenson, Louise Abrams Abbott, Caryl Brennan forrest, Sue Marvin Flynn, Marni Marshall Croh, Betsy Sleeper Kendall, Betty Bernhard Case, Ruth Christman Swenson, Betty Ba rber Barre, Rita Argen Auerbach, Pat Sansone Boreanaz, a nd Peg Hammond Nelson. Alpha Sigma Alpha participated in sponsoring an d atten ding a Christmas concert by th e Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, profiting both financially and en tertainmentwise. Betsy Kendall served as chairman. Other members of her committee for tickets and patrons were Pat Boreanaz, J eanette Hauser McLennan, Marcia McCormick, Gloria Kirk Fedak, and Carol Funcheon Bruekman . We trave led to far-away places on a snowy evening in J anuary. At the Student Un ion of Buffalo State T eachers College of Education, Rita Auerbach shared her experiences in Mo rocco and the Brussels' World Fair. Supplied with souvenirs and colored slides, taken while she lived with her family at the Morocco Naval Base, the old world setting came alive. Ann Picard R omance also appeared in the slides along with Rita sporting their red j ackets among the robes and beards. Jud y Ding led ey, new Assistant D ean of Women at th e college, took care of the arrangements. Arline Guenther was hostess, assisted by J oan Steinmiller Richmond and Ruth Christman Swenson. About fi fty members happily milled about Mami Groh's suburba n hom e for the annua l white-elephant sale. What were white elephants to some turned out to be coveted prizes for others, for articles ranging from toys to fluo rescent lights changed hands. Doreen Newman Reilly, d eveloping into a convincing auctioneer, again presided. The chairma n was Gloria Fedak, along with the aid of Donna Schultz M cNei l, Rita Lawler O'Brien, Fanny Ertell Grosse, D ee Goldsmith Coleman, Rosemary Aquino Sugg, K athy R yan Vantine, Nancy Wright Monin, and Rita Argen Auerbach .- SYLVIA KowAL.

CE!NTRAL PENNSYLVANIA O uR meeting on March 25 was held at the Camp Hill hom e of our presiden t, Jane Peters Ar. At that time we selected a delegate to represent us at national convention and laid the final plans for Pennsylvania State D ay on Apri l 22. A white-elepha nt sa le a dd ed to our treasury. M ary Wilson Au ngst KK was a topnotch auctioneer. Our chapter is findin g it necessary to reevaluate our own activities to see if we can increase attendance at ou r meetings. W e have been ab le to schedul e definite m ee ting places and times for a yea~ in advance? .so perhaps this is a start on a year of mcreased ac tivity for our widely scattered group of alumnae.-BETTY URBAN WALLICK.


CHICAGO, ILLINOIS OuR January meeting was held at the home of Hope Polishuk Johnson KK in Glenview with Eleanor Smith Thomas KK as co-hostess. Catherine Bianca Sconiers Bll. was welcomed as a new member. Doris Dowling Adams A.A was hostess at her new home in Elmhurst for our February meeting. Her co-hostess was Dorothy Masters BB. Joanne Murray Henry ZZ, out new philanthropic chairman, reported that all the Chicago-area chapters will plan projects and all will work together toward a common goal. Our first project will be a rummage sale to be conducted by Beta Rho girls at Northern Illinois University, De Kalb. Chicago alumnae chapters have been asked to contribute clothing. The proceeds will go to retarded children. Nelle Gabrielson Raney rrn gave a report of the Chicago Panhellenic Board meeting. The Alpha Sigma Alpha representative will be ways-and-means chairman next year. Sue Henderson King BK from the West-Suburban group has agreed to accept this chairmanship. Dotty Bauer I'E reported on the Chicago Panhellenic Luncheon. Alpha Sigma Alpha was well represented with seven members. The speaker emphasized that sororities on campus can help college students recognize all of the good things about being an American. During this meeting, we made forty-three dozen cancer bandages for Du Page Cancer Society. Several members placed orders for Alpha Sigma Alpha cookbooks.-MARY SuE PALMER PARVIN.

Left to right at the Chioago-area-chapters' joint Fowtders' Day Lrmcheon are: Doris Dowling Adams, president of Chicago alumnae; Carol Dt路ogula., president of South Suburban allllDllJiie; Freida Phillips, national state day chairman.

CHICAGO-WEST SUBURBAN OuR January meeting, held at the home of Joelene Chryst Loew B<l>, was utilized as a money-making project. Lorraine Mosher Griffiths B-9 presented a Yardley Home Fashion Show. Proceeds went to our treasury. Our thanks to Lorraine! Dorothy Grove BK was hostess at our February meeting. We discussed national convention and our new yearbooks were distributed. A card party followed the general meeting. Everyone had a wonderful time. We shall miss Penny Young Earl BI' and Mary Johnston Beisner BP. Penny's husband has been transferred from the Chicago area, and Mary's husband was transferred to Benton Harbor, Michigan. We wish these girls much happiness in their new homes. Florence Hannel McCarthy BK was chosen to succeed


Penny Earl as editor. R eplacing Mary Beisner as publicity chairman is Barbara Cortelyou Lesch BK. Rose Marie Sawasko BP is busy getting our scrapbook ready for convention. Our philanthropic project is to be the cancer bandages we have made at our meetings this year. We dedicated the bandages to Dr. Tom Dooley, who passed away with cancer. Sue Henderson King BK, delegate, and Penny Earl, a lternate, attended City Panhellenic at Marshall Fields on February 1. Alpha Sigma Alpha was recognized for having the largest number present.-FLORENCE HANNEL McCARTHY.

CINCINNATI, OHIO OuR Christmas luncheon was held at the very charming Kenwood Country Club. The Club was made available to us by Miriam Hershey Harbin A.A who served as co-hostess with Shirley Pallatto Bone A.A. A beautiful reading of "Why the Chimes Rang" was given by Miss JoAnn Hague, a student at the University of Cincinnati. It helped us all to receive an additional share of the Christmas spirit. We were happy to have guests from Alpha Alpha Chapter at Miami University and also a group of alumnae from the HamiltonMiddletown-Oxford Chapter. Since we are such close neighbors, we shall make an effort to join each other for future activities. Peggy Whitley Hawley PP was honored at the luncheon for having sold the most Christmas wrapping papertwenty-two rolls! We welcomed Dorothy Mossbarger Van Hom 6.6. to our group. Dorothy has been busy serving as president of the Cincinnati Garden Club. Our January meeting was cancelled because of bad weather. In February we met at Bertha Runyan McFarlan's home. Bertha and her husband had spent Christmas with their daughter and her family in South America. We enjoyed hearing about the trip and seeing the beautiful slides they had taken there. Our plan to provide visual aids for the Children's Cerebral Palsy Center became a reality when Dorothy Clason A.A. found some beautiful colored pictures of zoo animals in their natural habitat and Delores Brown Vinson BN had these pictures mounted on plywood which was then cut to the shape of the animal. These stand-up pictures will be placed in the classroom at the Center so that the children will be better prepared for their trip to the zoo in the spring. The annual Panhellenic card party and fashion show was held at the Cincinnati Club on March 4. Alpha Sigma Alpha was well represented by a group of five tables. Mary Goeke A.A. and Pauline Smith Olson BN were hostesses.-SHIRLEY PALLATTO BONE.

DAYTON, OHIO OuR J anuary meeting was a luncheon at Rikes with Lucille Shively Herbert ~. Helen Boggess Swart A.A, and Hazel Pundt Markey A.A. as hostesses. The sorority bridge club met on January 23. We met in the home of Marlene Herbert Hammond A.A. for our February meeting. Carol Tobin Sowder A.A, Mary Mikesell Mapp A.A., and Madeline Watson Knost A.A were assistant hostesses. It was reported by our philanthropic chairman, Alma Molitor Snider .A.A., that our chapter had joined the Council for R etarded Children. We have been working with the retarded children of Dayton for several years as our philanthropic project. Florence King Bland .A.A, Martha Semlker AA, and

Helen Stepelton Goodwin AA were hostesses at our March lunch eon held in the C apta in's Room of th e Brown D erby. It was reported that the card party h eld on February 21 at th e Eastown Ba nk was a g reat success. This was given to raise money for our philanthropic project. We were very so rry to h ea r that Mildred Solt Ryburn AA fell on th e ice and has a broken hip . She is in Stouder Hospital, Troy, Ohio. W e a re all wishing h er the best and hope she will be back with us soon.BARBARA TROXLER DR UST.

president, Myrtle Dynes, had received the charter for our chapter which she presented to us. Kathy Gruman reported that the afghan had been given to St. Luke's Nursing Home of Dickinson . The afghan was knitted by several members of th e sorority as a group project. W e en tertained the Beta E ta Chapter at a coffee party the evening of D ecember 12 at the home of Myrtle Dynes. It is one informa l way we have of getting to know th e college girls better. Several recipes were sent to the cookbook project. We are looking forward to seeing if any of our recipes will be used .- PEGGY BIRDSALL.

DENVER, COLORADO THE philanthropic project of the D enver alumnae group is helping the Sewell House. The Sewell House, located in D enver, is a treatm en t center for crippled children and adults. Our group h elps with the m a iling of Easter seals, with the collection of funds from Easter Our seals, and h elps keep th eir records up-to-d a te. g roup feels the Sewell House is a very worth-while project, and we do enjoy working with them.- NANC Y R ETMERS .

GRAND VALLEY, MICHIGAN THE newly organized Grand Valley Alumnae Chapter has chosen th e Lincoln School for the mentally retarded as its philanthropic project. We were very happy to have Mrs. R . L. Rittenger, an affi lia te of this organization, to speak with us about the school an d what we might do to help . M rs. Rittenger's daughter is an Alpha Sigma, Beta Theta Chapter, at Central Michigan University.

DETROIT, MICH I GAN- DELT'A P HI OuR meeting on February 18 wh en Norma Crane Aliber, assisted by Juva Bissett, hosted the other two D etroit alumnae chapters, D elta Rho an d Sigma Rh o Chi, was a most enjoya ble affair. Following the d essertlunch eon, the business meeting was co nducted by Delta Rho Alumnae Chapter. As a feature of our educational program, Sa ra J ane Dodge Bumga rdn er showed slides of her recent tour of southern Spain. With photographic skill, she led us through the Alhambra at G ranada, and we marvded a t the rich ly hued tiles of its pavements and walls, still in a remarkable stage of preservation. Sybil Andrews L andry was hostess at our meeting on March 4 h eld in her h ome. R eba Ca rey Fries AA assisted her. It was a refreshing sight after a dreary ride in the rain to enter Sybil's home with its lavish a rrangements of daffodils and pussywillows in a setting of antiques which have been in her family for many years. We were honored to have as our guest, L avon ia Warren McCallum ( Mrs. Stuart ). We a re happy to know she will affiliate with us. -E sTHER BRYA NT SPRAGUE.

DETROIT, M I CH I GAN-SIGMA RHO CH I OuR annual white-elephan t fund-raising project was held at the home of Ruth M awson Rudie. That also was our first glimpse of the new little future Alpha Sigma who h as made her home with Ruth. April, along with the showers, also brought the election of officers. In May we shall hold our a nnual Detroit Alumnae Association business me eting with all the area a lumnae renewing fri endships. Plans for the nationa l convention and high hopes for a very successful tim e a re in the minds and hearts of all of us.- EvELYN ]. D E MARS .

DICKINSON, NORTH DAKOTA THE Dickinson Alumnae Chapter met on December 29 a t the home of Peggy Birdsall. Marion Brown was co-hostess. Being a newly organized chapter, a constitution drawn up by a committee of three was read and approved to be adopted by the chapter. The

First row, left to right: Kathy W eih e, Jo Ann Dietz, Jeanne Black. Second row, l eft to right : Sally Calhoun, Doris Gt路een, Marylee Pischner, Jean LaNeve, Mary Horning , Viol路a D ewey. We have assisted Beta Theta Chapte r in a small way. For th eir second and third rush party, we made the name tags. We thoroughly enjoyed h aving the opportunity to h elp them. Our fin al m eeting in May will be a potluck picnic. We are planning to bring husbands, children, and fri ends to this event.-SALLY CALHOUN.

H AM ILTON-MIDD LETOWN-OXFORD, OHI O THE February V alenti ne meeting of Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnae was a luncheon at the Miam i University Center in Oxford on February 11. Alpha Alpha Chapter's executive board members were guests. A business session at the college girls' suite in McCracken H all was followed by bridge and a coffee. The topic of discussion was the national convention in July at Mackinac Island. Carol Stocker was the hostess at our meeting in Hamilton on April 29.-ELIZABETH JoH NSTON .

H ATTIESBURG, MISSI SSIPPI ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA alumnae of Hattiesburg met weekly in homes of members during the month of F ebruary making plans for Mississippi-Louisiana State


Day. There was wonderful cooperation, and many hours of hard work were spent by alumnae and Beta Delta Chapter of Mississippi Southern College. Letters were sent to both states, programs made, luncheon favors collected, etc. When the great day arrived, our city of 35 000 was beseiged by floods and tornado warnings. Al~ost half of Hattiesburg was under water with the Red Cross, National Guard, and citizens doing duty around the clock with over 5,000 people evacuated to churches, schools, and community centers. Our State Day was held, but not quite as planned! Our speaker, Mary Emerson Blackstone, national vice-president, was stranded in New Orleans. A few alumnae from Mobile, Jackson, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast braved the high waters. Penny Stewart Currie presided at the brief business meeting on the MSC campus. Peggy Bowling Gates was State-Day secretary. Panels were cancelled. It was decided that a joint State Day for 1962 would be held in New Orleans with Mrs. John Allen as Mississippi Chairman and Judy Bowling Long as State A lumnae Organizer. Mrs. William T. (Mary Tom) Bradley of the Jackson Panhellenic gave a brief talk on "City Panhellenics." Among the guests was Mrs. L. A. Wilber, acting Dean of Women of MSC. For the luncheon at Holiday Inn, Mrs. John Allen, Beta D elta Chapter adviser, gave a talk, "Give Full Measure." Mr. William Dugally of Rose Marie Dress Shop presented a beautiful review of spring fashions with shoes by courtesy of Fine Bros.-Matison. Models for the show were lovely Beta Delta girls.-MILDRED BAILEY.

HUNTINGTON, WEST VIRGINIA ON February 27 Huntington alumnae gave a dinner at the chapter house for the pledges and Rho Rho girls to celebrate St. Valentine's Day. A meeting and card party followed the dinner. A bridge party was held on March 13 as a moneymaking project.-BETTY PLYBURN.

INDIANA, PENNSYLVANIA OuR alumnae group continues to enjoy the most cordial fellowship with the Alpha Gamma Chapter. At Christmas time, the college girls delighted us by caroling at our homes and presenting gifts to our younger children. The caroling trek terminated at the home of Marcella Weyer Mankameyer where, with Inez McGreevy Stahura as co-hostess, the girls were warmed and refreshed with hot cho'c olate, cupcakes, and popcorn. During rush season, the girls entertained with an informal, after-school coke party in the home of Anna Shaffer Maurer. Another activity with Alpha Gamma was a party to honor the seniors following formal initiation on April 20. We earned the money for our contribution to the national philanthrophic fund by having a recipe exchange and food sale at our December meeting in the home of Inez McGreevy Stahura. We expect to see some of the recipes from that delectable feast in the A~A cookbook. At the annual business meeting on March 8 in the home of Claire Cressman McVitty, we voted ten dollars to purchase a gift for the special-education classes at the Benjamin Franklin School. Since the hostess and Helen Strassner Russell are both members of that faculty, they were appointed to select the gift after consultation with the teachers of these classes. Following the business, Claire's husband, who is a member of the college art department faculty, talked informally about his summer


work at Plymouth Teachers College, Plymouth, New Hampshire, the crafts program of that state, points of interest, architecture, and travel in that section of New England. The conversation was enlivened with the use of a few well-chosen, artistic slides. Helen Thompson Puskar, Extension Home Economist for Indiana County, was welcomed as a new member at our March meeting. Helen was graduated from Indiana State College and was initiated into Alpha Gamma but has been making her home in Mercer in recent years . She expects to move her family to Indiana soon.- ANNA SHAFFER MAURER.

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA MEMBERS of the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter have a mutual feeling that our time given to Alpha Sigma Alpha has been both pleasant and productive. As for the productivity, personally we have benefited by the contacts we have made in our association with Panhellenic members. Because of our A~A affiliation, we have had the privilege of hearing several well-informed speakers. On the other side of the scale, we have given of time and money to worth-while charities. Then last, but not least, we are constantly gaining new fellowship in our own chapter as new girls join us. Our Christmas party dinner on December 6 was held in a private dining room of one of our popular restaurants. Three beautiful snowball trees, made by our hostesses, adorned the table. Instead of excranging gifts, we each brought a gift, all of which were presented to the State Division of Mental Health and were in turn given to mental patients in the state hospitals. The hostesses were Sally Crooks XX, Carol Edgar XX, and Mona Woodward BT. The evening was beautifully climaxed with Christmas music. We a ll joined in singing to the accompaniment of accordion music played by Carol Edgar. Guests and members attended a lecture at Jerry Miller's Carpet Company in December. We were not only rewarded with $25 from the company, but received a door prize and refreshments. All Indianapolis sorority alumnae whose groups are members of NPC and members or-the Panhellenic Council of Butler University were invited to the Panhellenic meeting on J anuary 23. "Along Came a Spider" was the topic of the guest speaker, Mrs. Russell T. Costello, of D etroit. She is director of city Panhellenic groups affiliated with NPC. Her topic dealt with the unrest on many college campuses, much of it Communist inspired, and the possible loss of American freedom. The chairman and committee members included on the program, decoration and refreshment committees were three from our own chapter: Patricia Darling Mouser BX, Lorene Kendall Nadzeika BT, and June Wilkinson Widmeyer XX. At our February meeting we welcomed a new member, Zelma K athryn Sandberg AA, and were happy to welcome back a former member, Genevieve Leib Foltz XX, who now lives at the Shoreland Towers. Beautifully printed individual resolutions for each member of the Mother P atroness group were displayed at this meeting. The Mother P atroness group for our chapter is disThe solving because of inability to attend meetings. resolutions expressed our gratitude for their support over a period of several decades. Our chapter constitution was accepted. It was announced that State Day, April 15, would convene at Morris Inn on the Notre Dame campus, South Bend, Indiana. Orders for A~A cookbooks were taken.

A Panhellenic tea for app roxim ate ly fi ve hund red senior high-school girls was held a t Butl er University on February 11. E ach sorority displayed its colors flower and j ewelry in separate booths. Jun e Widmey:r is ou; Panhellenic r eprese nta tive. A scholarship was presented to an outstanding hi gh-school gi rl. Jane Foltz M cD avitt XX is direc tor of a crafts proj ec t institu ted by th e Pink Ladies at Community Hospital. This organization is noted for its worth to the hospitaLDOROTHY WiLLIAM S.

KALAMAZOO , MICHIGAN ON February 12 and 13, Anne Petree Niemeyer national membership director, inspected Beta Psi Chap~ ter, Western Michigan University. She m et for luncheon at the home of Sylvia Superits Baco n :B..Y, who along with another of our members, J a net Shaw Strong B..Y , serves as adviser to the college chap ter. Mrs. Niemeyer gave both the college and alumnae chapters man y worth-while su,ggestions. Later in February. we m et at th e hom e of our presid ent, Merlyn Mott Duisterhoff B..Y , where with repre sentatives from the college chapter, we made plans fo r State Day. Kalamazoo was hostess for the event held on April 22 at Western' s Student Center with representa tives from Central Mich igan University and many area alumnae attending. Our president was hostess again for a party on M ay 1 for new initia tes from Beta Psi Chapter. W e plan to hold this event twice each year to introduce new Beta Psi members to the a lumnae program .- SANDRA LA NG LAWRENCE.

GREATER KANSAS CITY O u R Ch ristmas party was held at th e University Women's Club . The hostesses were Bonnie Pilkenton Willa rd HIL G enevieve Richa rdson Blakey ZZ, Peggy Smith HH. and Betty Kullma n Gre.g ory ZZ . Betty Asbury Forbach AB gave a very imoressive message, "Ten Christmas Commandments." We sang carols and exc han ~e d g ifts. In J anuary our annual white-eleph an t sale was held at the Little Banquet R es tauran t. A luncheon preced ed th e sale. Hostesses were J eanni e Roelta Redmond B:E, R ubv Worlev Swain BB , Jo Dixon M cMillan ZZ, and Ursu la Laider Pecinovsky HH . Our auctioneer was Thelma Sh ively Mvers cf>cJ>. T he Valentine T ea was h eld at th e home of G errv Burt Aitchison EE. Everyon e enjoyed pl ayin~ Valentin ~ games. Co-hostesses were Evalyn Eva ns Larrieu cf>cJ> , Phon J ohnson Gillespie EE, and M argaret Flottma n Bryan t HH. We were very happy to welcome Carolyn Savage Finch AA who recently moved here from Richmond , Virginia. The Gas Service Company in Mission , Kansas, served Shirley Smith as the host of our M a rch meeting. Musgrave EE, Lela Phillips Zickefoose EE, Jo Hanna Sisson EIE, and Shirl ey Sanner EE mad e the p lans for th is meeting. We were entertained by a cooking demonstration and received fifty cents for each member, including guests, attending the meeting. A gas light was given as a door prize. Our traveling baskets to make money to send chi ldren to summer camp a re now in circulation.- PATRICIA STRIDER.

GREATER MIAMI, FLORIDA WE miss Barbara Logan. She and her husband have moved to Missouri. Jean B. McCammon has written

that her teaching in Assuot, Egypt, is terrific and challenging. Genevieve Foltz, national chapter a lumnae secretary, who was a member of our chapter for several years, is now li vi ng in Indiana. Ann Page's d aughter, Carol Page Knott, a student in M ercer University Wa lter F. George School of L aw, Macon, Georgia, won $50 in law books for writing the best paper in the freshm a n class. We are sorry to hear that Frances Loder, who was the Amy Swisher F ellowship recipient a few years ago, has a broken leg. J a ne ~llison is very busy with WTVJ, Channel 4, bemg pnva te secretary to the m a nage r. Elsie Singleton a nd Joscelyn Gillum are working with the AAUW fashion show a nd luncheon. Mary Gallagher d esigned the program cover for th e Fine Arts breakfast in th e Coral Gables Wom an's Club. See you at convention in July.- MARY T u RN ER GALLACHER.

MILWAUKEE, WIS CONSIN O u R alumnae group aga in became the cooks for Epsilon's third rush function. Doroth y Donahue, Manon M etzow, and K athy Zajicek made the hot sandwiches, salad , and ice cream sundaes. The college chapter in vited us to the annual Alumnae T ea on March 5 a t the College Union. Coffee and cakes were served while the g irls entertained the group . Many of our m emb ers went to the Pan hellen ic Ball on April 22 at the Wisconsin Club. A turkey dinner, coupled with a n excellent orchestra, made th e evening a very exce ptiona l one. Each participating sorority had its Greek letters hanging from the ceiling.-JA NE STADLER.

NORTHERN NEW JERSEY THANK SGIVI NG was th e th eme of the ovember luncheon whi ch was h eld at th e hom e of Louise Cosby Quick AB in Summit. Louise an d her co-hostesses. Jun e Lorenson Londeen EE, Ruth Worm Duty BA , Nathalie R ae Wick Hanson B<f>, M ary H a rri n~ ton Huetner IIII , a nd J eann e Murphy K en nedy BZ served th e gues ts. We were happy to ~ree t three new members: Linda Schneeman R emoff KK from South Branch. Pa tricia Budd K epler NN from Englishtown. a nd Pat Brown Kimm ZZ from Whippa nv. Th e group compl eted five hundred stencils for our phila nthropi c project, the Nan cy Lu zon School for th e mentally retar::led. Each m ember a lso donated a box of crayo ns. It was announced that Louise Quick was elec ted chairman of her circle at the Central Presbyterian Church in Summit. The new constitution was also read and approved . Our J a nu ary buffet party was held in the spacious hom e of Mr. and Mrs. S. Crawford Bonow in W es tfield . We enjoyed the deli cious arny of gourmet food, b ut th e original and hilarious a fter-dinn er games will go down in chapter history. M ary Beers Wiggins Br had the Mar h meeting in her hom e in Plainfield . H er co-hostesses for the luncheon were Georgia Sherred NN, Martha Roseb rook Tomlinson AA, a nd M arion Irvine Stevenson NN. It was announced that Georgia was elected secretary of th e New J ersey Home Economics Association and that Mary Wiggins is the corresponding secretary for th e Tri-County Outboard Boating Club. The program for th e meeting was the annual money maker, th e Chinese a uction. Each member was asked to bring a gift-wrapped white


elephant which was auctioned off midst the great clatter of tossed coins.


Ready for the Chinese Auction .are, seated, left to right: Nathalie H.anson -BrJ>; Doris Bubl NN, president; Mary Elizabeth DeMallie A; Louise Quick A拢; Martha Tomlinson A.A; Dolis Gilmore NN; Jeanne Kennedy 路B X; Marion Stevenson NN. StaJnding, left to light: Georgia Sherred NN; Barbara Bird BX; Sally Bonow NN; Mary Wiggins nr; Billie Cousins KK; JIWle Londeen HH; Ruth Duty 路BA.

DESPITE the weather about fifty alumnae enjoyed the delightful Valentine te~ at the home of Frances Peltier in Rydal. Frances, one of our charter members, has had several Valentine teas for us so we all knew in advance what a treat was in store for us. Our March meeting was held at Temple University in the Panhellenic room courtesy of the Hat Box. Hats were modeled and sold. great many attended, including the college-chapter girls. Our first annual dance, April's event, took place at Vitalis Restaurant in Northeast Philadelphia. Nancy Chiodo, our vice-president, has invited ~s to a covered-dish supper in her home in Prospectville, at which time we shall elect officers for next year. Thesr: officers will be installed in June when President Jane Stringfield entertains at luncheon. We all look forward to our year's happy ending with visions of another such eventful one. Three of our most enthusiastic Alpha Sigma alumnae are sharing an apartment in Ambler. Carol Fraps is teaching in Souderton Junior High, coaching tennis and basketball; Helen Hesselbacher is coaching hockey (only one loss during the season!) and basketball at Shady Grove Junior High where she is also advisor for the cheerleaders and honor society. Mim Stevenson coaches hockey basketball and lacrosse and advises cheerleaders at A~bler Seni~r High School.-HERMIONE TRAUB LAYTON.


Our April luncheon and card party was held at the home of Billie Barret Cousins KK of West Caldwell. Mary Elizabeth DeMallie and Carolyn Wasgatt served as co-hostesses.- JEAN NE MuRPHY KENNEDY.

NORTHERN VIRGINIA MoLLY KENNETT CosBY BE was the hostess for our December meeting. This year we decided an exchange of Christmas decorating ideas would be helpful to all of us. Such ideas as a Christmas tree made out of toothpicks, a wreath made from tin can lids which had been cut into various patterns, and ornaments made from odds and ends in a sewing basket were displayed around Molly's home. In January we held our pot luck dinner at the home of Ruth Fulmer Bl. This annual affair gave each member an opportunity to share her favorite recipe with others. Our activity for February was a white-elephant sale or auction held among our members at the home of Mrs. George Walochik Ar. Not only did each of us come home with new trinkets, but the proceeds increased our philanthropic fund . We are quite excited about our new project. We have found a woman in this area who teaches at a school of the mentally retarded in Alexandria, Virginia, and also cares for a score of these children in her own home. We are buying various pieces of small equipment, such as magnetic blocks, which she can use for the children in her home. It has given us so much satisfaction to help such a dedicated woman. March 18 was the date for a luncheon and fashion show given by the Panhellenic Association of Northern Virginia at the Washington Golf and Country Club in Arlington. The proceeds from this luncheon were for the scholarship fund of the association.-PATRICIA GREENE LoNG.


PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIADELAWARE VALLEY SuMMER greetings to our sister A'l pha Sigmas! New faces were seen at each of our monthly meetings this year. A thought-provoking meeting in January was centered around a film on our national defense system. It was held at the home of Marilyn Kyser Fisher IIII, and we welcomed Gerry Rossi Nagy NN and Florence Nacio Sciambi NN as new members. A grand luncheon was held in February at the Engleneuk Tea Room in Swarthmore . . Gladys Clement Slamer AA, who moved from Ohio where she was adviser to Alpha Alpha Chapter, and Jane Lumsden Moyer KK were welcomed to our group. In March we met at Stouffer's, Penn Center, Philadelphia, for dinner, followed by a demonstration on small flower arrangements presented by Mrs. Georgie Johansen. It was quite informative and timely. We were also happy to have three members from the Bux-Mont Alumnae Chapter and two from Kappa Kappa Chapter join us. April found us eating again, but this time our husbands joined us for a pot-luck supper and enjoyable evening at the home of our president, Janet Benedict Welch IIII, with Ruth Pike Fooskas KK as co-hostess. We also took part in State Day at Hershey in ApriL-DoRIS HIPPLE WILLIAMS.

PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA THE February luncheon meeting of the Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter was held in the "Country Room" of Stouffer's in Oakland. Our hostesses were Blanche Ball Landau NN, Rose Saboli Pecak Ar, Bea Jeffries Ar, Jane Clark Bailey AT, and Gracie Divvens Hill Ar. We are very proud of Jane Clark Bailey AI', who is doing such a fine job as president of the Pittsburgh Pan-

hellenic Association. The play, "Two for a See-Saw" presented by the Pittsburgh Playhouse on March was sponsored by Panhellenic. The proceeds will be used to award scholarships to outstanding girls m the Pittsburgh area. Ruth Sutherland Miller NN was the hostess at our April meeting at the College Club in Oakland. We enjoyed seeing "Pictures of the Caribbean." -RuTH E. 路GULDBRANDSEN.


PORTLAND, OREGON PORTLAND ALUM AE CHAPTER has had a good year of interesting and informative meetings. Founders' Day was observed with a candle-lighting service at the home -of Winifred O'Brien Mulfur. The programs have also included a speaker from the League of Women Voters ; a gala Christmas party ; demonstration on flower crafts and floral arrangements ; and a hobby demonstration of picture making and home decorations. W e are looking forward to a book review to be given by Jane Cannon Timmons BB, a bake sale and exchange of favorite recipes, and a Musical Review. We have grown in size this year, recently adding Joan Weber (Mrs. E. P.) NN. Plans and preparations are underway for the May basket party for Portland Children's Center. This party and a cash gift at Christmas are yearly philanthropic projects. Gretchen Mathews Otness BB, City Panhellenic representative, assisted in the preparation of the eleventh annual scholarship-fund tea and style show. The scholarship fund assists a number of Portland girls each year. Ruth Day Davis BB was delighted to learn that Dr. Ethel J. Alpenfels, professor of anthropology at New York University, is making a return engagement to the O.E.A. Convention in Portland. Her topic for speaking is "From Adam to Atoms." Dr. Alpenfels received her doctorate from Colorado State College of Education, where she was affiliated with Beta Beta Chapter. HERMA M. PANCHEAU.

RICHMOND, INDIANA FoR the first time in Richmond, Alpha Sigma Alpha letters were on the table at the annual Panhellenic dinner dance. We were all quite proud of this. In March we were busy taking telephone orders for Stanley products. This has been a money-making project, and we are hoping it will be as successful as our Tupperware party in October. We attended State Day in South Bend, with the meeting and luncheon at Morris Inn on the Notre Dame campus. It was a day for all of us to remember. Alumnae here in Richmond are very happy to be taking an active part in Alpha Sigma Alpha.-MARGARET WRIGHT.

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA THE Richmond Alumnae Chapter held its annual Christmas party at the Willow Oaks Country Club. Dinner and dancing were enjoyed by all. Our January meeting was held in the home of Frances Jobson Francis BE. Tentative plans were made for our annual spring picnic. On Friday, February 10, the Panhellenic card party and fashion show was held at the Woman's Club. All proceeds from this project will go into the scholarship fund. Another Panhellenic project, which was a great

success, was one day's work furnished by two girls from each sorority chapter as hostesses in Thalhimers' Richmond Room. Phyllis Thomas Manning JIII our Panhellenic delegate, and Sue Harper Schuman~ A, represented our chapter as hostesses. A grand total of $240 was made from this project, and this will also go into the Panhellenic scholarship fund. On Thursday, February 23, our regular meeting was h eld at the Cancer Society a t which time we assembled literature folders to be used in the National Cancer Campaign. At this meeting we were happy to welcome a new member, Martha Williams Bl. Nita Hodnett Chandler BE, national constitution chairman, has been very busy visiting college chapters. She and Dee Mays Magnusdal BI spent three wonderful days in February at Radford College and on March 7 Nita visited Alpha Chapter at Longwood College. Congratulations to Frances Jobson Francis BE, our chapter treasurer, who has recently been elected vicepresident of Panhellenic.-ELAINE PIERCE PALM ER.

ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI THIS year, as in the past, St. Louis alumnae made the St. Louis Association for Mentally R etarded Children the recipient for our philanthropic fund. Our money-making project for the year was our annual Christmas sale held at the home of Mary Lou Ferrell Brumley BN. Our March meeting was a demonstration and lecture on interior decorating for members and visitors. One of our local St. Louis downtown theaters is having a movie soon for which the entire proceeds of attendance for four days will go to both State and City Associations for Mentally R etarded Children. Tickets have been made available for our members to buy and sell for this benefit- MARTHA RAY SwEENEY.

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA AT Christmas time, Ruth Bradley Alexander 00 very generously made forty red and green felt stockings trimmed with silver ribbon which Anne Will PX and Serena Engelhart Lanue ZZ wrapped and filled with useful gifts selected for boys and girls. We presented these to the Girl Scout Troop for mentally retarded girls. which our alumnae chapter sponsors. The stockings were also shared with boys at the Center who participate in many of the troop's activities. At our January meeting Margaret Webber BB was introduced and welcomed as a new member. Louise Peterson Hines ;E;::; entertained us in her home and also presented in colored slides h er trip to Mesa Verde National Park last summer. Eight couples gathered for our second annual Sweetheart Ball on February 11 at the El M adadero Club in El Cajon. Arrangements for this event were made by Dorothea John M cCright BK. We all enjoyed a steak dinner and an evening of dancing. -JEssm McKILLOP.

SOUTH BEND, INDIANA THE South Bend alumnae held their January meeting in the home of Barbara Etchison Pearce XX. Assisting her was J anice Hays Schrader XX. We honored Janice and Marie Scanlan Brown B..!l who had January birthdays. Some of us attended the Panhellenic dance, " Pink Carousel," in January. It was beautifully decorated by


Marie, decorations chairman, and her Panh ellenic com mittee. Our Fe bruary mee ting was held in th e home of Florence Roberts T a ylor AB. After the election of offi cers, we busily worked on our Sta te D ay favors. State D ay wa s h eld in South Bend on April 15, a nd we feel tha t much of its g reat success was du e to the ha rd work of our Millie Warn er Zoss XX, State-Day chairman. We m et in th e home of M arge Stafford L aH ayn e XX in M arch. H er co-hos tess was Sue Wood Snyder L"C. Joan Nielse n Williams XX, our newly elec ted president, was chosen as our na tiona l convention d elegate, a nd Ba rba ra Pearce was chosen a s a lterna te d elegate. Since M ackinac I slan d is so close to us, severa l members a re planning to a ttend. We are happ y to welcome two new m embers, Ca rol Ritter X.,'{ a nd Iris K end all W eiss XX. W e a re also pleased to have back with us a form er South Bend a lumna, J oan Steen bergh Ga rrett XX . We know th e Ri chmond cha pter rs so rry to lose her.- BARBARA ETCHISON PEARCE.

SOUTHERN NEW JERS EY TH E South ern N ew J ersey alumnae held th e Febr ua ry mee tin g a t the hom e of ou r president, Wa nda C urry Fitzpa trick. Using oatmeal boxes, coffee cans, old inner tubes, a nd burned-out light bulbs, we m ade musical instruments in th e fo rm of tom-toms, drums, and papiermache shakers. These will be given to the retard ed children's class at Za ne-North School in Collingswood . W e also contin ued work on scra pbooks for th e retard ed children. We were hap py to welcome G race Caldwell NN, a new m ember.

Ou r cha pter is especia lly proud of one of its m embers. Ruth Stewa rt Cram er KK wa s highly honored to be a. recipient of a Freedom Found ations awa rd: th e V a ll ey Forge Classroom T eacher' s M ed a l for 1959. This awa rd was given for service in behalf of responsible, patriotic citizenship through the Am erican way of life. At present Ruth is a lead er in the Great Books Discussion Group a t R a ncocas Valley R egiona l Adult School , a nd she a lso holds book discussion groups for the Junior Women's Club of M ercha ntville. Ruth is the school librarian a t R a ncocas Valley. We in th e Southern N ew J ersey Cha pter wish all Alp ha Sigmas an enjoyable a nd restful summer.- NANCY G INGRICH RITI.

SPRINGF IELD, MI SSOURI TH E F ebruary meeting of the Springfi eld Alumnae C hapter wa s pla nn ed by the philanthropic committee. Candy nosegays, valentines, and d ecorated heart-shap ed cookies were taken to th e State Training School C ente r ~ on Valentine's Day, and approxima tely seventy-five children were entertained . We are very proud of Nora Jane Hickman Caplan ( Mrs. L ee) B~ , a 1948 graduate of Southwest Missouri Sta te College, Springfield, who now lives in Silver Springs, Maryland . She is the a uthor of " Summer Shade" which was drama tized on the Alfred Hitchcock Theater in Janu a ry. The short story first appeared in the Alfred H itch cock M ystery Magazine, to which Mrs. C aplan has contributed other articles. Juli e Adam~ played th e feminine lea d in the telecast. Stories by Mrs. Caplan also have a ppeared in Th e Sa turday E vening Post.- RosALIE C LARK PADGHAM.




O N November 23 the T erre Haute alumnae h eld a Founders' D ay m ee tin g at the home of Phyllis Barker . M a rtha Erwin was in ch arge of the Founders' Day program. D elicious refreshments were served. The Christmas p a rty was held at the horne of Mary R eill y P ennington on D ecember - 28. The a lumnae look forwa rd to this party every year because we are anxious to find out about our secret pals. Mary' s home was bea utifull y d ecora ted for the holiday season. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the hom e of Rachel D avis on Janua ry 25 for the regular monthly m ee ting. On F ebrua ry 25 we had a dinner m ee ting at the Women' s D epartment Club with Carolyn Andrew as hostess. A most d elicious dinner was served. Sandra Steelman a nd Phyllis Mount of Beta Upsilon Chapter were guests. Everyone had an enjoyable time playing bingo a fter the business meeting. Our M arch m ee ting was held at the home of Mary Ruth Siebenrnorgen . The m embers of our group have h elped the college girls through rush in many ways. Margaret R eilly is the a dviser to th e college cha pter on the campus at Indiana State College. Janet R a ines is a m ember of a committee in Panhellenic which did a very worth-while proj ect for Terre Hau te during M a rch . The committee brought a film to T erre H a ute entitled " Operation Abolition. " It deals with the C ommunist-led d em ons tra tions against the House Un-American Acti vities Committee in San Francisco .- MAR Y FRA N WI LEY.

T OLEDO, OHIO TOLEDO a lumnae met at th e hom e of Grace Haworth on January 30. We were very ha ppy to see two Alpha Alpha girls, Yvonne Ru ssell a nd Judy Shafer, who were hom e for college mid-semes ters at that tim e. It is a lways a pleasur!' to have th e college members tell us about their rushing parties. new pledges, and cha ritabl e 1Jroj ec ts. At this m ee ting we were given a view of the pa inting which Harriett Harper painted for th e Miami University Alpha Alph a Chapter at Oxford , Ohio. H a rri ett' s paintin:s is a view of one of th e beautiful Ohio parks and is a ttractively fram ed ; th e frame was made by her husband. The pic ture is a gift from th e Toledo Alumnae Chapter for th e Miami Chapter apartment. We are very proud that one of our members' ta lents can be used there. The meeting closed with a viewing of the new cards which Grace Haworth handl es for our chap ter. It is mainly from th ese sales that we ca n contribute to the Toledo H ::aring and Speech C ent er. our philanthropic project for the past few years. We are very happy that H elen Osmun is in charge of seeing that invitations to the annual Toledo Panhellenic



party for gradua ting senior gi rls are mai led to those m th e suburban a reas of Toledo. -CLARA K uNEY.

WASHINGTON, D. C. 1 HE Washington Alumnae Chapter met a t the K ennedy- Warren Hotel for a gay and d eli cious luncheo n during the Christmas holidays. In J a nu ary, Martha Ayres AB w as hostess for lunch in ·her apartment, a nd in February, Sarah Lee Eiselma n NN enterta ined in her hom e for a dessert party. Georgeanne Page A was host ess to the g roup for a d esse rt party in M a rch . At a ll of th ese monthly meetings, we have bee n busy making scrapbooks and other items useful to th e school for retarded children . In February, our' president. Martha Green Dimond AA a nd Sarah Lee El'selman visited th e school to donate more scrapbooks and to kee p informed of needed items we can make or supply. In M a rch we were invited to th e Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter's spring luncheon. As this chapter was, at one time, a part of th e Washing ton Chapter, we always enjoy getting togeth er as often as possible.Gr.ORGEJ\.NNE , PAGE .


DIRECTORY FOUNDERS Mrs. W . B. Carper (Louis Cox). 505 Montrose Dr., South Charleston, W. Va . Mrs. H . E . Gilliam (Juliette Hundley ), Gresham Court Apts ., Richmond, Va. Miss Mary Williamson Hundley, Gresham Court Apts., Richmond, Va. Mrs. John Walton Noell (Virginia Boyd ), (deceased) . :Vfrs. P. W. Wootton (Calva Hamlet Wat wn), 2020 Matrax Ave .• Petersburg, Va . NATIONAL COUNCIL President Emeritus- Mrs . Fred M . Sharp (Wilma W ilson), 1405 Hardy, Indepen dence Mo . President-Mrs. Robert C. Grady (Jean Raup), Box 686, Orange, Va. Vic e-J'resident- Mrs . W . Lawson Blackstone (Mary Emerson ), 1740 Central Ave .. Wilmette, Ill. Sec retary--Miss Helen L . Corev, 6310 Sherwood Rd . Philadelphia 51 . Penna. Treasurer...:...Mrs . 'Clayton A. Richard (Jean Carmichael Vedder ), 2852 Delaware Ave .. Suite 206 K~nmore 17. New Vnrl<. Membership Director--Mrs. William B. Niemeyer (Anne PetTee). 19 Country Lane, R .R. No. I, Milford, 0 .

F.tlit o r~Mrs.

Eugene H . Crompton. Jr. (Hiwana Cupp). 7001 Spring Rd . No. 3, Richmo nd 28, Va. Alumuae Director- Mrs . Alex 0 . Mathisen , (Nancy Gibson), 2453 W. Theresa, Anaheim, Ca lif. Officer in Charge of Central (f)ffice-Mrs . Clayton A. Richard (Jean Carmichael Vedder), 2852 D elaware Ave .. Suite 206. K t• nmorc l i. :'\lew Y ork.

NATI ONAL CHAIRMEN Alumnae Editor-Mrs. Oran A. Klein (Doris Jean Snodgrass ). 205 West 114tll St. , Kansas City 14, Mo. Alumnae Orgamzer- Mrs . Leonard B. Hebert , Jr. (Hilda Giraud ) , 5519 Charlotte Dr.. New Orleans 22, La. Art-Mrs . Robert J. Wolf (Edith Gaupp ), R.R. No. 1, Rexford . N. Y. Awards- Mrs . Louis E . Fletcher (Ruth .'iewcomb), 141 Marked Tree Rd. , ·N!'edham, Mass. Chapter Alumnae Secretan•~Mrs . Walter R . Foltz (Genevieve Steele Leib), 3710 N . Meridia n. Apt . 316, Indianapolis 8. Ind . Co llege Editor- Miss Mary K . Rei£1;, 228 Brush Creek Blvd., Apt. 2-E, Kansas City 12, Mo. Co nstitutio n- Mrs . Wallace L . Chandler (Juanita Hodnett ), 8367 Charlise -Rd., Richmond 25. Va . · · · Co nve ntion- Mis s H elen L . Corey, 6310 Sherwood Rd .. Philodelphia 51, Penna .

l' ellowshi p-Mrs . Harold C . Brown (Marie Scanlan ), 3105 Rexford Dr., •South Bend 15, Ind . Founders' Day--Mrs .- William B. Barre (Betty Barber ). 395 Hopkins Rd ., Williamsvill e 21, N. Y. Hamilton Hist oria11-Mrs . Charles H . (Anne Rhodes ), 5209 11th St . So., Arlington , Va. ·' H ousing-Mrs . Robe"t C . Grady (Jean Raup ), Box 686, Orange, Va. Magazine-Mrs . A. Howard,. Hall (Betty Phillips ), 342-D Higgins Rd ., Park Ridge, Ill. Music-Mrs. Arthur L . Hellrich (Shirley Ainsworth) , 27 Abbington Terrace , Glen Rock. N . . J. Philanthropic-Mrs. George J . Malone. Jr. (Helen Hooper ), 2614 So. Vandalia, Tulsa 14, Okla. Ritual- Mrs . .Toe H. Brewer (Viola Casaway). 6214 t. Murdock, Wichita 8, Kan. Rush- Mrs. M. Madalene Groh (Madalene Ma rshall). 108 Fleetwood 'Ferrace, Wil, liamsville 21. N. Y. Scholarship- MY.,. Albert M . Dicl<son, Jr. (Ga il Dixon ), 909 Toy Ave., Norfolk 2, Va . Stat e D ay--M iss Frcida M. Phillips , 1522 Cornelia Ave., Waukegan, Dl .

NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE · Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate-'-:-Mrs. John .T . D imond (Martha Green) . 4028 20th St. N .E., Washington 18, D . C.

IN MEMORIAM El izabeth Jane Agnew TT, Clarice Ann Buser NN,. Evelyn Smith O ertle (Mrs. H. W .) HH, Anna Col lett Polovich (Mrs. Le:-v i~, Jr. ) AB, Margaret Spry Snedeker (Mrs. Clifford E .) KK, D orothy Alcorn Valvo (Mrs. Michael ) ~K.


• • • • • •







December January February

10 10 10

March April

10 10


September 15 October 10 November 10

December January February

10 10 10

March April May

10 10 10

June July August

10 10 10

Pe=na! Letter Fall Rushing Discussion topics for the 1961 National Convention Copy of Chapter Con•titution and By-Laws to National Constitution Chairman: ·M rs. Wallace L. Chandler, 8367 Charlise Road, Richmond, Va. Philanthropic Activities Suggested National Constitution Changes Chapter Check-Up Report Form Material on Elizabeth Bird Small Award and Frost Fidelity Award to National Awards Chairman: Mrs. Louis E. Fletcher, 141 Marked Tree Road, Needham, Massachusetts Chapter Scholarship ·Plan Annual Report Form Personal Introductory Letter from NEW Chapter President Directory of NEW Chapter Officers Summer Vacation Plaru; Report of Chapter' s Summer Activities Plans for Fall Activities




November 10 January 10 February 10 April or May or at time of your elections





November 10 December 11.0 January .JO February 10 March 10 April






Report on College and Chapter Directory and Returning Membership--Fall of 1960 Directory of Graduates and Undergraduates leaving college, May-September 1960 Green Membership Report for September Final date for acceptance of requests for Change of Status Green Membenhip Report for Ootober Green Membership Report for November Green Membership Report for December Green Membership Report for January List of 1961 Graduates and Undergraduates Green Membership Report for February Election Report Form on NEW President Green Membership Report for March Directory Report Form of NEW Chapter Officers Green Membership Report for April Green Membership Report for May

Letter and form with personal and college personnel information Report Form I Report Form 2 Letter Letter in traducing NEW Corresponding Secretal')' Report Form 3

l'REASURER October




December January February

10 10 10







June July

10 10


September 10

Form !-Information concerning Chapter Recording Secretary Condensed Monthly Report of Chapter Meetin!r' Condensed Monthly Report Letter Condensed Monthly Report Letter Condensed Monthly Report for Meetings since December 10 Condensed Monthly Report Condensed Monthly Report Form II-Special R eport introducing NEW R ecording Secretary Fou.owtNG ELECTtONs- Le.tter from the NP.W Secretary Condensed Monthly Report to be sent following YOUR last Chapter Meeting

Financial Report for Summer and Septemlwr Personal Letter Financial Report for October Chapter Budget R eport {Green Form ) Contribution to Fellow•hip Chairman , Mrs. Harold C. Brown ALL RETURNING PEES

Financial Report for November Financial Report for D ecember Financial Report for January Personal Letter Financial Report for February File of Supplies R eport Financial Report for March Annual Audit Repovt Election Report Form on NEW Treasurer Financial Report for April Personal Letter from NEW Treasurer Financial R eport for May Chapter Budget Report (Green Form)


VICE-PRESIDENT October November December January February

10 10 10 10 10

March April May

10 10 10




Letter .to National Vice-President Letter ·I<> National Vice-President Lette r ·t<> National Vice-President Letter to National Vice-President Report on Philanthropic Work to: Mrs. George J . Malone, Jr., 2614 S. Vandalia, TuJ.a, Okla. Letter to National Vice-President Annual Report to National Vice-President Introductory Letter from NEW Chapter VicePresident Letter to National Vice-President

October December

10 10





Personal Letter Personal Letter with emphasis on pledgr activities Letter containing suggestions for conventioa discussions Introductory L e tter from NEW Membenhip Director

Special Repovts: I. Pledge Organization-Due after the largest pledse d,... has had 2 meetings 2. Pledge Evaluation- Due in the spring at the .time of chapter elections 3. Election Report Form-Due immediately after e)octi...,.


October April

10 10



Personnel R eport Form Election Report Form on NEW Membership Director Membership Summary Report Form 2 New Rush Chairman Report Form








Personal letter discussing ru5h with emphaaia on chapter relationship with administration an<i college Panhellenic Election R eport Form. Persooal letter ewluating year's activities Personal letter from NEW Rush Chairman de ribing nrshing plaru for fall


October :'-/ovember January February March April

10 10 10 10 10 10



Ritual and Paraphernalia R eport Personal Letter R eport : Religious Activities of Alpha Sigm"" Description of a favorite devotional Report on Ritualistic Ceremonies Annual Report with Record of Services from April 10, 1960 to April 10, 1961 Introductory Lettf'r from NEW Chaplain

The National Scholarship Chairman should bt sent the scholarshi1 report at ·t he close of EACH grading period. The final report mutl he in by AUGUST 10 October






Letter outlining chapter's Scholarship Program for the year Letter introducing the NEW Scholarship Chairman Lotter evaluating th e chapter' s Scholarship Program

COLLEGE EDITOR October November










Copy for FALL PHOENIX to the National College Editor Copy for tbe W1NTEa PHOENIX to th e National College Editor Short article about outstanding chapter activities and personalities for the Alumnae Bulletin to the National College Editor Copy for the SuMMER PHOENIX to the National College Editor To the NATIONAL COLLEGE EDITOR-Letter from NEW Editor To the NATIONAL HISTORIAN- Mrs. Charles H. Hamilton , 5209 lith St. S., Arlington, of tbe chapter's activities for tbe year

Some time during tbe year a NEWSLETTER to the Chapter's Alumnae is to be published and mailed to all alumnae and National Officers.







Annual contribution to National Fellow1bip and Philanthropic Fund Chainnan, Mrs. Harold C . Brown, 3105 Rexford Drive, South Bend 1.'> , Ind. Prospective Sharp Award Candidates' papers to National Alumnae Director, 1M n. Alex 0 . Mathisen , 24.'>3 W. Theresa, Anaheim, California Convention discussion topics ·tO National Alumnae Director, Mrs. Alex 0. Mathisen, 2453 W. Theresa, Anaheim, California Amy Swisher Graduate !<>an applic:ationa to Natiol'Kll Scholarship Chairman, Mrs. Albert M. Dickson, Jr. , 909 Toy Ave ., Norfolk 2, Virginia Sharp Award ballot to National Alumnae Director, Mrs. Alex 0 . Mathisen , 24.53 W. Theresa Ave ., Anaheim, California Convention material report to Natiooal Art Editor, •Mrs. Robert Wolf, Rt. No. I, Rexford, New York Convention report to National Alumnae Direc tor, Mrs . Alex 0 . Mathisen , 2453 w. Theresa Ave. , Anaheim , California Final date for payment to National Treasurer, Mrs. C . A. Richard, 372 Argonne Dr., Kenmore 23 , New York , to insure an accredited alumnae delegate to convention




10 days after opening of school


10 days after pledging October 10

Rush Report Form





Personal le tter evaluating rush season if over or discussing rushing season with emphasis on any current problems


Form letter describing briefly moot successful rush party

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