Phoenix of Alpha Sigma Alpha: December 1914 - No. 4

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. . . . Dauomber . . . . 24 ; .1914 . . . . ~

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Believing thet tho lett6rs ·i7h::.uh f&ll((fl ttill pro··: ct o.s interesting to nll ASAs wh0 ~euld nat atten~ the c~nventitn ~~ they · did to the Central rffiue, they G1Ven in ulraost th~ir entirety. They throw some s1C:e11sht* on the oooosion not $bto.innble from the ffiaia;t reports. !li&Lli University


Dec. l,

I~rs. I!~r tin :-


At last, the talked ~f, thouGht of, and even dreamed oi, conven·;iop is over. ~·:e suroly t~iC. Q]le g~und time. The girls all arri ·~·ed here on Thursday at some time, &ln~ we certainly had ~ e~citing tiDe meeting girls we had never seen be :foro. Houe·-;. er, ue ho.d not troublo in t1~em cf'ter all , !or we seemed. t ·.:- kn1.1n therr. the minut e they ste?ped off tb.e train. Thursday Night thsre \7U.S r..n o.nte:cta.inment hero to tr1noh we took the girls frem Missouri ~n~ VirGinia. Thursday Nicht ?.u'Zh R1"'.;N1ey came anc a po.rt o! us r;ent t c! mast her. J} n~er •f c.. .ur olcl girls come th£.t srune night. Ruth ?.it.ohcy is tt splendid. 0 ir:!. in every ·::c.y, anei. Dorothy Batten \7~s. o7eryth1ng thc.t we t:ltre expecting. Elv-a Doyle and !e~ Tucker are juat lika the others, typical ASAs. Priduy Mornig we wer& busy with tho Constitutio.n and the After.n~ wna givGn cvor to a discuo3ion af the Chapter By-Laws und to snme of tho ~cgulatio~s. Friday ~vening the m~rlel initiation ~as held. The initiation ser;ice is very beautiful c.nd rrorl~e d (lUt be.e.u tifltlly. The girls all lrn~keci l•vely in their g~-vms. Ruth :11 tohey VIas very anxious to take home ·:.rtth her a eopy o:f the senices in order te initinte the ronnsyl7an1n ~irls immediately. J bud clrendy given eur tB Elva end h~d no ethe r for Ruth. Ro'\7ever ,. ltlst ni ~ht in ltJekiJtg ever some papers, I found cnother oopy ~hioh I will f•r~nrd to Rttth tmmedi&toly. (Did you &et it, Ruth?) . '1'he o.opios of the PHOEU~ onme du:r1ng the Ccmventi n, and I cliatr!buted them t~ the girls &t once. Our girls, old nnd neVI nliko nre ~rently enthused over an ASA ?Bper. The last ~· issues were intensely interesting. I personally liked ver,- much the c.rticle "n t~;c "Ucaning of Fr.aternity" . !t uill holp us all t~ muke olear to initiates just uhnt the s~r•rity s~nnas fo~ end wh~t a hal~ it can be t the mcmbershi? • Y~u

1n A3.1

Virginia State normal ~~vomaer 29, 1 014 • • ••• I can ' t beBin -:o tell you in a few nords hou ?leased t7c all nre- vi th the PHO~IUX. 'de .iton finC:. ~l1rsolve :3 thinkin0 how i·: ont:eriul it is end how much hc:::.s been tn so little time t~ aClvanc e· the sorority •• • • •• • (Selm& Batten}.

·,..-. ~.... .



30 .

Pennsylvania Normal, Indiana, P ( nna., ~c. 5, 1914.

])ear Mrs, Hartin : -

I had 1ntennnd to ~rita to you immediately upon my return but have been busy most of the ~aek Betting thinGs straightened out, as ' three clays a.~ay in one 'a senior year seams li~: e three weeks, tthen onQ is tryins to me.J~e up work. You asked for my impres~ions of the Convention. I ua.nt to tell you thn t I -rraa thoroughl;r plr.a3e ., in evf1ry respect. The Miami girls uere ao courteous: and so kind to us all that re felt that t;e h&d knoml tbem '!ri r a long time. (Here's whe·ro tho ltlphn All.'pha Chapter may be pardoned if it looks into the mirror to see if its orornn is on straight. The Central Of:Cioe kno-;,rg that it has won the right to wear that orot:n!) T·~$ delegates from FarmTilla and l:irksvilla vera most :pleasing,- lo'Y&l~, a.ongenial girls that one felt glnd to haTe as BOJ!CD ity sisters. (Rftre'; where the ()()ntrul Offioe t~·~ inks we are £~.11 quite juatifiod in patting ourselves on metnphorioa.l haoks. \That a nioe or'cw..-d we ~ro anyway!} The sooial side of the Cenvention · va~ most onjoyable. · Ott~ girls he·re are all well pleased with the business aide of the Oonvent1on. I was vory muab impresaed with the initiation serv·ico, anc1 am waiting to rea-eive a C'Opy, ao that I may initiato our girls. Before · the Convention I did not fael that tbe st8p that ~e hod taken would mean so muob to us, hut ».ow I realise how fortunate Pe nre to btt one of tho ohapte·rs e:r Alpha SJ1gma .llpha. X onl}' that more of ou:t girls oould baYe at~&a Oonventi•n. . In beb£1:! of Olt:r gtrla I want to thank you f()r tbo interest y.-tt bn'Ye taken 1n us an4 for the help you have 'been to us in becoming national. We feol grate~ to y•u and happy in the step that we have takon. We will send 7ou .)7 • 51 Tery aoon ns our sbare •f the pt1.rohaae ,.:. , pr1ee of th-e R•tosp~d. V1th love and best -rtishes from all the girlsll1 /~ ·

remain ·

~~411 A.I .S~N A.-·

!,. •

·. :



(bth X':. Ritoh•;r).

Rel.n B•ggess wrote an•ther delightf~ul letter o• Deo.6tk, a large part of which wns w•ven int• the )!rece4~ PROEl{IXes in o•nnectioi. with ~he OenvGn1.1on ao'lount, a~ we \71ll at this time quote only exoorpta. Dean Hamilton (Miss Elizabeth Hamilton, A~.) is our Adviser. and is· greatl~, interested in Alpha. 3 igma Alpha. t1e have ooneult«d many times· with her this ~,.eo.r. lllss Hamilton is a ernduate of the Oxford Collage for ~7emen hare in this town. She- \7Ss Dean of her alma mater ona year, bu.t has be.en here at Miaai ever since. Bho teaohse English nnd Greek tn the University. M1nn1C)]r. (Univftrsity Dean) -r:as greatly plea3ecl thnt the ASA Convent.1on was held hera. He is a great friend to all the soro:r1tioa and believes th&t every girl should booomo n sorority member, ii aho gets a ohnnoe. He Tery kindly exeused us fro~ olaesos ·on Friday and S(A.t.trde.y and made nany valuable aug&oations. to Ull'. The Thanksgiving Eve onto·rtainmen.t~ about whiah you a§kcd, r:as given in the Audit::ri'UJt, ~, R. T··. lyahe ente·rtainad tho students witltn. aeriea o:r 'Uncle Romu.s' sto1·1es, He is President of the National Story-tolling Lecgue of America. were the· q t.T · , a three-atory building, the setJon a.nel "l.r · oors o t lhic.1l are use·d by tho William l!cGuffy SQ-hool, the school where the aophom01:·e normsl s -.. : udents do their 'praotiolJ teaching.. Tho IC1nc1ergarten R~~m \"las placed at out d l.sp osal tor the businasa gessi&ns and for tba initiation. ·It is alr.sys an ntt rno ti?Q room on aoGount c£ the flowers nnd ferns.

:~amv illc, V& •. , Decem~er ~. 1 ~14.

Det.r l~r3. Hartin:._

' rc dee"}ly ;:;riovcd th.L-; your ·;:'>l0ll8 ha7e be en intori'cred ·.rith, as sho-::n b'7 ;our letter rccei;ed. I hn>c sent n telecrmn to "!Jorotn:r to set her re)ort r-ff to :rou. ~t onae. :'he iclll');-; ing sro t ;1(1 ntmos and addresses c,f the girls uhC'l returned t(') school ti:. is year end nlso our list o:r 'lodges. Al1oe Baskcrvillcw r15, B~ydton, Va. Solma Batten, 'lG, SuffQlk 1 Va. Mildred Booker, 'ljp llartinsville, Va. Louise Miller, '15. U&shington, Vn. . Mildred Hodges,. '!ll 5, 414 Olney Rond, Uorft~lk, Va. Altha Duvall~ '16, High St., Farmville, 7a. Elizabeth Adams Cle~ents. '17, 6ol Colonial A~e., Norfolk Va. Marie Prioe. 1 17, Farmville,. Va. ' Xatherino :7at!tinf', r17, !iit:;h St .• , Parnrvillo, V£..



'16, 162 3road

Marguerite Davis, '17. 13ute

~t ., D&nville, ~t., Uorfolk~

va. Vu .

. ::e did not take m&ny ~ irls tcis ye~r~ you see, ~ut m~terio.l was n()t &bund~nt. ;:o ere ~ure of ectting sno'"uhcr c irl, ".Jut she can not Give her consent until t.i""'licr Xmas, c:a her fc.:.thcr wants llcr to uo.1 t until he can talk matt er-a over Vli th her. 3he says she 't7ill surely be an ASA. A number of our old girls came back f~r the pledee servioor which was most impresaivc. The whole effect v;t.s beGutiful. 'i.·ho al:tmmae said c.t first that thoy could 'h~rdly belie·; a 1 t vraa those sarr.o ASA girls going through with the wonclerful service.. ;;o are anxious for our reeulcr initiation to oome, ior it is going to be even moro tmprcasiye. That comes ~ff next Fr1c1cy :aeht . Our cry this ,·;eek lw.s been, "oh, ft'<r another PHOE!JIXtf ~ ·.:e surely missed it. c.nd h&-ve been su sGrry ~bout the S"l'_)oiling · oi' your ~lana for prompt issues. I am going to ~rite the other ohapters thnt lr t~cy uill ?rom1so 3 0 subscriptions &~ieee, Aluha rrill be res·. ,onsiblo 1.'or 40. OU"C ?n.culty !~d·11ser is Thomas9 D. Eason, (.fllDmson CC'!lle so , S.C .. , 1907., :B.S. Graduate Stuncnt :l .C. A.& u.c. ~n l9 0~i · Y-_1u1·s loYingly


Be. tten)

l;lva Doyle ~ant the first be.tch of Convention I:inut es :;.·rom Illi:1ois, ··!hila en route homo~ Th{'se r·hich i'ollcvred Y:ere not received until tno ·. ; eel~~ lc.tor, one set h~vine; been lost bet,·;een Ia33ouri end Joston . ?he Central Offic e hcs tri ce to make up for the delay by ~ ettin~ out ~he fo~r iasues ior the month oi December, So that the chc) tc.ts B~:J hcve thu C. e lc.~:od rnatcri.:.l c~l o.t onoo. This is rnther sct·iiins ahead of Pc.ther Time, you see, (!Ui to es i s "uecoming i n • a sorority the ·~ ho.3 c.s 1 ts ~ron the v-:in.:;,: d Rcrmos. w1:osc :1rogrc ss Fas sY;iftcr thn.n tb c "::inCa of EcE!Ycn. ASA ought "~o be ~~i ·t h 3uch a ?a tron n(rt only tho:rou.:; u·,:> to- <lr.te in everythinf), but it ou5:1t to O•J t.:. little b~t ah~r..c1 E:-~·~2.;{S· The Centr~l Office 13 tr--ins to, set you a GOO·d e::n::..m·11c ~n th~s u.£.-G vcr, ~ut -~··1 th ell its s ~1 eed ·Gr..e Cc.1trc.l Oi .fic c ccn not do wht~. t 1 t is "?lennine; unles~ the Chi: ?tera too ooQin ·i;(' .: ;rot· Winjs thc.t ·, ·ill 'brinz.; t:J.eir :lC'3s~:;es c; to dis tent Boston. Since :- 11 ohc.pte:rs t: ill , u~1on the rccei·1t of the :PEO:J:I:C:, be in ) O::Js ea .Hon of the 11eo:·: 1<:.7·s, it is ex -) ectecl thc.t en <:h F ill f"'rgc n ize it ~ el::: on tile r~ ;o •:.' basis befor e the holitlc.ya c ~ll tr~e .: :;irls to their :J1 omcR.

32 The Pennsyvania Chs:':lter ho.s sent in 1 ts $7. fi(l share in the vurof thu Rotospced ~nd hs.s furni3hcc1 the i'ollowine; list of active mambcra::ois Vera Eesuiek, 200 Or;.ldwell Ave., ~71lmerd1ng, Pa. '15 lclen Genevieve Hartsock, 'lfi, 509 Spruce qt., Hollidaysburg, Pa. ncatrice L1111~n 3offr1cs, 027 ~hostcr Ave., Avalon Pa. '1~ Derna~otte MaNelis. '15, 2332 Bc&le A7e., Altoona, Po.. Ruth Zoysor Ritohey, 'l!J, 502 South Jnliann St., :Bed:ford Pn. Isabel Ooo-~er Sa.xman, '15, J1atrobe, '?c. ' J!ary Alice 11ntson, '15, 112 :Jest Dirunond St., Butler, ~c.. Ruth Annn Younc, '1;., 217 Somerset St., Johnstown, ...,c. I:nthe.r:;n Rachel Bro\·m, '16, 700 ?.Iah~nisg 3t., "='un:sut&uncy, Pn. Juli~nuay Cruthers, 224 ~onoD.,;g&hol& Ave., 1i cJ::ens~ort, no.. '16 Claro. Dthol Ferguson, '17, ZO!i :Jouth Ave., "Jilkinsbur:-, ..,e. r:a·;hcl·inc ~e.ra Proel1ok. Esko~n. ll.C. '17 u ~ !in1i'rod Gray J.ob1nson, '17, 837 In":i'ood St., ~t ttsburch, •o. O~l"se


'18, Inciana, rc. . Et hcs been a school l~lc for some time thtt no girl 1s eliGi-

C~ell, c.>1~:-

soror1t: until she bn3 been rcgi::Jtorcd for &t lcsst t\70 Al:,1hc Gamma Cha.,tor hc::.3, ti:eroforc, no ?lcti :;es to cnnounce 0.3 ~ct. 7he cha)ter, C3 Camma ?i Beta, hcs had an existence since 1911, ant. ~1c.s initiateC: •lio date 52 sirla~

ble to tc1·2s.

Tvo 3ets of Convention l.:inutcs r.nd three letters hc.7e been reoah·ee from El·.rn Doyle. ~e lo3s of one bn toh of !:linutcs seems incxpliccble. Elva t·us not able te so11ct in ~he names oi ".;he individw;.la

oom)os1nc the cbz::)tcr. because she is uotins ns substitute for r. iriend m1til Xrn&s inn torn at ~ome distance from ~irksvilla, but she uus OA• }cctin~ to eo home for tho initiation of the rctive 1irls n.nG -:;he rosicent clumnt.e. together t:i th cs mc.::ny othcr::J us conl c11' :for the occasion on :Jooemi.lcr 12. ~lvt. na~ed i'or co -~tes of the i>HOZH:C: to be distrii)u·i;ec! c.t t!mt timo. The Centrcl Office \loulc'l hcve been gl~d to su}·)ly fmch copies, ~ut Elva's lnt~.,or; c..lthour;h written on Decem'ucr 5, e i<! not 1·ench ::Joston until Decembe r 11, the d.ny be f ore the j~irksvillo ini·iiic.tion. l~_. is c lonf· \~a. from :as .; ouri or inlnnc. other ·;1 laces to Bos t on, cnu cl~~ ers desir ng thin ~s to rcac them by c certain dr.te must s et their requests in cc:. rlt enoU[;h ior the Centrc.l Office to con::1 ly • .. ~he Ccutrnl Office can do sane thin.:;s in record breo.kin;; tico, "uut it ocn no"~ LlLlkc wails travel nnt :fastc? "..;hon they ._., 111. . ·. ::he t:1inc; thc-t iln;.1rcs~ed ;;lvt most r t the Con;· ention after the SCB'3ions ::mC: the Girls themselves HaS the cJ.ormitory system nt Miumi. 1hc 30.JO t!1nt nt !:irksville the students botl.rd around in torm• ncc1·l y every r~:.:.ily hr··1ins one or tt:o roamers. Socially the 3oho~l is dac.c1, the 3 ·~u­ f.c;1t ".>oc.·· c~:·H:nC'in ..: for their :JOCiCl ei'\.·ersions u·•)On the O.ifc.irs ·)rOVitcC: in., to~m. She 3') ct.ks too oi the many countr7- girls en,~ boys th<: t come in ~or a sos~ion or t,,:o, of her r." ish , th;;.t the "':ehool mi :r,ht be more of ~ 3ocic1 force in the lives o: those stuc1 cnts. Uerp • c; !'ork :for the o!liC: 1t:c of .:.,_1 ..., ~. ' ~cr:l soo1r:l senice ·t:ork thc..t trill t c influence o ..:1 1'clt in the little cros2-rocC.s school'Muse c.nd tho 11 ~tle oro3s-ro~c!"! nc:i~'ilborhood t !1et . these !.l)ilr netc Alumno.c r.nC: ·the !r i1u3jru1,· s :;o before the ?".ec1sle:iiure r:i th a l:o1· a d•rmi ~~ry f6r ~h e Girls at lo~st, Pne w:1ilo ~his i3 building let then c1o : ·hc..t -;hoy ao.n t o itllrDVc the sooial 11fe of the 3ch·ool. Ii' they i"ell that they can not do ti:i<J onti1·cly unr:·i,ed. let them form a Po.nhellon ic Ass•a ia tion i:i th tho o~!ler GreeZ.-Let'tor societies in 3cheol, or let e;·cn form a to't:n Panhellenic, to include no't enl:r the sorori-c:t ·pco ~)l o ~ /! l o hc."'; o been conne c ted \7i ·~h ~:1c 3chool 1mt nny resident Gre eks. 'Tho He tion~l ?anhell en ic Consrcsa is es·t;nbli.s'llina ti1 c sc or~c~n iza'tiions a:..1y.7herc t;1a"li ·t'lte re is n ee d to tm:n·'l"':e c0.ucr. tioncl cone 1 tions. :(he Phoenix st4ys ":l orry Ch ris too.s", c::1d "!rc.:n • t you ;:;led :~ou iounc: me in ~ 7 ou.r Christo c3 atoc l-:inc? "


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