Phoenix of Alpha Sigma Alpha: December 1914 - No. 3

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Decem0e~ •



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SEVIDTTH :-J ATIOlV L co:r-rr:JTION ( Con't. :'.nu.ed). ~

. evening lias e;iven over t.o r moeel ini t1ct:\on. Tltis ;;c. s !1 10. the Kinc-:ergerten room, of .the l{onn£1 Bni~ding • . !rhe room is clr r- ya v ery p:rcrt·uy- with f19'1ers rn.d ferns., Pnn the l>OS'S1b111 ty CY.f htving the ftl.rni t u1' e vely (:881- ly remove" ~~G th~ us-e· O·f a ~11 . yr'ell-1'-ehted adjoining ro om fC't· the robin~ of the 'cPnC:i&a.tEs .mt de ~t en \deu ·;lace. The · ro bes ·.·ere uost ~. t~l"e. ctii·~ n~a· w~re · tnf'de ,by ~th. Dnff$y eccordin3 to :21turl I nstruotio'n3 r- s pl"rt of her oontributic.n to . tht:· su:coes3 ·Oi' :t he Con"ten f,;:ton . S::he sarvice lrat~d from 6.zo ·to 8o30 r ~d rur.d~ 'r deeD ~m, re s sion on tpe outof -ta\7n telecrr:tes. the retur;;ing alunmLe of th~ Hie.mi Cl1o.nter o.nd i ts :_>ledges. The fi-rst in:J.~ia~~· r;as E1vs jo~tl:a o-~ the Eissouri aale sat ion , the ~.eoo~- ·Titrth: ~itche'y ~f Penns~":n;.nia..· The. vistting d~l~gr te frQm . 11i~so~ri. Lenny&· Tttcker~ ua~~ in eluded . \"i:\th the M1till11 .delegation. C) in cc th8 return of ·the .,.: 1ssouri · end Penns;,rlvanin delegrtes to th·eir res·:'J ecti·;e ohr,ters. crr£~gements. hcve been ·s et an fQot to use the ne~ in1tic tion scl"t"ioe for &Il · aoti·ie mem~ers and p~~. ed geslt t.a t:ell as f or cs .merty alumnae r s ~-: 111 find it 1)0S3i";)le to ret1.1rn for the ceremony. There is a :;>asstbility that the !la.t ·~on£ll. Council mr.y cr.rcn Ge 6urinu the yecr :Lor c. SW?"?lelilen~ry ·b itietion i·o:r nll ,those nh o have been ~~~a in the po st, &nC!. uho dea.1;;...e to be ag£.1n aati've thro &s ·1oaia.tion u i th one o:~: J.;he G:rc.C:uate ore;a.n1ac. ticms. , The Busine~s· , Session on 3aturecy m9rning t":as ca lled to order at lO~ZO, D~rotily Batten in the Chair. The c1i3oussiona u ere largely given OVeT to uhe ~egttlatiQnS, not &ll Of \clliOh h&d been decided U)on the ? r~­ v1. o-r~'3 a:rternocm. · The finc..l \·ark oi the Omr:entiQll -rrat1 the election of thl'-} ~latione.l Coan.cU. In this PHO~!HX r:ill be found the list ~f Regulnti~8 as adopted., togetaer with guoh Convention Rulint;s r..s· do not come tad<Jr the head of Censtttution, Cha:;>ter By-Latta or :tef:;ultltions. ~oll oH ­ ~- these oemm the L~mes r.nd addresses of the Nati~~ Couno~l !or 191416 and the )tnndinG Committees !or that aame ?eriod. · : It rras a matter of deep rec3ret to &11 a t the Convention toot t he : trls ·from l!issourt and Dorothy Betten~ \7:-:o hr.d to return to t aLe ohc.r :.;e o:C lln liorth Cerolinc. school on liondry morning. uere f<>roed to l eave on the noun train~ espec1a.ll;:r e.s the Liemi girls had planne e, a :?arty fa ~ Sa~...?Q.ay r-.fternoon. Ruth Ritchey and IJany ef the ll imni alUI!lnae -r:e re ablfj ···i;o 'remain for that very delightfUl l'.i:rair., however, -rrhich to ok em the nature of a rece,tion t·nd \7hich uo.a b:eld in. the po.rlor of Bishop HaJJ.. one of. the .Miami dormitories. The room loaked v ery pretty w i. J.;~1 i'!;s decorations of chrysru1themums snd smilcx. On the .te& t cb1ec t i1::::-e were red .cnnC.les in arystcl sticks and shaded wi t h crimson. :z:luth :D'J.~..: e ·7 and Helen Boggess poured. vthile the !.: imni f re shmen served tea, s a.n 'i\J.i.· ~ !l cs and mints . Betv:een seventy-fi·{e nnd one ht'\nc'i red ';Ues t s 11ere :pre sci.1t tC> sh0t1er ooneratnlr.·tions on the reorganized sororiJ.;y and to i-:- ish it ~IJ.r;·.:.?.::J S in the ne-.-: field. Al togeUer 1 t ,_.,as a very h eppy end :in.:; to a mos t ~c.~·~.~ ­ fc.otory ConYention r.nd the I:liami girls are to be congr u tulate d on t h.J s'lendii! uc.y in ';7hich they mo.naged everything fram the firs~ gl o.d ·-;11 i r, --·-ne to crriYing ~ests to the last tender "good bye". 'l'here. \Ill), be :r..~ 'J.J' Conventions in the future histnry of .'\.lpha Sigma Al:>hn. bi :.:;ser o.r.. e9 -:_" 'J :> lla!;>s, t ..t ..1e~:er better, end certuinly ne-;er a 3a1n ;·ri ll t he r e be an a t:1~ t ~Till hc"le the significcnoe for the sorority as t·:r ill t h is one a t llia.Iti .. i i'l


;.,,., ...~...,.. !1~·.r .:nt~ 1'~:"'e l 'f.t~t ... ,. . ... . L\.1 · J,fa\..AJ\~

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T:...c Virt;-inin Chap·ver shall bo knonn ns Alpha, the· MU:un1 Obaptor as Alpbc Alpha. the l.lisaouri Ohc.}Ytc.·r ltll Alphr. Beta, the PClUl.fJY' Chapter as Alpha Gamma. The letter .ALPHA s·b.Elll he i'orever reserved !or the usc ~f these £our ahnpters, wh1Gh formed the bnsi~ of ·~he reHrganizod aorori-

ty. Tho Natin~~l Secretary sb&ll be the Custodian of , the Badge. Shb shall hn.vo tho right to ordGI' :P .i.ns :from tbo S 'To:ci ty Jmvolor. .All Chapter Searotarios znust ordor all ·sad{;es th:roueh tho· National Scro.rat.nry.

fhe of:Ciaial


s,h all be li:. .H. Fetting o:r

r~ timoro,


4. The



atntionary shall bo of pearl whita with thG printing


5. The


ns allutys usr.d, both


and secr-<l.t ', ahD.ll stand. Ad~pted N~vombor


Nn"ional Council Pros.idant- Wm. Holmes Martin, 5

~ obdnn

St,, Roxbury, Mass.

Sf\ooro:tary- l..Iiss Elv.a Doyle, nO R S.outr.. Hi gh St .. 1 Xirka.villo, Mo.

Trens:uror- I/Iiss Ruth Duffey,. South Cha!'lCl st on,. Ohio . Historian- Iliiss Dorothy Bat.ton,

Ki.on ·~on,

ll . O.

Standing C\;Inl!4i'tt oo s J'inonoo

- Mrs. 1-iartin ancl lt!sa :D".lfi'oy.


- Mrs. I::lartih and !-.1133 l}tlylo.

rublieationa- Miss natton and Miss Duf£ey. Education

- Miss: J»yle and Miss Bntton.

(Tha. ~n Eoucation r;aa· c~ar~a of the Annual S,oror 1 t y Dxn.I:Iii:na t 1 ~ rl . ;



Uott : eo The OPA~z pledgo, . Ul*iier-graduntc and gradua-te m•ttoas shall be Alpha Sigraa.AJ.pba. The open Jll.otto sbnll bo · LGO






The ,thor mettoes shsll be theso sot forth in the Rituals. II Badges

Badges shall he of four kinde.

The distinlrtivo badge sbnll bo n

shield vith four eono&va sidoe, ~lnin or jowolad ~ifh sixtoon pearls~ bcnrtng tho lottors ASA, a oroun and a stnr 1n gold on a field of blaQk cmlUilel. n.e pledr;a pin shaJ.l be aimile.r 1n shapa, but smaller by hall t ho width of the pearls in the · dis tiru:ttve • in. \');on with tho letters /,.S!.. 1n sUver. !Dle Grs.duatc sull '00 n gua.rf. pin of t~ ohapter letter attaGhed to tho disttnotive badgo by n gold obain.


ro~ogni tion

pin shall be a sold phoeniX. III


GGld aa

oo~ors shall be Sup!>lome:ntn~.

Colors. Pearl White and Qrtmsen with P.alm Grot\11 and.

. 't v Fl.Wcrs The fl•wor shall be the white Qbeysanthemnm with D&ff'od1ls for Spring use.



Tha jouols ahall be penrls nnd rubies. VI


The flag shall be an cblong of -poe.rl \7h1to bearing a ph•onix in

()rima on. VI!~

Tho Patron shnll

Pntroz ba · He~os.


Coo.t- o:r-l\l'fiS

Tho •oat-of-arms sM.ll be· a ahiold of penrl v;h1 t e bearing a crimson !'hoe nL~ and slU'mouatcd as a cr0s ·c by n geld o.rorm linod with orilnson.


!Qiook Tho kne>ok shall be one long tlnd thro e short .. X

Whis tle

Oflll-"Sho\lld old nequnintancG'~

Ansr1c:rt· -":Be-· :r6rgot~·. .~

liiu.mi ~n·:ersi ty lioYen 'bar 27-28 1914

Convent1 cn 3oster Offici ~ l Dele ~c ~es

Alpha Ch:.: ~1ter-:;:J or~··.;h~ 3ctt en, ::1ns ton, ll .C. Al:,hc. AJrpbc. Ch~-:>t c :r-1 ou !4eeClom, --: t. ?r ri s , o. Alphe. Betr. Chc.:-,ter--ra ·; t Do)'le, :-:irksv i ll e, . :o. J.l -~"Jh:: ·.

Gc.mmr. Chc!?te r-P.uth

;.~ .

Ritche y, ::nc1 1.:nn, -:>c •


l.lumnr.e- l:loz·o:thy 3 :-:"tten ·1·_1hr-. Al--.,hc Alumnc.e-Ruth Duffe y

Al-::>hr:. Betc

.~lumn a e-rav(;:.



Dorotl1:.r Clr.Son, . '. ~A..'16, Clr:1 on ~ 111, '"!oringfie ld , o. ITcrriet ~mith, !.A'16, ~eol\nd :. t., j '_t. :Iec.lthy , o. ~elen Bo::: !Je~s. LA'lo, 41SJ S. n1um 3t •• 1·~ rin 0fi e ld, o. :!elle Berry. A.A.' 17, :;? en cerY111e, o. Ruth Coblftntz, !~'17, Get t ysburg , o. ':' ~ 1:..f.1. '17 , ""i onenr, 0 • .•u th -,1 .•, ~loi3e J::7erett, }~\ 'l'i, ·.loodstook , o. Ol~d7s :.?enton, :~'17, ! .. rcr.num, o. Ethel !1e1:1nne:r. lJ l. '17, Dlc.nche s te r , 0. NorL. lloser, !-~'17, U~]e r 3r ncusky, o. C~"t~ler1ne !'rudent , Al.'l7, Uen ~~ ichn ond . ~uth 3lbneker, Ll-.'17, H•·milton , o. Bern.:. C:ine, 1. : '17, Bel l e..-ue, !{y . J e s '! ie Gheno\7i th. :.: '14 ,

r. iu.~

0. ~nne Font3, AA'l4, 3out h r!hc.lrc3 ton, o. ~71tmi'red Johnson, !J.'l ~ . HLinil to11 , o. Helen Lincoln, :~·- '14, ."'oeC:stock , o. ~11zabeth lle~hall, lw~'lZ, 3 i dn ey, o. :Clizc.beth Sobz.ei:Ce r, !:.l1 1 l4, H i dc~ l et o·~ ·n , lielen Sexc.ner,. / 1... '14, ~ ic~ n e;:- , o. Schultz, ·..A'l4, D::~rt0n , o. Hc.·rriet -:-11son, 1-.A'l:, · Sicncy , o. Rnt L Wyatt, }; J, '14, e'\7~bc\ers, o. • ennve ..u • Tu'"ker \#

•'"D .11-D

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' •o'u c rl •y •

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'l'he Con7ention count sh~r1s r.. totr.l of tw ent y- ei ~h t. in c tten4 c-ncc ct the ses · ~ions . This, '7'e'\·e, i3 the l a rgest numbe r ev er i n a ·~J..; en C:­ cncc ct ~nASA Con~ention. The Central Offi ce h~ s not ~ ith in re~oh fo r verii'icc tion the records of n11 the con·:ent ions he l C: by the s orority : but i'c eln jus-~ifiee in mr l:in~ the st~ment. in v i e'i" of the f c..ot thct it '::~s cu~rtorJ c. ry in J..l·:> h& Sigma J~l?ha to- hold con-•.;entions r.ur i ng the summer or ·. : in ~c er holi<.~r- 7s :· t s ome ho te l. It i s to be h o1ee thr t the ec.;M'-en tio-M of 1914 i ~ t h e b e £; inntn2 of 1 c.lmy cL~~ f or Al ?ht4 q 1gm:-: Alpha, ·~h: t t he nc::t '··ill :Jee &t le; at ?OUR time :~ r~3 m ~' n y in u ttendcnce .

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