SOLAS Training Manuals

Page 250



COMPANYNAME M/V “VSLNAME” SOLAS TRAINING MANUAL PART B – Section 8 Fire Extinguishers & Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems Page 5 of 37


Stored pressure or cartridge operated: The CO2 used to expel the medium may either be applying permanent pressure within the extinguisher or stored in a small cartridge found inside the extinguisher and connected to the operating head. In the latter case when the operating head is depressed CO2 from the cartridge fills the main body of the extinguisher in order to expel the medium.


Carbon Dioxide (CO2): When the medium is itself CO2 the gas is stored as a liquid under pressure. Because of the pressures involved CO2 extinguishers are not welded containers but solid draw. Upon discharge the liquid expands into CO2 gas.


A. WATER FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Suitable for use on wood, paper, plastics and textiles (Class A fires). DO NOT USE on fires involving liquid (oils, paints, fats, cleaning fluids, etc). DO NOT USE on fire where there is live electricity in the vicinity. •

Operation of water fire extinguishers Direct the jet into the heart of the fire and low down. Start at the base of the fire nearest you and using a horizontal sweeping action work upwards and away from yourself. If possible break up the burning material to dissipate the heat and make sure that it is thoroughly wetted.

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