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A New Year’s invitation from Menlo Park’s mayor By Ray Mueller

and health of the community that dwells within. We know that our greatest resource is the intellect, enlo Park is many different things to many passion, and goodwill of our residents. Does it get messy different people. To some, it is the sometimes? Of course, absolutely. But in Menlo countryís foremost venture capital Park, thatís just part of the fun — the challenge destination. It is a social media technology hub. of gathering and distilling all of the informaIt is a gateway to a world-class academic instition, all of the data, and all of the opinions, and tution. It is a beautiful suburb with excellent settling upon a course for the future.” schools. It is a center for bio-medical research. It In 2014, the city of Menlo Park will is a birthplace for high tech and robotic innovaface many challenges, some old, and some tion. It is a fount of revolutionary approaches to new, including: ■ Working with small business owngreen and sustainable living practices. GUEST ers to revitalize our downtown and retail Menlo Park is all of these things and many OPINION areas all over the city. more, depending upon whom you ask, but ■ Determining how to expand the there is just one thing Menlo Park is to all of sales tax base in our industrial areas. itís residents: Itís our home. ■ Determining how to implement the Downtown At the end of the day we are all just neighbors, striving to renew and preserve a place we cherish and are proud Specific Plan. ■ Collaborating with the Las Lomitas and Menlo of — to raise our children in, and in which to grow old with those we love. Do we always agree on what that Park City school districts as they embark upon infrastructure improvements. means and how it should be accomplished? No. ■ Tackling how to provide educational equity to But in Menlo Park there is a tradition that we cherish: Our neighbors care enough to be part of the conversa- students of the Ravenswood School District. ■ Planning how to implement an infrastructure for tion. We all gather and work together to build a better future, because we recognize that a city is not defined by electrical vehicles. ■ Finding new ways to expand transportation itís boundaries and structures, but rather by the strength


History of Park Theatre, from owner’s perspective By Howard Crittenden

I spent tens of thousands of dollars on architect plans and consultants, and I devoted countless know many residents of Menlo Park were dis- hours to presenting my ideas to the City Council, appointed and frustrated when the Park The- hoping that somehow, together we could come to atre was demolished in November of 2013. It a workable solution that would keep the historical was heartbreaking for me, too — I have owned the theatre in place, while allowing me to operate an property for 27 years and invested over $400,000 investment that could be profitable. in architectural plans, consultants, attorney fees, In the following years, the city decided to and required city costs to try and make it encourage development downtown by a viable property and keep its historical creating the Downtown Specific Plan. essence intact. Encouraged by the new rules, I dusted off There have been many misconceptions my original plans and hired a respected regarding the theatre and why it was torn attorney to help me push forward with down, and as the owner of the building, renovating the building. and as someone who worked hard to To meet the cityís requirefind a common ground, I would like ments, the new construction bid came to explain my side of the story and clear in significantly higher than what GUEST up any confusion as to why demolishing the architect had estimated, making OPINION the building became the most sensible the project financially untenable. I option. attempted to work with the city to I purchased the Park Theater propgrant a variance on some of the parkerty in 1986 as a real estate investment. Around ing restrictions, and I asked Caltrans to partner the late 1990s, the theatre tenant, Landmark, with me in installing bike parking along El declared reorganization bankruptcy. They were Camino Real, as this was the only way to prea good tenant, and the theatre was popular, so I serve the theatre’s marquee from being hit by reduced the rent to $.61 a square foot (in a mar- passing trucks. The city wasnít ready to accept ket where $1.75 a square foot was the going rate). this idea, and the added requirements would The space was drastically under-performing, so have added additional years to the projectís I tried numerous times to make the building a completion. mixed-use space, with office space in addition to Reluctantly, I was finally forced to abandon the theatre. Repeatedly, the Menlo Park Planning the project. We demolished the building, and the Commission did not support my attempts to add property has now been sold. I regret that t1here office space — or add more parking — even when were no winners in the demolishing of the Park I came back with plans for underground parking Theatre, and I want to offer my sincere apologies options. to the members of the Menlo Park community During the late 1990s and through the 2000s, who wished to see the theatre stay. I put a huge amount of financial resources and time into the project, but I finally realized it wouldnít be viable Join today: in the current environment. SupportLocalJournalism.org Thank you for reading this and hearing my side of the story. Memberships begin at Howard Crittenden only 17¢ per day



options for seniors. ■ Finally opening our new police station in Belle Haven. ■ Determining how to effectively implement an ordinance that balances the residents’ right of privacy against government surveillance. All of these challenges and many more await us in the new year. I invite you to participate in the discussion, whether it be as a resident, or if you have the time, more formally as a city commissioner. The city has extended recruitment efforts until Jan. 20 for the following commission vacancies: Bicycle Commission, one vacancy; Library Commission, three vacancies; Parks and Recreation Commission, two vacancies; and Finance and Audit Committee, three vacancies. For more information, visit the city of Menlo Park’s Commissions webpage at menlopark.org/city_commissions.html and click the link on the left titled “Commission Vacancies January 2014.” Or call the City Clerk’s office at 330-6620. I confidently know I speak for all of my colleagues on the City Council when I say I hope you will consider joining us. Happy New Year, Mayor Ray Mueller

Struggle outlined by Dr. King continues today By Henry Organ

This Supreme Court decision hese are times of 50-year also reminded the nation of a anniversaries, and it is related sinister, non-violent move nearing 50 years ago that in many states: gerrymanderThe Reverend Dr. Martin Luther ing voting districts. One of the King Jr. was awarded the Nobel major goals of gerrymandering is Peace Prize in 1964. to dilute and negate the effect of In the opening paragraph of equal voting rights and interests of Dr. King’s acceptance speech in people and communities of color. Oslo, he spoke of young people Locally, it was prudent for in Philadelphia, MisSan Mateo County to sissippi, who, the day move from county-wide before his speech, were to district elections. I brutalized and murwas honored to have dered while seeking the been chosen by former right to vote. How sad, Supervisor Rose Jacobs but predictable, that Gibson to be a member this non-violent pursuit of the county’s Charter of the right to vote must Review Committee in GUEST continue a half-century 2010, which addressed OPINION later. this subject. I strongly Last year, the Supreme support this change, Court handed down a decision because it should increase voting that weakens the Voting Rights and enhance representation for Act of 1965, which was enacted residents throughout the county. only a year after — prompted by Special recognition must go Dr. King’s Nobel speech in 1964. to the Lawyers’ Committee for Within hours of the court’s deci- Civil Rights in San Francisco, sion last year, some “pre-clear- which prompted this move. It is ance” states moved immediately hoped that the district boundarto suppress voting rights. ies drawn by the county satisfy It was almost sinister that that constitutional concerns set forth same Supreme Court deflected by the Lawyers’ Committee at the subject back to Congress, the outset. with a House of Representatives Dr. King’s birthday is an annudominated by states that are not al reminder, and challenge, that eager to expand voting rights. civil rights are never achieved In her Supreme Court opinion, absolutely and irreversibly. They Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg must be vigilantly sought and said that Dr. King’s legacy and protected. the nation’s commitment to justice had been “disserved by Henry Organ is a Menlo Park today’s decision.” Amen! resident.


January 15, 2014 N TheAlmanacOnline.com N The Almanac N 15

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