Info Menlo Park, section 1

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Winter Lodge .JEEMFĂśFME 3PBE 1BMP "MUP 5IF POMZ QFSNBOFOU PVUEPPS TLBUJOH rink west of the Sierras is open September"QSJM "ENJTTJPO 3FOUBMT %JTDPVOU cards available. Weekly lessons offered at all levels for both children and adults. Parties. t SFDPSEJOH t XXX XJOUFSMPEHF DPN

Open Space Areas Coal Creek Open Space Preserve 5SBJMT NJMFT GPS IJLJOH CJDZDMJOH FRVFTUSJBO Rolling meadows, oaks, grasslands, large madrone trees, forested headwaters of two creeks. Leashed dogs permitted, ideal for hiking with dogs. Caltrans vista point on Skyline Boulevard approximately 1.2 miles OPSUI PG 1BHF .JMM 3PBE 4J[F BDSFT t t JOGP!PQFOTQBDF PSH t XXX PQFOTQBDF PSH El Corte de Madera Creek Open Space Preserve Skyline Boulevard, south of Kings .PVOUBJO 3PBE 5SBJMT NJMFT GPS IJLJOH bicycling, equestrian. Parking: Limited spaces at Caltrans Skeggs Point vista parking BSFB MJNJUFE SPBETJEF PO 4LZMJOF #PVMFWBSE 3PVUF 4UFFQ IFBWJMZ GPSFTUFE UFSSBJO SBSF BOE GSBHJMF TBOETUPOF GPSNBUJPOT SFEXPPET DSFFL IFBEXBUFST 1PQVMBS XJUI bicyclists. No dogs allowed. Size: 2,817 acres. t t JOGP!PQFOTQBDF PSH t XXX PQFOTQBDF PSH Los Trancos Open Space Preserve Page .JMM 3PBE NJMFT FBTU PG 4LZMJOF #MWE

5SBJMT NJMFT )JLJOH BOE IPSTFCBDL SJEJOH allowed. Bicycles and dogs are not allowed. 7JFXT PG 4BO 'SBODJTDP BOE .U %JBCMP mile self-guided San Andreas Fault trail with CSPDIVSF PO FBSUIRVBLF GFBUVSFT &OUSBODF on Page Mill Road, 7 miles west of Highway 280. Size: 274 acres. t t JOGP!PQFOTQBDF PSH t XXX PQFOTQBDF PSH

Creek Canyon, with towering redwoods, rushing creek, and understory of ferns, CFSSJFT BOE XJMEøPXFST )BMG .PPO #BZ and the coast are visible from parts of the QSFTFSWF 4J[F BDSFT t t JOGP!PQFOTQBDF PSH t XXX PQFOTQBDF PSH QSFTFSWFT QS@QVSJsima.asp

Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District %JTUFM $JSDMF -PT "MUPT 'PVOEFE by Santa Clara County voters in 1972, the Open Space District offers more than BDSFT PG VOEFWFMPQFE QVCMJD MBOET Most areas are open for hiking, cycling and horseback riding. Free docent-led activities. Steep trails, redwood canyons, madrone and pine forests mark the 26 preserves, which are open year-round from sunrise to a half-hour after sunset. Helmets are required for bicyclists at all times. Fires and smoking are prohibited at the preserves. Dogs permitted in some preserves. David Daniels Nature Center at Skyline Ridge Open Space Preserve. t t JOGP!PQFOTQBDF PSH t XXX PQFOTQBDF PSH BCPVU@VT Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve 4LZMJOF #PVMFWBSE NJMFT TPVUI PG )XZ 5SBJMT NJMFT PG EFWFMPQFE trails and historical logging roads provide opportunities for hikes, bikes or horse SJEFT %PHT BSF OPU BMMPXFE 5SBJMT PVU PG UIF DBOZPO DMJNC VQ UP GFFU 5IF centerpiece of this preserve is Purisima

Ravenswood Open Space Preserve &BTU Palo Alto. end of Bay Road, east of U.S. )JHIXBZ 5IJT QSFTFSWF JT DPNQSJTFE of two noncontiguous areas located south of the Dumbarton Bridge and adjacent to 4BO 'SBODJTDP #BZ 5IF MBSHFS BSFB JT MPDBUFE OFBS $PPMFZ -BOEJOH JO &BTU 1BMP "MUP 5IF marsh attracts a variety of migrating birds including sandpipers, dowitchers and avocets. Great blue herons, white pelicans, BOE FHSFUT BSF BMTP DPNNPO NJMFT PG trail. Wheelchair accessible. Hiking and bicycling is allowed, but horses and dogs are OPU BMMPXFE PO UIF USBJMT 4J[F BDSFT t t JOGP!PQFOTQBDF PSH t XXX PQFOTQBDF PSH

CFGPSF QBSLJOH 4J[F BDSFT t t JOGP!PQFOTQBDF PSH t XXX PQFOTQBDF PSH QSFTFSWFT QS@UIPSOFXPPE BTQ Windy Hill Open Space Preserve Skyline #PVMFWBSE 1PSUPMB 7BMMFZ 5XFMWF NJMFT PG trails for hiking, biking, horseback riding, LJUF øZJOH 7JFXT PG UIF 1FOJOTVMB BOE DPBTU picnic tables, creeks, grassland ridges, and B QPSUJPO PG UIF 3JEHF 5SBJM 4QSJOH 3JEHF QBSLJOH BSFB PO 4LZMJOF #PVMFWBSE NJMFT south of Highway 84. Additional roadside parking is available along Skyline Boulevard. Hang gliding, paragliding and remote control gliding are allowed by obtaining a QFSNJU 4J[F BDSFT t t JOGP!PQFOTQBDF PSH t XXX PQFOTQBDF PSH QSFTFSWFT QS@XJOEZ@IJMM BTQ


Thornewood Open Space Preserve La Honda Road, between Woodside Road and 4LZMJOF #PVMFWBSE 8PPETJEF 5SBJMT NJMF )JLJOH FRVFTUSJBO )JTUPSJD 5IPSOFXPPE &TUBUF SFEXPPET PBLT 4DIJMMJOH -BLF Leashed dogs permitted.

Bedwell Bayfront Park Marsh Road at #BZGSPOU &YXZ .FOMP 1BSL -BSHF PQFO space. Walking trails. Home of the Annual Kite Day. Great biking, walking and bird watching. Open daily, sunrise to dusk. Dogs BSF QFSNJUUFE PO MFBTI 4J[F BDSFT t XXX CBIJLFS DPN TPVUICBZIJLFT CBZGSPOUQBSL IUNM XXX NFOMPQBSL PSH EFQBSUNFOUT DPN QBSLT CBZGSPOU IUN

Access through a brick gate on the south side of La Honda Road (Hwy 84), 1.6 miles past its intersection with Portola Road in 8PPETJEF " OBSSPX ESJWFXBZ GPS NJMFT

Burgess Park 701 Laurel St., Menlo Park. Originally a part of the Dibble Hospital facilities and purchased in 1948, Burgess Park is one of the first city-owned recreation


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