The Holy Quran: English Translation of the Meaning And Commentary

Page 394

J. 7

S.6 A.9-12

In a matter which Already covered with Mocked were (many) Messengers before thee; But their scorrers Were hemmed in By the thing that they mocked. 843 SECfION 2. "Travel through the earth And see what was the end Of those who rejected Truth." Say: "To whom belongeth All that is in the heavens And on earth?" Say: "To Allah. He hath inscribed For Himself (the rule of) Mercy.841 That He will gather you Together for the Day of Judgment. There is no doubt whatever. It is they who have lost Their own souls, that will Not believe.

842. Supposing an angel should appear to their grosser senses. he could only do it in human form. In that case their present confused notions about spiritual lire would be still more confounded. They would say: "We wanted to see an angel. and we have only seen" man!" 843. "The scoffers were mocked by the thing that they mocked" would express epigrummatically part of the sense. but not the whole. "Hemmed in" implies that the logic of events turned the tables. and as a man might be besieged and surrounded by lin enemy in Win. "nd would be forced to surrender. so these mockers will find that events would justify Truth. not them. The mockers of Jesus.-where were they when Titus destroyed JeruslIlem'! The mockers who drove out Mu~ammad from Makkah-what was their plight when Mu~ammad came back in triumph and they sued for mercy.-mu/i1t< gUI'e it to tllem! According to the Latin proverb. Great is Truth. and must prevail. 844. History. travel. human experience. all prove the Mercy of Allah and the law that without it those who reject Truth tend to lose their own souls and destroy themselves.

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