The Holy Quran: English Translation of the Meaning And Commentary

Page 290

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J. 5

S.4 A.78-80


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If some good befalls them They say, "This is from Allah"; But if evil, they say, "This is from thee" (0 Prophet).S97 Say: "All things are from Allah." But what hath come To these people. That they fail To understand A single fact?

Whatever good, (0 man!) Happens to thee, is from Allah; But whatever evil happens To thee. is from thyself And We have sent thee As a Messenge~98 To (instruct) mankind. And enough is Allah For a witness. 80. He who obeys The Messenger. obeys Allah: But if any turn away,

597. The Hypocrites were inconsistent. and in this reflect unregenerate mankind. If a disaster happens, due to their own folly, they blame somebody else; but if they are fonunate, they claim reflected credit by pretending that Heaven has favoured them because of their own superior merits. The modern critic discards even this pretence, eliminates Heaven altogether, and claims all credit direct to himself, unless he brings in blind Chance. but that he docs mostly to "explain" misfonune. If we look to the ultimate Cause of all things, all things come from Allah. But if we look 10 the proximale cause of things, our own merit is so small. that we can hardly claim credit for good ourselves with any fairness. In Allah's hand is all good: iii. 26. On the other hand, the proximate cause of our evil is due to some wrong in our own inner selves; for never are we dealt with unjustly in the very least: iv. 77. 598. To blame a man of God for our misfortunes is doubly unjust. For he comes to save us from misfonune, and it is because we flout him or pay no heed to him, that our own rebellion, brings ils own punishment. If we realise Ihis Irulh we shall be saved from Iwo sins: (1) the sin of injustice 10 Allah's Messengers, who come for our good, and nOI for our harm: (2) Ihe sin of not realising our own shortcomings or rebellion, and thus liVing in spiritual darkness. If Ihe Message is from Allah, thaI carries its own authority: "enough is Allah for a witness." v

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