The Holy Quran: English Translation of the Meaning And Commentary

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And forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones To attain felicity.431 105. Be not like those Who are divided Amongst themselves And fall into disputations After receiving Oear Signs: For them Is a dreadful Chastisement,106. On the Day when Some faces will be (lit up With) white, and some faces Will be (in the gloom of) black: 432 To those whose faces Will be black, (will be said): "Did ye reject Faith After accepting it? Taste then the Chastisement For rejecting Faith." 107. But those whose faces Will be (lit with) white,They will be in (the light Of) Allah's mercy: therein To dwell (for ever).

431. Mufli~. aflaha. faliilJ: the root idea is attainment of desires; happiness. in this world and the next; success; prosperity; freedom from anxiety. care. or a disturbed state of mind;-the opposite of 'a~iib in the next verse. which includes: failure; misery; punishment or penalty; agony or anguish.

The ideal Muslim community is happy. untroubled by conflicts or doubts. sure of itself, strong, united. and prosperous: because it invites to all that is good; enjoins the right; and forbids the wrong.-a master-stroke of description in three clauses. 432. The "face" (wajh) expresses our Personality, our inmost being. White is the colour of Light; to become white is to be illumined with Light. which stands for felicity. the rays of the glorious light of Allah. Black is the colour of darkness. sin. rebellion. misery; removal from the grace and light of Allah. These are the Signs of heaven and hell. The standard of decision in all questions is the justice of Allah.

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