Deportations from the Region of Chernivci (Ukraine) and Edinets District (Moldova)

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Domnika (daughter of Toader) Vyntu-Skipkaryu.120 9th of August 2012. Interviewer – M. Tarita. In the Romanian language. About arrests. Native from the village of Buchy,121 which was destroyed after the World War Two and the houses transferred to Arboreny. This short interview was taken separately, after we spoke with her husband (see the text above). - Your father, he didn’t come back home? - From where? He died there, of hunger he died. - Did You receive letters? - No, I hadn’t received anything, later, when my man came, he told me how he died and buried him among stones. What to tell You, we had many difficulties. - When they took him, who took him, the soldiers or?.. - The Soldiers? I don’t know who were. I can’t remember. I was a little child. They told him to go out, to wear something. He went out and left and he didn’t come back… The train with don’t know how many wheels, took him, and he didn’t come back. We had famine, and we didn’t have what to eat. We ate weeds from the field. And I thank God that I lived till these days. What to do? But You, for what You (are doing) these? - We are writing a book. - For people to know what was once? - Yes.

The village of Mahala In this village, closer to the town of Chernivtsy, the inhabitants are not opened to dialogue and it took a lot of time till it was possible to find somebody to interview. 120

The wife of Nikulaye Skripkaryu. She wrote an article about that period – A fost un sat românesc cu numele Buci...// Ţara Fagilor, 2009, XVIII, p. 161-167. 121


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