Decision matrix

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The Decision Matrix Say you’re deciding between for example job A and job B. You’re swaying backwards and forwards unable to see the choice clearly. There are too many factors to hold in your mind at once. Here’s how to get clarity. 1. Draw a grid with as many columns as choices plus one. Leave the first column blank and in the remaining ones place your choices. You may have several. Job A

Job B

2. In the first column list the factors important to you in making the decision, row by row. As many as you like Factors Financial reward Commute Job satisfaction

Job A

Job B

3. Now give each factor a value showing how important it is to you. Use a scale 0-5, where 0 is not important and 5 is very important. Place this number next to each factor. Criteria Financial reward (4) Commute (2) Job satisfaction (5)

Job A

Job B

4. Next, for each of your choices rate how much they satisfy each of your factors. Again use a scale of 0-5 where 0 is not at all and 5 is very much. Place a number in each box under the column headings. Criteria Financial reward (4) Commute (2) Job satisfaction (5)

Job A 2 4 5

Job B 5 3 1

5. Here comes the maths. For each row, multiply the number you gave each factor by the number you gave each job. Put the result on the right hand side of each box. Financial reward (4) Commute (2) Job satisfaction (5)

Job A 2 4 5

4x2 = 8 2x4 = 8 5x5 = 25

Job B 5 3 1

4x5 = 20 2x3 = 6 5x1 = 5

6. Now all that remains is to add the totals of your multiplication giving you a grand total. Whichever column has the highest number is the choice you are most inclined towards taking ALL factors into account. A final matrix might look like this. Financial reward (4) Commute (2) Job satisfaction (5) Total

Job A 2 4 5

4x2 = 8 2x4 = 8 5x5 = 25 41

Job B 5 3 1

4x5 = 20 2x3 = 6 5x1 = 5 31

In this example it looks like Job A meets more of your desired criteria than Job B. © Alice Haddon

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