the management review

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Panic Donot

theloss01a keyleader t0survive canhelporganisations management Transition Duriez Bv NicolasAiacquesand OLrentin managcrwlrh a st|ongbackgrcun.lrn process and pfoduction came to take over both positions in the cridcal period that followed Tlat allowed fo! thc ne.essary lour monrn ffansition period, duting which time a nNlv hircd generalmanageruiived from Europe' and th€ delegatcdmanagelsroLecould be lna re.cnrcas€,a latgeMNC sawhis CFO focus on production relatcd the cnd of his redeflnedto Transition management,widery used D for Asia departing befofe mission,Lcavingo\€raLlbusinessuit financial advancedW€sterneconom piocesses almostnon_eistent.At the same off taking for $js hnd of Problem,is now new CEo wastakingoler ope.ations time, a dralting involves very fast in Chlna. Tlls Beforcoptlng for transrnonmanagemcnr of a iransition managemenr Thc chojcc take to manage$ in higlly expei€nced ha! ro coisider several ke) wasimmedlatcudqutrc cach company over maflageneni posirions for a short solutioninlhiscase to identifv the right soluhon' h oder factors peliod of time,with the objcctiveof taklng cleari it was c.ilical to reduceoperaaonal Thcir .elativeimportanccdepmdson tl€ q?e nsk and to secxrefsancial aiignmcntwtrh urgent actlon and lmplementng opcnional ol assignment,but theyrcvolw malrnvaroud the corporatefunclions. whilsr preparing thc flexrbi1iryrhat can be offcred (tine-load, rhc ground for a new CFO. The m'seon uscd often is most Trdsition managcment position,tuncdonl, mobilitv)i the senlorttv lastcd slx monrhs and included adeqxarc ldk prcject_drLven a of in the implementadon and experienceof the ildividuah involvedi imllemenrationof procescsand coachrng companvi a new perhaps up setting forcc thc HR issues,includng fot instance visas of thc new CEq Poviding clervrhingthev tunctional a key site, upgrading or division and td; and rhe cosl advantagecomparedto neededfor thc new CFO to makea liesh start area, of iniegratingdifferent enutlcsi the the rccruitmcntof a newmanagct cnd of the mission of a tunaround proiecr at tbe cxlert management lf transitlon managementscemsto bc o. a global resffuctuting; and thc lrg€nl the right choice,they would also haveto icllacemert ol a kc'yleadd when an esseniial of an F ot al l l he l casonsmcntl oncd abovc make a decisjoi abour the advantages nanagc r ( CE o o r C F O , fo t i n s ta n c c ) compaled managcr ffansldon nanagenenr is often tuiven bv indcpendenrfansition leavcsor 6 ncapacltated unexpectcdly and sitlations,in which thercis llttlc with the bfoadei fange of scrlrces emergency That lasl scenafio can be paiticularlv rimeto act.althoughilndingtle iShr person slppo|! that could be otTeredlry a$xo! dr am at ic in a ta s t-!a c € dm u l ti n a tl o n a l inevilably lakes rtmc managemeni firm - and in either case' et r v ir onm ent , a n d e v e n c a !a b 1 e H R they would need ro cleck wbether or not When thc managd leavingdie olgan$at1on d.lariments are rhrown by the need to could be avallable immediatery monlhsareoften a manager with littlc is d eryatriate,tbrceto six discovera compercntreplaccment lle seoritv of the operanons ensdngborh required to bring a succesof, or to l_ndand of tle rc.m' and limiting the stabiliry and h;c a replacementthiolgh a head huntlng fim. In cascof a local emplovee,$milar bringingin anexrer! In nany sltuadons, Nith at leasttwo months could paftcfns ap!l), lf poorlyhandled,rhe consequences providethe riSh: could nanager mnsition lor onc month requircdto find candidates, be di.e. A sudden departure is likelv to $A perlod solution rhat probation the rcsignation,and a disrupt or slowdoNn operationsin thc rclated the levelof rist. very high in both increases busiies uit or acfossrhe whole companv casesan!rva). Fltdnal assistanceliom verv Futlemore, timc consftajntslimit not only Nrolds 44.4l.t About the Authon: e4eriencedmanagefcanhel! o4an6anons thc selection Foccss, but also trainjng and Fle"ch Chaflber the al Pl.sidert d€spitethisdemandingtimelable' Joflet to succeed the chdiffi't oJ induction for the rcplacemcnt, heiShienlng is ik Chind, cmtue/e of bu-liflg tlem enoughtime to searchtor a new ior the company. the risl involved NeiBtidge Painas Asa Quentin Dt/ie tu^ NNBndge Patrnis Chind ifl Sha,ghdi solutionsmitjgate Tfansirionmanagemenr i s qui te a tvl i cal case The tol l ow i ng NNBndge Pdttn,s, headquanetul in ?atu thar risk by using a strict gualiiicat'on a prodlctlo! ln one company. examplc: v'th alfces i, Lodan, Bldek' Shdkshdi lr oc es s t o s e l e c i l h e i r m a n a g e rs ,e v e n managd was fired lol lacl of rcsuhs,and Munbai and Movav, is a leadins Jiffi lor pefonnel dd. appointingover-qualified al the samc Plant had genelal manager the plorilisE aistaa& ta aryafltsnons Jaclng rhc bestones,following up with the tdsrtion becauscof health afte$ards leavc shortly studhons to of can!]d ufgdt m anagem c n tfi rm\ P a rrn c fs L e a d ' n g translhon.general An expcrienced issues. llrmswill alsobc able ransitionmanagemcnt

NE SIDE ETFECT OF CHINAS fast growth and transillon to a mdket cconoml is the demand tbr qualified and lalented managcrs What balpcns whcn dlere is no-onc availabl€ to muage a ctitical p.ojed or activitv for an

to adjustthea$ignedtale s alongthecouse to fit the specific of the projed managcment that needs of rhe ofganisation's situtron could mcan piovidlng anorhei icplacementi or developing thcir fist replacement\ skills


Tlming Perlect


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