Io Triumphe! A magazine for alumni and friends of Albion College

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“Change and continuity” are visible on Albion’s campus, from venerated landmarks Vulgamore and Robinson Halls (top left) to the most recent additions, the Ferguson Building (bottom left) and Kresge Hall (top right, with new greenhouse under construction).

Change and continuity One of the most enjoyable aspects of my job as editor of Io Triumphe is the opportunity I have to visit with alumni when they come back to campus for reunions and other special occasions in the life of Albion College. Those who are returning after a long absence invariably comment on how much the campus itself has changed through the years—for the better. Even those who have graduated as recently as 10 years ago find much that’s new, notably the Kellogg Center and the Ferguson Student, Technology, and Administrative Services Building. Both have become new focal points for the Quadrangle and are among the busiest spots on campus throughout the day. And the changes continue with the science complex renovation and expansion now under way. Under this $41.6-million project, Palenske and Putnam Halls and Norris Center will be transformed with redesigned and vastly improved classrooms and laboratories. And our newest addition to campus, four-story Kresge Hall, will open to students and faculty this summer and will provide expanded laboratory space (along with sophisticated new instrumentation) to fully support the new directions science teaching and research are taking today. To better communicate with you about these and future developments on campus, we in Albion’s Communications Office are planning some important changes of our own in the format and appearance of Io Triumphe. This fall, we will introduce the “new” Io Triumphe in a full-color magazine format with improved and expanded content and a bright new look. While our readership remains high, based on what you have told us in recent surveys, we want to represent Albion College—its students, faculty, alumni, and D. TRUMPIE PHOTO programs—in the most informative and engaging ways possible. To do that, we must take Io Triumphe to a new level of sophistication and visual impact. Be assured that even with these changes the mission of Io Triumphe will remain centered on you, our alumni readers, and on maintaining that vital connection between you and your alma mater. As we plan for future editions, we welcome your input. Io Triumphe is your alumni magazine. Please tell us about Albion stories you’d like to read or topics you’d find interesting. Feel free to contact me with your comments or suggestions: Sarah Briggs, Editor Io Triumphe Albion College 611 E. Porter St. Albion, MI 49224 E-mail: And keep sending us your news for class notes too! Information on job changes, honors, community involvement, marriages, births and deaths may be sent at any time to: or to the mailing address above. We’d love to hear from you.

—Sarah Briggs

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