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6585.  Wilkinson, Paul F., 1987a: “The environmental impact of energy use on forest resources: St. Lucia.” In J. G. Nelson and K. D. Knight (eds.), Research, Resources and the Environment in Third World Development, Publications Series No. 27. Waterloo: Department of Geography, Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo, 187-192. 6586.  Wilkinson, Paul F., 1987b: “Tourism in small island microstates: inevitability and/or folly?”, Les Cahiers du Tourisme, Série C-111. Aix-en-Provence: Centre des Hautes Etudes Touristiques, Université d’Aix-Marseille III. 6587.  Wilkinson, P. F., 1989: Strategies for tourism in island microstates, Annals of Tourism Research, 16(2), pp.153-177. 6588.  Wilkinson, Paul F., 1989: “Le Tourisme dans les petites Antilles anglophones”, Dans A. Huetz de Lemps (ed.), Iles et Tourisme en Milieux Tropical et Subtropical, Collection «Iles et Archipels» No 10. Talence: Société pour l’Etude, la Protection et l’Aménagement de la Nature dans les Régions Inter-Tropicales, Le Centre d’Etudes de Géographie Tropicale du Centre Nationale de Recherches Scientifiques de France, et Le Centre de Recherches sur Les Espaces Tropicaux de l’Université de Bordeaux III, 105-124. 6589.  Wilkinson, Paul F., 1990: “Tourism and national parks in Caribbean island microstates”, In J. G. Nelson and S. Woodley (eds.), Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Development, Occasional Paper 16, Waterloo: Heritage Resources Centre, University of Waterloo, 239250. 6590.  Wilkinson, Paul F., 1991: “Tourism and national parks in island microstates: Caribbean case studies.” In M. L. Miller and J. Auyong (eds.), Proceedings of the 1990 Congress on Coastal and Marine Tourism, Volumes I and II. Newport, OR: National Coastal Resources Research and Development Institute, 292-298. 6591.  Wilkinson, Paul F., 1991a: “Planning for tourism in developing countries.” In P. F. Wilkinson (ed.), “Perspectives on tourism in Indonesia,” University Consortium on the Environment Research Series Paper #9. Bandung, Indonesia: Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 61-84. 6592.  Wilkinson, Paul F., 1991c: “Tourism and integrated national development: the case of the Caribbean.” In P. F. Wilkinson and W. C. Found (eds.), Resource Analysis Research in Developing Countries: The Experience of Ontario Geographers. Toronto: Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, 83-97. 6593.  Wilkinson, Paul F., (Ed.) 1991d: “Perspectives on tourism in Indonesia,” University Consortium on the Environment Research Series Paper #9. Bandung, Indonesia: Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup, Institut Teknologi Bandung. 6594.  Wilkinson, Paul F., and M. P. Gunawan, 1991: The changing face of tourism in Indonesia: opportunities and constraints, University Consortium on the Environment Research Series Paper #8. Bandung, Indonesia: Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup, Institut Teknologi Bandung. 6595.  Wilkinson, Paul F., 1993: “Tourism policy and planning in the Eastern Caribbean: four case studies.” In M. S. Searle (ed.), Proceedings of the 7th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 23-27. 6596.  Wilkinson, Paul F., and M. P. Gunawan, 1992: “The changing face of tourism in Indonesia: opportunities and constraints.” In B. Matthews (ed.), The Quality of Life in Southeast Asia: Transforming Social, Political and Natural Environments. Montreal: Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies and Canadian Asian Studies Association, 87-108. 6597.  Wilkinson, Paul F., 1994: “Tourism and small islands: problems of resource analysis, management, and development.” In A. V. Seaton (ed.), Tourism: The State of the Art.


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