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Bibliografia Insular. 1980-2009

5310.  Røkkum, Arne, 1998: Goddesses, priestesses and sisters: mind, gender and power in the monarchic tradition of the Ryukyus, Oslo, Boston, Scandinavian University Press. 5311.  Røkkum, Arne, 2006: Nature, ritual, and society in Japan’s Ryukyu Islands, New York: Routledge. 5312.  Roland, W., Force and Brenda Bishop, Honolulu: Pacific Science Association. 5313.  Roldán Montaud, Inés (ed.), 2008: Las haciendas públicas en el Caribe hispano durante el siglo XIX, Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. 5314.  Rombaldi, Michel, 1991: Regulation Territoriale Et Planification Decentralisee: Le Cas De La Corse; Sous La Direction De Claude Berthomieu, Mémoire ou thèse (version d’origine), Thèse de doctorat: Sciences économiques: Nice. 5315.  Romeril, M., 1985: Tourism and conservation in the Channel Islands, Tourism Management, 6(1), pp.43-49. 5316.  Romero Mayo, Rafael, Juan Carlos Arriaga Rodriguez (comps.), 2007: Turismo, medio ambiente y cooperación internacional en el Caribe: una aproximación situacional, [Quintana Roo]: Universidad de Quintana Roo, División de Ciencias Políticas y Humanidades; México, D.F.: Plaza y Valdés. 5317.  Romero-Frias, Xavier, 1999: The Maldive Islanders, A Study of the Popular Culture of an Ancient Ocean Kingdom. Barcelona. 5318.  Ronald E. Dolan, ed., 1991: Philippines: A Country Study, Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress. Disponível on line Disponível em url:, consultado em 11 de julho de 2009. 5319.  Ronayne, J. and Campbell Boag, 1989: Science and technology in Australasia, Antarctica and the Pacific Islands, Burnt Mill, Harlow, Essex, UK: Longman. 5320.  Ronquillo Rubio, Manuela, 1991: Los orígenes de la inquisición en Canarias, 1488-1526, Las Palmas G.C.: Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria. 5321.  Roopnarine, Lomarsh, 2007: Indo-Caribbean indenture: resistance and accommodation, 1838-1920, Kingston, Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press. 5322.  Roper (T.), 2005: «Small Island States - Setting an Example on Green Energy Use», RECIEL, 14(2), p. 108-116. 5323.  Ros, Martin, 1993: Night of Fire - The Black Napoleon and the Battle for Haiti, New York: DaCapo Press. 5324.  Rosa Eduardo Ferraz da, 1989: Açorianidade e autonomia, Universidade da Califórnia. 5325.  Rosa, Victor M. P. Da, Trigo, Salvato, 1987: Da insularidade à açorianidade: algumas reflexões, Universidade dos Açores, “Separata de Arquipélago, revista da Universidade dos Açores, série Ciências sociais, no. 2. 5326.  Rosam, Ken, 2001: Operation Pharos and the Cocos/Keeling Islands: the history of the Allies’ secret air base in the Indian Ocean during the Second World War, Bognor Regis: Woodfield. 5327.  Rose, Edward P. F., 2005’: The first hydrogeological and geological maps of Jersey, Channel Islands: work by Walther Klüpfel in 1942 and Richard Nelson c. 1828’, Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 16:2, 107-16. 5328.  Rose, Michael D. , Gary A. Polis, 2000: On the Insularity of Islands, Ecography, volume 23 Issue 6, Pages 693 - 701. 5329.  Rosenberg, Leah, 2007: Nationalism and the formation of Caribbean, New York: Palgrave


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