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Bibliografia Insular. 1980-2009

histórica, prólogo, Elena M. Rojas, Madrid: Verbum. 4250.  Meditz, Sandra W., Dennis M. Hanratty, 1987, 1989: Caribbean Islands: islands of the Commonwealth Caribbean: a regional study, Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.: Federal Research Division. 4251.  Mee, C.; Doole, Jennifer, 1993: Aegean antiquities on Merseyside: the collections of Liverpool Museum and Liverpool University, Liverpool: National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside. 4252.  Meeks, Brian, Folke Lindahl, 2001: New Caribbean thought: a reader, Jamaica, University of the West Indies Press. 4253.  Méheux, Kirstie, 2007: Fiji Bibliographies & Indexes, Just Pacific. Disponível online em url: Consulta em 5 de Agosto de 2009. 4254.  Mehr, Farhang, 1997: A colonial legacy: the dispute over the islands of Abu Musa, and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs, Lanham, Md., University Press of America. 4255.  Mein Smith, Philippa, 2005: A Concise History of New Zealand. Australia: Cambridge University Press. 4256.  Meintel, D.; Cohen, R. (ed.), 1983: African Islands and enclaves, In Cape Verde: Survival Without Self-Sufficiency; Beverly Hills; Londres; New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 1983. p. 145-164. 4257.  Meistersheim A., 1988: «Insularité, insularisme, iléité, quelques concepts opératoires». Cahiers de l’institut de développement des îles méditerranéennes, n°.1, p. 96-120. 4258.  Meistersheim, Anne (dir.), 1999: L’île laboratoire, Ajaccio: Editions Alain Piazzola. 4259.  Meistersheim, Anne, 1989: Images d’ileité, in Les îles européennes Politiques Insulaires, Corse, IDM. 4260.  Meistersheim, Anne, 2001: Territoire et insularité. Le cas de la Corse, Paris, 1991, puis Figures de l’île, Ajaccio. 4261.  Meistersheim. Anne, 2001a: Figures de l’île. Ajaccio, DCL. 4262.  Meistersheim, Anne, 2006: Le malentendu. Entre imaginaire insulaire et imaginaire continental, in Ethnologie française, 3 (Vol. 36), p. 503-508. 4263.  Melas, Emmanouēl M., 1985: The islands of Karpathos, Saros and Kasos in the Neolithic and Bronze Age, Göteborg, P. Åströms förlag. 4264.  Meleisea, M., 1987: Lagaga; a short history of Western Samoa, IPS/USP. 4265.  Meleisea, M., 1987a: The making of modern Samoa: traditional authority & colonial administrationin the modern history of Western Samoa, Suva. 4266.  Meleisea, M., and Schoeffel, P., 1996: Discovering outsiders, in Denoon D, ed, 1996, The Cambridge history of the Pacific Islanders, CUP, Melbourne, pp.119-51. 4267.  Meleisea, Penelope Schoeffel, 1996a: Sociocultural issues and economic development in the Pacific Islands, [Manila, Philippines]: Office of Pacific Operations and Social Development Division, Asian Development Bank. 4268.  Melià Ques, Josep, 1999: Nacionalisme i constitució: una perspectiva balear, pròleg de Joan Oliver Araujo, Mallorca: Editorial Moll. 4269.  Meliá, Juan Tous; Piqué, Alfredo Herrera, textos. 1995: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria a través de la cartografía, 1588-1899, [Las Palmas]: Museo Militar Regional de Canarias:


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