D&A Expo 11.4 - Talent4Art

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‘Mijn fascinatie voor die onverwachte veranderingen en de schoonheid die daaraan onderhevig is, vormen het

The ephemeral joys of a childhood

uitgangspunt van de gehele serie ‘A passing fancy in a

The work of Martijntje is known for integrating unusual

transient life’.’ Haar afstudeerwerk bestond dan ook

material in photography and small-scale objects.

uit poëtische organische ‘schilderijen’. Beelden die net

For example, the collection ‘the ephemeral joys of a

als ‘the ephemeral joys of a childhood’ over de snelle

childhood’ shows jewelry made of candy floss. Candy

verandering van het leven gaan.

floss is the heart of her work and symbolizes life. ‘When I was little I used to eat candy floss as a treat, now the meaning of candy floss has changed for me. My fascination for working with candy floss grew after making a gigantic hat. So fluffy and colorful, with a sweet smell, it made me light up as a child. This happy feeling lasted only for a short while because the fluffy parts vanished in eternity. After this moment, my fascination only grew bigger. The happy feeling in the beginning when seeing the giant hat and the sorrow afterwards when the hat slowly vanished. That makes the core of my work, the transformation of life and changes that we have to re-evaluate over and over again.’ Martijntje explores the ideas of transformation, distortion etc. and shows that change can be something good. She creates her pieces by combining permanent and temporary material, like iron, rope, melted marshmallows and cotton candy. They are ‘one of a kind’ pieces that have to be worn with care. Every piece equals life. ‘Once a piece is worn I never know how it


will develop during the process’. It can be that the temperature, sunlight or water change the color and shape.

Artist Martijntje Cornelia graduated from the Willem de Kooning art academy Rotterdam in 2011.

‘My fascination for those unexpected changes and the

She sees her work as a journey in which she can express

beauty which is dependent on the changeability of life

experimental needs and can put the changeability of life

are the starting point of the whole series ‘A passing

in a pleasant but alienating picture. ‘Images are at their

fancy in transient life’. The graduation piece of Martijntje

best when you put them off balance. You must surrender

also consisted of poetic organic works of art. Images

to the unknown and experience the consequences.

that are just like ‘the ephemeral of joys of a childhood’,

Embrace the unknown feeling and fall in love with her

completely about the rapid change of life.’


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