Issie Two

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Not So Grim Up N

It has been a busy couple of months since Hey Sholay were featured group have released a limited edition single, which sold out and won Serbia. Abolish Confusion spoke to the band fresh from their Europ lines Festival, the band were clearly in an amusing mood.

The band have been going fo exposure nationally?

We’ve always been really laid world with something unfini we want to do in music/writ have continuity with materia exactly what you do and bein terms, we are very fortunate 4-way adapters… Par examp wearing, that from a distanc

What made you choose to work with Fierce Panda for the first single Crookes influence the decision?

We’ve played with the Crookes a few times now. We admire the fact old fashioned way, touring constantly, getting things out to listener like the idea of boycotting hard work at the moment. They’re probab wearing clogs and using local sausages instead of drumsticks. Perha gig in Kentish Town, our first London show and we had a couple of l bial table of vinyl and Fido Dido vibe street cred. Then Simon from fi and sort of instantly added closure right there and then. And the re seem to be actively searching for new stuff out there, rather than sit know how often they see their dads in blue pigments.

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