"Vietnamese Apprehensive..."

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'Vhat make'! some light ears hold the road are ' the heavy payments,





IVisited Southeast Asia

iVietnamese Apprehensive, Michig,an Youth Says Fear Unpreparedness

of the fear of the purge in progress. For Self-Government The teachers said they were By LEE PETITJEAN frustrated and stiff~ed in their Blade Staff Writer efforts for academic freedom, , TECUMSEH Mich Sept 6 he said. If the teachers failed The South Vieinames~' are ~or- to follo~ the party line in their ried that they will be left un- academic program, t~ere was prepared. to rule themselves, no chance for promotion. 'just as they were when they Sho~tage of fo,od was a re~.were freed of French colonial son given by some of the ChIoccupation, \a young world trav- nese students for. their decision eler and political student said, to . leave Red China. Arthur Collingsworth, son of.The y 0 u t h wa~ impressed Mr. and Mrs. Neri Collings- with pro g res s III Formosa worth of Tecumseh returned where the Chinese Nationalists recently from his se~ond world have made it possible for 83 tour. He was chairman of a per cent of the peasants to [special delegation of four na- own land. !tional Republican student lead- T~~govern~~nt made the en hic isit untries.cin, decISIOn to dIVIde the land. Europe and Asia. He made a ~rge proper~y own.ers. w~re similar trip last year. relm?urs~d with stock III IllThe U.S. is doing too little dustnal firms at market value. ,and doing it too slowly in the The new stock owners could sell Political development of the th~ sto~k, but many. have ree jIVietnamese, he said. When the ta~ned It, Young Colhngswor~h U.S. first became involved in said. He suggested that this the affairs of Viet Nam it was pattern might be successful in as an adviser. Now it controls South America where lack of TECUMSEH YOUTH GREETS ASIAN LEADER the war effort and has assumed capital has hindered industrial Y oUl/g Collingsworth, right, meets C. K. Yen, "ice president the voice of South Viet' Nam. growth and .most of the agricul",'. anti prime minister 0/ Formosa There has been a failure to tural land IS owned by a few " create a political machine. Sue- families. is completely vair - ~o~ditioned, an~ he met many ,of the councess in the scheduled elections Technical Aid b~t :the.re IS not sufflcle~t elec- try s leaders. ' could be the first step in poli F h b -d' tricityir; the city to provide the He also was Brazil's represen, . - . ormosa as een sprea mg 'f th" ,Ii't t ti t h f . tical growth there Young Col. ' power or e U 1 s. a ive ate uneral of Presi·mgswor th .a dd e.d ' . techmcal knowledge to other P Iiti I C dent Kennedy . ' .'. 0 I Ica areer . I i .. . countnes. A new high - YIeld ~ . Before leaving on his world ,VlSlted VIet Nam .' strain of rice is being offered The T,ec~mse~, youth, ~ s~mor tour he served as a research asThe young Tecumseh. traveler t 0 0 th er count nes. . T,ec hni sociate for the foreign affairs , mCIans·at the 'I' University of. Michigan, ti I j·spent. a I?onth. in Viet Ndam have gone in to' help other ISol~t~nm~ngdaf ca~eg' er m ~rac rea division of the ~ouse R~publi'on .jns tnp last year an a . ., . P I ICSa oreian a ff alI;~. , can conference in Washmgton. 'shorter period this year.. countnes, especially in farml?g. In 1958,when he was 1'kyear~ · Young people, here should They recommend tools - which old, he was named a ,l?P'ecia:l Igive serious thought to the U.S. are simple and adaptable to the correspondent for B r it z ilt{.to ,policies abroad and ex pre s s .needs. Mr. Collingsworth cited Michigan and-Ohio byt~~l1 Btathose thoughts, he said, but not an example where a simple zilian President juscelino:~ilbftby senseless demonstrations. hand plow was provided by the schek.The youth had" written Young Collingsworth sa i d Chinese Nationalists instead of the Brazilian president to learn. that I e a d.e r s of countries to ~ttempting to mechanize farm- who.~a~dled.tha.t cou.ntry's com-I whom he had talked were hope- mg as the U.S. has done. mercialaffairs III this area and ful of military success by the, An example of misguided use asked for the post when he U.S. in South Viet Nam. Even of foreign aid by the U.S: was learned. that the counWyqld leaders of neutral countries "ex- reported in Afghanistan. . not· have a representative .. pressed the wish for U.~.. vie- In ~abul, the c?untry's l~rg- 1:hr~ghhiseffo~ts oyer"t}lit·tory t~ere, he added. Military est CIty, th~ RUSSians provlded$ixyeatperiod'that'l1e;lfeIqAJj~; succe~s ther~could be a m~]or a modern airport.. The U:S. then PQst,he~'inte.rested some, Amer" ,s~~p ~n halting furth~r aggres- constructed an airport at K.an- ican businessmen in investing sion m Southeast ASIa by the dahar, ~he se~ond largest CIty. funds in Brazilian industries. Communists he said. The airport IS not staffed, beDuring a ~top in Hong Kong, cause it isn't needed, he said. Guest Of Brazil ,' Young, Collingsworth talked to A single propeller driven air- In recognition of his ef.lorts,' ref u gee s from Red China. plane lands every other day at he was a guest of the "~pizilian. Among them were high school the airport which was construct- government-for several' months' teachers who had .left bec~se ed for jets. The airport J;mildingin 1960~I:t a tour of that country


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