LvH Special Edition

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JoSePH JaCkSon

The Man In The MIrror FaTher oF The FIrsT royal FaMIly oF MusIc EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW

“tHiS iS it” In MeMory oF The KIng oF PoP

JoHnny Brenden

cIneMa owner Icon “My MeMorIes oF MIchael”

red CarPet JaCkSon FanS

SPeCial Commemorative l i m i t e d e d i t i o n $19.95 $27.95

B renden C eleBrity S tar

usa $23.95 canaDa InTernaTIonal · Vol 10 no.3

PhoTo: PhelsTon

Johnny Brenden & GeorGe Maloof in the bRenden CelebRity suite, Palms Casino ResoRt, las Vegas, neVada

Ceo and PResident bRenden theatRes CoRPoRation


Palms Casino ResoRt Photo by Phelston

CONTENTS rich and faMous Johnny BRenDen


EntrEprEnEur rEal EastE The Real esTaTe Mongol 42

fEaturE Joe Jackson The haWk

18 46

sociEty susan ThoMpson


EntErtainMEnt Tiana 34 35 zika niccolio aMaTi 36 37 cRysTal MaRven in MeMoRy oF Michael 60 Jackson Fans 66 TRue hollyWooD sToRies 76

MoviEs DesTinaTion FaMe


lifE stylE JeRRy olivaRez BMW oR MeRceDes

54 72

dEstination eye on gaRy, inDiana


rEsorts and c asinos palMs 82 MEga EvEnts ReD caRpeT






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Publisher letter I want to express my thanks and my appreciation to everyone who has contributed and helped in the creation of this Special Commemorative Limited Edition of Las Vegas Hollywood Magazine. Every one we have interviewed from around the world had great appreciation for the man who had affected their lives directly and indirectly and one of them is me the publisher of LVH Magazine, as he is a friend and a mentor.

And, thanks to George Maloof and the entire Palms Casino Resort team for their support of Joe Jackson and the Jackson Family. From their Tribute Concert to Michael Jackson at The Pearl which raised over $100,000 to support music education to their hospitality and di-

This opportunity presented itself to thank this great man for the effect that has brought to the world through his persistence, vision and determination, super stars that supersede any stars in the entertainment and music industry, where as their music and songs has touched every home and every soul in the world, This man is Joseph Jackson, Father of the First Royal Family of Music and the Creator of the Jackson Five, a name that will be remembered for all the years to come and it will flourish through the years. My special thanks to Johnny Brenden, CEO and President of the Brenden Theatre Corporation for his incredible support in making this magazine possible. With the assistance of his Executive Director of Public Relations, Mr. Jerry Olivarez, and the Executive Director of his Brenden Mann Foundation, Mr. Joseph Girouard, we were able to put together this, once in a lifetime, publication. Brenden enjoyed a unique relationship with the King of Pop and his children, and, for the first time, Johnny, shares his memorable experiences within these pages. The Brenden Celebrity Star which Johnny created as a tribute to his late grandfather, Ted Mann, once owner of the famed Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, has been presented to a variety of superstars of entertainment and sports including Sylvester Stallone, Dennis Hopper and Shaquille O’Neal. It is only fitting that both Michael and his father, Joseph along with the entire Jackson Family have been similarly recognized for their lifetime of contributions to the entertainment industry. In honoring Joseph Jackson, Brenden commented about his remarkable achievements in creating, developing, managing and promoting the First Royal Family of Music. No other individual has had such a major impact on not only the music entertainment industry, but on a cultural revolution which changed the world. It was truly remarkable that a man who needed to work two jobs to raise nine children against the backdrop of the post industrial challenges of Gary, Indiana, was able to accomplish so much and impact the world of music like no other single individual. As Brenden noted, Mr. Joseph Jackson’s recognition for a lifetime of achievements in the entertainment industry is more than due.

scretion, it is easy to understand why the place is a favorite among the Jackson Family and the reason Michael chose to record his latest album there and make the resort his home away from home. Mr. Joe Jackson has given us the honor and the exclusivity to shine on our magazine cover as part of this Mega Event as we did when we have celebrated his birthday party at Neverland Ranch, the home of his son Michael Jackson, may he rest in Peace. We want to give our special thanks, to Mayor Rudy Clay of Gary Indiana, and his staff, for all the support that they have given to the Jackson family, and us, and special thanks to all the Jackson Family Fans. We have evolved through the years, as we have reached out to other countries and other regions in the world, to Europe, Asia, Middle East, Dubai and Africa. We are in places to name a few that only the celebrities and the elite join, located in Spain (Majorca and Barcelona), France (Monaco and Cannes), Germany (Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich), and England (London). We do thank you for reading and enjoying our magazine. LVH Magazine is proud to support the new Jackson Family Museum and Cultural Center project in Gary, Indiana by making a donation for every copy sold of this special edition.

Simon Sahouri

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PUBLISHER / PRESIDENT Simon Sahouri VICE PRESIDENT EddiE Sahuri EDITOR BoB rind MANAGING EDITOR John PEcoS EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Of OPERATIONS marco dErhy DIRECTOR Of ENTERTAINMENT & PUBLIC RELATIONS PEtE allman VICE PRESIDENT Of ENTERTAINMENT & PUBLIC RELATIONS dr. aSad Farr EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Of SOCIAL EVENTS KEnnEth hall PHOTOGRAPHERS PhElSton PhotograPhy d. truScEllo ladi novotny BaSim aBdEl aziz tonya r. FraziEr CONTRIBUTING WRITERS BoB rind lvh StaFF PEtE allman lady SuSan thomPSon ralF SESSElBErg triSh gEran laloSa dEnt BurnS ray dugray and maria ngo Paul voth andrEw Shawn ann mariE goldStEin raquEl choycE zachary d'andria John PEcoS Karma Foundation StaFF michaEl lawrEncE, DIRECTOR Of SALES & MARKETING dina hall

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SEVEN&COMPANY is proud to provide support to the capital campaign for the Jackson Family Museum and Cultural Center and related projects. Contact us at: Seven & Company 7473 West Lake Mead Blvd. Ste. 100 Las Vegas, NV 89128

Phone: 702.562.1218 Heather Estus | Principal

Cinema Owner iCOn

JOhnny Brenden ·My MeMories of Michael· by Ray DuGRay anD MaRia nGo

owner, ceo and President of the Brenden Theatre corporation Johnny Brenden, shared with ray DuGray and Maria Ngo about his journey of being in the movie theatre business and his friendship with the “King of Pop” Michael Jackson. MARIA NGO: Johnny, you actually inherited the love of the movie business from your famous grandfather, Ted Mann. Please share with us your background and how you got in the movie theatre business. JoHnny: My grandfather got his start in the early 1930’s. He was a Russian Jewish immigrant that moved to north Dakota where his family made a living through


homestead farming. He then moved to Minneapolis where he rented his first movie theatre for about $100 a month. He was really young when he did this. The great thing is that he recognized his passion at such an early age. When i was young, my father passed away, so my grandfather raised me. From an early age, i had the

bug and the opportunity to work for him. He went on to acquire the Mann Chinese Theatre in Cali-

JoHnny: yes, my grandmother was Rhonda Fleming. She did several movies including a few with Ronald Reagan. So i did grow up in the business and i learned so much from both of my grandparents. To have my grandfather teach me the ropes in the movie theatre business was priceless. not to mention how great it was to work directly with him on a daily basis.

so i really learNeD all The asPecTs of This BusiNess froM The iNsiDe ouT fornia followed by 400 screens across the united States. MARIA NGO: Your grandmother, who was also a big part of your life, had a famous past as well. Tell us more about her.

RAY DUGRAY: I know that you were really close to


your grandfather. Do you feel a sense of duty to carry on his legacy through the theatres?

me, i have been taking my time to grow the company. Slow and steady is the mantra.

JoHnny: i believe that is definitely what i’m doing. you know, i truly wanted to go into the movie theatre business. i worked in the Mann Chinese Theatre, the Westwood Theatres, in the film buying department, the distribution department... So i really learned all the aspects of this business from the inside out.

RAY DUGRAY: Talk about on-the-job training. Wow! You really were learning from the master. JOHNNY: Well, i consider my grandfather a pioneer. it is really amazing to me the way the industry has changed. When my grandfather had theatres, there were two to four screens, maybe six tops.

as you KNow, TraGeDy sTrucK aND The worlD really losT aN icoN in 1990, i opened my first movie theatre in northern California. Since then, i have opened about four other theatres in northern California. in nevada, where my good friend George Maloof has The Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, i have four-

now, with the multiplexes, you have to do more with the showmanship to give people an incredible experience at the movies. Every theatre is special to me because i built each one from the ground up. it wasn’t easy. it still isn’t but you have to keep working at it. RAY DUGRAY: Brenden Theatres is known for doing big premieres, red carpet events with A-list celebrities and so much more. But something that has become so infamous with your theatre is the Brenden Celebrity Star. How did you come up with the idea and who were some of the celebrity recipients? JoHnny: When i was growing up working at the Mann Chinese Theatre, there were special handprint ceremonies to acknowledge movie stars for their work. i was fortunate to participate in those ceremonies like the one with R2D2 and C3Po for his film “Star Wars”. it was really something special. People from all over the world would visit the Mann Chinese Theatre to see the handprints.

Jerry Olivarez

teen screens there and an iMaX theatre. i have been opening theatres one at time. Since it’s only


When i opened the theater in Las Vegas at the Palms Resort Casino, i wanted to create that same buzz that the Mann Theatre had. So one night at home and after a few sketches, the brenden Celebrity Star was born. The very first recipient was my grandmother Rhonda Fleming. i surprised her because the ceremony was during the CineVegas Film Festival with

Sylvester Stallone, Kid Rock, and Shaquille o’neil to name a few. MARIA NGO: Recently we were at the Brenden Celebrity Star unveiling to which you honored the late Michael Jackson. It was a very special moment when his father, Joe Jackson accepted the star on his behalf. In fact, you and Joe Jackson were planning for the past couple of years to unveil this star to Michael. Please tell us about the collaboration.

Michael PlaNNeD To Do The uNveiliNG of The BreNDeN celeBriTy sTar wheN he coMPleTeD his “This is iT! Tour”

Dennis Hopper and he did the unveiling. She was in a few movies with Dennis so it was a nice touch for her. other recipients have been Dennis Hopper,

JoHnny: about three years ago, i was on vacation in the Caribbean and you know my publicist, Jerry. He called and said “Johnny, can i put Michael Jackson through?” i thought it was a prank


initially but i took the call anyway. and it was Michael Jackson! He wanted to get together in Las Vegas. after i returned home, Jerry olivarez and i went to his house that he had in Las Vegas at the time. We visited with Michael and his father, Joe Jackson. We

he loveD haNGiNG ouT aT The TheaTre

would shut it down for a private screening. Then, he was showing up every other week for two years straight. We would sneak him and his children in right after the movie started so that they could experience the movies like everyone else. by the way, his kids are delightful. His kids are very, very sweet. Michael and his kids would come up to the brenden Celebrity Suite regularly and surprise me. i would be on the phone and he would sneak up and tap me on my shoulder to get a laugh. We hung out and talked a lot.

aND The BreNDeN celeBriTy suiTe esPecially wiTh his KiDs talked to them about the brenden Celebrity Star and Michael talked to us about coming to the movies. The first couple of times he came to the theatre, i

Michael planned to do the unveiling of the brenden Celebrity Star when he completed his “This is it! Tour�. as you know, tragedy struck and the world really lost an icon. People have prejudged him. i got to know him first hand. He was sweet and i have nothing but good things

George Maloof, Joe Jackson, and Johnny Brenden


to say about him. RAY DUGRAY: I think Michael really appreciated you, Johnny, for giving him and his kids an opportunity to experience the movies without the public hassle. I am sure it meant so much to him the way you kept everything quiet so he could enjoy that time with his family. Could you imagine being the person sitting next to Michael and not even knowing it? JoHnny: We would block off two rows before the start of the movie. i would have a few of my security planted in the auditorium dressed in regular clothes. no one knew, except it did get out twice during those two and half years. but i kept it quiet because i knew how special it was to Michael. He was extremely grateful. MARIA NGO: I understand that Michael loved the technology end as well. Didn’t he often go up into the booth to talk with the technician? What a surprise that would have been for whoever was working the booth that day. JoHnny: He loved talking about the projectors, the iMaX technology, the booth… He loved hanging out at the theatre and the brenden

Joe Jackson and Johnny Brenden

Celebrity Suite especially with his kids. it was an honor for me to provide this simple joy in his life. RAY DUGRAY: Incidentally, there is going to be a massive event going to take place at Brenden Theatres for the premiere of Michael Jackson’s “This Is

coulD you iMaGiNe BeiNG The PersoN siTTiNG NexT To Michael aND NoT eveN KNowiNG iT? 15

Joe Jackson, Robin Leach and Johnny Brenden

It!” Please tell us about the event and how does it make you feel to be part of such a historical moment?

industry. it’s going to be organized chaos on this day but it will be an experience like no other. all the details are at

JoHnny: First, i really wish Michael were here to experience this. The movie “This is it!” will give the

Michael Jackson was an icon and he’s going to be missed. i was just so fortunate enough to have

Michael JacKsoN was aN icoN aND he’s GoiNG To Be MisseD world an opportunity to share in his love and passion one last time. brenden Theatres is honored to take part of that. in addition to opening the picture on october 27th, we will be unveiling a brenden Celebrity Star to Michael’s father, Joseph Jackson for his contribution and vision to the entertainment


spent time with him. i encourage fans to keep his spirit alive and to perpetuate the joy that he has given the world. RAY DUGRAY: Thank you so much Johnny.


The Man in The Mirror

Father oF the First royal Family oF music

By trish Geran



he­last­time­I­sat­down­to­interview­Joe­Jackson­was­in­July­2003.­­He­was­a­little­nervous­with­just­a hint­of­excitement­about­the­birthday­party­to­be­held­in­Neverland­Ranch­the­home­of­his­son­Michael Jackson­hosted­at­that­time­by­Las­Vegas­Hollywood­Magazine­and­Reflexivity­Capital­Group­in­his­honor.­The party­would­take­place­in­two­weeks­and­what­was­supposed­to­be­a­guest­list­of­500­somehow­turned­into 2,240­with­about­265­Celebrities­and­Dignitaries­many­of­the­family’s­associates­invited­themselves­to­Celebrate­Joe­Jackson’s­Birthday­party­and­to­show­support­for­Michael­and the­Jackson­Family.­Michael­surrounded­himself­with­people­he­“heavily” relied­on,­lawyers,­and­adoring­fans.­­But­the­shoulders­he­always­leaned on,­were­those­that­belonged­to­the­man­who­instructed­him,­helped­him through­his­young­years to­ become­ the­ King­ of Pop­and­the­creator­of the­ Jackson­ Five­ and Father­ for­ the­ First Royal­ Family­ of­ music the­man­he­grew­to­respect­ later­ in­ life,­ the father­he­called,­Joseph.­­ During­ Michael’s­ trials period,­Joe­planted­himself­ by­ Michael’s­ side. The­moment­he­entered and­exited­the­courts­he was­ there,­ a­ true­ protector.­­The­first­week­of the­trial,­Joe­found­out­that­the­record­stores­in­Europe­pulled­Michael’s music­off­the­shelves.­­He­made­sure­this­bitter­news­never­got­back­to Michael­“because­it­would­have­killed­him”,­Joe­said.­­On­June­13,­2005, Michael­was­acquitted­on­all­counts.­ For­the­man­who­created­America’s­most­successful­family­in­the­music industry,­why­are­there­so­many­misconceptions­and­so­little­credit­given? Who­is­Joseph­“Joe”­Jackson?­­“Is­he­the­man­in­the­movie­or­the­man­in the­courtroom?”­­I­decided­to­begin­our­discussion­with­some­of­the events­that­caused­his­matriarch­image­to­slowly­dissolve.­­ Q: In the 1992 movie, The Jacksons: An American Dream, you are portrayed as a father who was strict and overly abusive to your kids. Who was in charge of the script and why would the family approve of it knowing there would be damaging repercussions? a: Jermaine was supposed to handle the script for the family. i think he left it in the hands of someone else and didn’t watch the story lines close enough. that’s funny how i was the bad guy in the movie. i worked two jobs so i didn’t have time to do much. Katherine gave some spankings and you would too if you had to raise nine kids. i love my family and i did my best to support and protect them and to make sure they stayed out of the streets.


Q: The executive producer of the movie was Suzanne de Passe. The word in the industry was that she couldn’t produce her way out of a paper bag. Is that true and how did she manage to stay in the business that long if that was remotely true? a: you said that i didn’t. i have no idea. she is a nice lady. i did request that she be removed off our tour. i didn’t like some of the things that were going down and that is as far as i can go with that one. Q: What about your relationship with Berry Gordy. Is

it strained or in the past? Did you leave Motown for Epic because you were jealous of Michael and Berry’s close bond? a: i have no beef with Berry. look he did something nobody in that period thought could be done; he brought black music into millions of white homes. i give him that credit. We talk when we see each other. We’re not friends but we aren’t enemies either. Does that make sense?


Q: Coming from you – yes it makes a lot of sense. When the Jackson Five’s contract with Motown expired, you suggested they leave Berry and sign with Epic records because they offered more creative freedom. Was the package that much more lucrative that it was worth jeopardizing your future with Mr. Gordy? a: yes that is correct. if motown would have matched the offer we would have stayed with the label. once we signed with epic, we never looked back. i thought about our future, our ability to grow and more impor-

tant, to keep the group together. it wasn’t a question of whether we liked motown or Berry it was a business decision regardless of how the media twisted it. the media is about divide and conquer, always remember that. Q: The original name of the group was the Jackson Brothers. Who renamed the group? a: a lady back in Gary, indiana named, evelynn layhee. she said she thought Five should replace brothers.

Q: How did you know your kids had talent? a: i feel that every kid has talent. it’s just a matter of pulling it out of them. Q: When did you know you and the “Five” were on your way to the top? a: When we won the apollo theater contest. i was getting them ready by entering as many talent shows as possible so when we got to new york we were ready. it’s an old saying that if you can make it at the apollo, you can make it anywhere. that is true. Q: When did you feel you reached the highest in your journey of success? a: When i chartered a plane and took the entire family to england. We visited liverpool and hung out with the Beatles. and the time we brought lionel ritchie and the commodores on board to be our opening act. another high moment was when we sold out at the mGm hotel in las Vegas. Vegas is another ‘if you can make it there’ cities. it was then i started to look at the entire picture and say to myself wow look what i’ve done. Q: You were responsible for planning the Victory tour back in 1984. How did Michael respond when you first broke the news to him? It has been stated that he did not want to do it.


a: he was okay with it. how come he didn’t want to do it. he didn’t tell me that. he went on tour with his brothers like old times. the only problems i had were with lawyers and accountants. it was a big headache. Q: The tour reportedly grossed a record $175 million. Was it true that the promoters were just out for the money requesting that people buy blocks of four with US Post Office money orders. a: We had to be sure we had the money to cover the costs. michael donated all of his proceeds, approximately $5 million, to charities. Q: Was that because he didn’t want to be ridiculed as being a performer who demanded money orders from his fans? a: Probably. that sounds like him. he was very sensitive when it came to his fans. i was very sensitive


when it came to handing money because i knew that one false move and i would be ousted. Q: Weeks before the tour kicked off, while filming a commercial, Michael’s hair caught on fire. Did he still want to go on tour after his tragic accident? a: michael was reluctant but still was looking forward to being with his brothers. Q: He burned a great deal of his hair and was in great pain. Did he ever blame you for the start of what some feel was his drug addiction? a: no way. he never mentioned any remorse to me. he was a great performer not a complainer. i guess that is why i had a hard time knowing if he was doing okay or masking his concerns. that we have in common. i did, however, start to see a change in him around that time.

Q: In what way? a: he was a little distant, his behavior slowed down a little. he wasn’t the hyper kid anymore. Q: Back then, you decided to take a chance and contract with a new promoter who later became famous as a boxing promoter named, Don King.

promoters. i wanted to give Don a chance because i didn’t think Blacks ever got a break in that field. the other guy i brought along to assist in the promotions of the Jackson Five tours was former new england Patriots’ owner, "Billy" sullivan. Q: I remember when we last talked in 2003 you hired about 10 actors, dressed them up like mobsters and attended a meeting with your accountants. This was a scare tactic used to stop Jewish record execs from stealing from your family. I believe your accountant said there was approximately $1 million missing.

a: i always had problems with

a: i said that then and now i am going to say that you are saying it, not me.

a: i didn’t say a name you did. Q: Okay I will assume the promoters were AEG.

Q: For Michael’s last tour, This Is It, you wanted the promoters AEG to pay him in Euros not in American currency.

a: i did some checking and found that michael would get a lot more if they paid him in euros. the


euro has always been more valuable than the us currency. i think they didn’t want to do that because they were going to take the cherry off the money and pocket it. also, the merchandising was not discussed. another move was to take control of all of those sales without michael’s knowledge but then again he didn’t want to get involved with

the globe on Wednesday October 28th. It was reported that Sony paid $60 million to use the rights of the film, a decision that was made by the Jackson Estate and concert promoter AEG. That is a large chunk of cash. Have you seen the film? a: no. nobody showed me a chunk of nothing.

One thing that he said several times when we were talking abOut the tOur was hOw much mOre valuable he wOuld be dead all of the talks required to put the vending contracts together. Q: At the press conference, Michael announced he was going on tour for 10 concerts. Where did the 50 show commitment come from? a: i have no idea. michael told me 10 he never mentioned 50. he wanted to do the 10. he wanted his kids to travel with him so they could get a chance to see their father perform. one thing that he said several times when we were talking about the tour was how much more valuable he would be dead. those words swirled in my head everyday. i kept wondering were in the world was that coming from? Q: The This Is It documentary will be aired across


remember the executors of his estate are two lawyers who michael let go a while ago. they are making the decisions for the family. We haven’t been asked which is why Katherine is trying to serve on the board. Don’t think that it’s a coincidence that the Beatles album is being released this month, a little time after michael’s death. a decision made by the executors; more money for them. Q: The Jackson Estate owns 50 percent of the Beatles catalogue. John G. Branca, an entertainment lawyer who helped Jackson buy the catalogue, is an executor of the estate. The catalogue is said to be worth $500 million. Michael bought it back in 1985 for $47.5m after advice from Beatles legend Sir. Paul McCartney. a: i never understood how a lawyer could get tied


up in the deal that he is trying to broker for you. that never made sense to me. Q: There was a pattern of Michael letting people go and then rehiring them. a: that he did not get from me. he was very trusting and i absolutely do not trust anybody. Q: Since we are on that subject. How do you think


the stain on your image started? Wasn’t the damaging information taken directly from Michael’s interviews? He even said with fright that he was afraid of you. a: the media started this controversy. michael responded like a kid who was disciplined and the media stretched it way out of proportion to a point that i didn’t even know who they were talking about. again, there is that divide and conquer.

Q: Are you saying that the accusations against you by the family were not damaging, that the media took a little mole and made it into a mountain sort of thing? a: yes. During the times when this was taking place, a few decades ago, i was close with the family not estranged. We either spoke on the phone or spent time at our homes in las Vegas or encino. Q: How do you think the investigation of the cause of Michael’s death is going? a: it’s going. there are about 15 lawyers on this case and they are after a lot of everybody not just doctors. Q: Speaking of doctors. Dr. Charles Murray? a: Why did he run? i can’t understand why a doctor would leave his patient during an emergency. What kind of doctor was he? Q: In our last interview, you stated that the number one advice you would give to someone just starting

would have done that before retaining Murray. a: i feel it is crucial to do this, number one. michael was caught up and he trusted too many people first of all. i can say “if i could of would of” as well. i have one regret. i wish i would have driven through the gates of his home in las Vegas when the guards wouldn’t let me see him. i would have run over them if they got in the way. this happened a few weeks before he died. i had a knot in my stomach that something was terribly wrong. i needed to see him. he was looking bad. i even told Katherine to go and see about her boy because i didn’t think he was going to be with us long. Q: What was her response? a: she said to stay out of grown folks business. now and then i look over and i see her crying. i know she wished she would have taken a chance to talk to him when i alerted her. Q: Michael’s financial problems were getting really out of control. Were you worried about what you were hearing and the fact he lost Neverland Ranch? a: michael didn’t know the value of money. i was never worried about how he was handling his money, i was, however, very worried about his health. michael would blow money like it was nothing. that was him. Q: And the media are you at peace with what they are covering lately on Michael’s case? a: When michael died they were reporting things that was not even remotely true. they said he had needle marks all over his arms. i called Prince and asked did he see his father with his shirt off? he said plenty of times. i asked how many needle marks did he see on his arms? he said, “two, one on each arm.” and

i wish i wOuld have driven thrOugh the gates... Over them if they gOt in the way out in the music industry would be to check the person of interest’s background. Just think if Michael

they were more like “plug-ins” because michael was afraid of needles. he hated taking shots. my son


was the biggest entertainer in show biz history. he holds records for giving to charities. that is what the media should have been reporting. Q: What would you like to do in his memory? a: i would like to preserve the Jackson’s legacy. i am proud to see how his fans embraced his memory. heck they were the ones who called me to say michael was on his way to the hospital and they were going to follow the ambulance to the hospital. i would feel better when justice prevails then we can all rest. Q: Michael was in the process of buying land to build a home in Las Vegas. Would he be proud to hear the talks about the possibility of Neverland to come to Vegas? a: yes but only if it is done right. i don’t like the fact that the executors make these decisions without discussing it with any of us. Q: So you are hesitant about this possibility? That’s


funny, I could have swore I heard “Headline News” announce that you were all for it. a: that’s the old divide and conquers again. nobody has asked me anything about the ranch. When Joe Jackson said he was up to launching his

record label, he was serious. In one week, he traveled to New York, Germany, and Los Angeles, and back to Las Vegas to accept Brenden Celebrity Star Presented by Johnny Brenden the owner of all the Brenden Theaters, for his contribution to the Entertainment Industry and to his remarkable talent he manages. A star will be placed at the walk Of Fame at the Brenden theaters in Las Vegas.


Joe’s list of talents include: songstress and actress, Crystal; Russian pop and R & B singer, actress, and writer, Zika; Latin songstress, Taina; and French rap-

ted. i wish michael was here to produce the videos. that is what he really wanted to do you know, to produce movies. he would have been re-

that is what he really wanted tO dO yOu knOw, tO prOduce mOvies per, Nicoleo. “Nicoleo’s sound and style reminds me so much of Tupak,” Joe said. “he is extremely talen-


ally good at it. crystal has been with my company for seven years. she just completed her first movie,

Destination Fame, and she’s traveled many parts of the world. Zika can produce, write and dance. she came to me with a completed album. i am very pleased with the talent i have on board. they are young with promising careers and i am proud of that.�

that their love, support and letters have really mattered during these trying and difficult days. i don’t know what we would have done without the constant outpour they gave us. they have been more than i ever would have imagined. i have been well received and i appreciate that. Joe picks up his dark Prada sunglasses and begins to leave his chair.

Q: Any final thoughts Mr. Jackson? Q: Wait I have one more question. a: yes. i would like to say to the fans


He sits down and sighs. a: you said 40 minutes and it’s been a little over an hour. Q: Sit… more. a: okay shoot. Q: I am sure many are wondering where was Diana Ross? She didn’t attend the memorial or the funeral yet she was named the “second” guardian of the children in the estate? Joe slowly places his sunglasses on and begins to walk towards the bathroom. a: look i have to go pay the water bill.


Interesting­how­the­media­failed­to­emphasize the­closeness­of­father­and­son.­­Instead,­the stories­reported­were­those­that­fed­into­Joe’s abusive­character­which­was­so­cleverly­depicted in­the­1992­ABC­miniseries,­The­Jacksons:­An American­Dream.­­In­a­2006­interview­with­Geraldo­Rivera,­Michael­expressed­gratitude­and respect­for­his­parents­and­surprisingly­admitted,­“In­many­ways­Joseph­and­I­are­a­lot­alike.” In­a­Special­Tribute­July­2009­issue,­Ebony­magazine­published,­Michael­in­His­Own­Words­and Notes­from­Those­Who­Loved­Him.­­In­the­first section,­Michael­stated­so­eloquently,­“My­father was­a­genius­when­it­came­to­the­way­he­taught us­staging,­how­to­work­an­audience,­anticipating­what­to­do­next,­or­never­to­let­the­audience know­ if­ you­ are­ suffering­ or­ if­ something’s wrong.­­He­was­amazing­like­that.”­­

It­was­quite­clear­that­Joe­is­mourning­the­loss­of his­son­and­misses­him­terribly­but­because­he­doesn’t­show­his­pains­in­the­traditional­way­he­is perceived­as­cold­and­calculating.­­The­day­after Michael­left­us­(June­25,­2009),­it­was­reported Joe­was­promoting­his­record­label­on­national­te-

about­ his­ son­ in­ the­ past­ tense.­ ­ I­ remember­ he once­said,­“With­all­that­we’ve­been­through,­the gossip,­betrayal­and­1,500­lawsuits,­we­have­become­so­much­closer.­­If­all­of­this­had­to­happen to­achieve­this­closeness­so­be­it.­­I­accept­it.”­­

i saw a man whO grasped fOr wOrds while fOrcing himself tO talk abOut his sOn in the past tense levision.­­I­asked­him­about­that­accusation­and he­said,­“The­guy­asked­me­what­was­I­up­to­and I­told­him­about­my­record­label.­­That­is­what­I was­up­to.”­­ During­my­discussion­with­Joe,­I­saw­a­man­who grasped­for­words­while­forcing­himself­to­talk

Each­time­I­sit­down­to­talk­with­Joe­one-on-one about­receiving­national­awards,­international­travel,­money,­and­fame,­I­still­can’t­help­but­conclude that­his­proudest­achievement­was­his­family.­­He is­a­man­of­few­words­and­unbreakable­strength and­Michael­was­his­biggest­fan.­



A new And refreshing voice! By Ann MArie Goldstein

taina, a Brooklyn native of Pu e r t o rican descent, has plans to take the music world by storm. Her smoky voice is reminiscent of Billie Holiday with a soulful modern beat. this singer gives credit to her family for giving her a love for music that is apparent both in her words and in her music. indeed, her family is her “greatest influence” and they gave her a solid foundation from which to grow. taina has a mission for herself and for her music. she wants to “bring singing back to the art of music making.” she is the youngest of eleven children and grew up watching her sisters sing gospel music and her brothers playing everything from rap to the Beatles. taina does not limit herself to singing alone however. she has goals and dreams that are supported by her family. Asked where she sees herself in ten years, she replied, “ i see myself having won a Grammy for Best new Artist! After that i would love to be on Broadway and even doing some acting!” While she does admit to being nervous about performing live. taina has nonetheless performed at large venues and small alike. After performing in front of a 6000 person audience for the Annual youth Celebration in Finland, word about her unique voice and exotic looks began to spread. today taina is being seen in all the right places with all the right people. But she stays grounded and focused on her goals of becoming recognized for who she is and what she has to offer the music world. “i won't look back.” is the name of the song on taina's myspace page ( and although she has been compared to Whitney and Mariah among others...after listening to her wrap her vocal cords around this song, this writer would have to state 34

that this talented young lady has a sound and style that is all her own. if she had to be compared to anyone, she brings to mind the diverse sounds of Corinne Bailey-rae who came out with a great Cd a couple of years ago. A pure love of singing is what comes through. As taina states, “i love what i do and my family loves what i do. My mom is my biggest supporter, even though she'd love to see me sing gospel music, she understands and supports me no matter what. i owe my love of music to my family and will always keep them by my side.” Asked about here meeting with Mr. Joe Jackson, one of my biggest surprises in my singing courier i was opening up for the legendary temptations, Manhattans and ray Goodman and Brown and to my surprise Joe Jackson was in the audience but i didn't know he was there until i was done with my show and proceeded to go off stage when someone told me to look who was sitting in the front row and there was Mr. Joe Jackson himself i was so excited and then he presented me with Management contract and i signed with him.. Joe Jackson is a very wonderful person, very caring and protective and knowledgeable, he's loved by many when we walk down the streets on new york people show him a lot of love and he is always so nice to them always willing to stop and shake there hands and take photos with them he is a good hearted person and i feel very honored to be working with such a legend.


From russia with Love

Photos by Phelston

By Trish Geran


rom russia to Las Vegas, Born in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, and raised in st. Petersburg, russia in a family of humble beginnings, the closest Zika came to pursuing a career in the entertainment industry was through her imagination. her first break came at the age of 17 when she was granted a scholarship to pursue music at the University of iowa. against the wishes of her strict parents, both doctors in chemistry, she bought a passport with the money saved for having an outstanding report card and decided to break the family tradition. she then attended Tennessee state University (TsU), then off to Los angeles to test her skills and experiences. shortly, after her mother decided to move to the states to assist her.

after years of broken promises and unfulfilling interviews that didn’t amount to much, Zika left the hustlebustle lifestyle of L.a. and relocated to the bright lights of Las Vegas. she worked numerous jobs to make ends meet, appeared in commercials and landed a speaking part on the television series, Mr. Vegas. after she completed her first album, in 2007, a friend felt she was ready to meet the father of america’s first family in music, Joe Jackson. “i had numerous meetings with Mr. Jackson before he decided to take a chance with me,” Zika said. she thought more of him because he took his time to study her work habits and made sure she was focused enough to make it the industry. after a few long months, Joe signed Zika with Mar-ance records her first song, yadi –yadi, will be released soon. “i loved how strict Joe was and what a stickler for being

on time he is. entertainers need someone to hold them accountable and to keep them focused because it is so easy to get distracted. he reminded me of my family. i look up to him like a father. it’s rewarding since my father was absent most of the time and as an only child this was not a positive note to grow up on.” Zika, a.k.a. Zulfiya Karimova, is proud of being a package filled with acting, dancing, writing, and singing skills. “My style is pop with a little rock & roll. i feel my career is finally taking off and i think a lot has to do with the Mr. Jackson’s connections in the industry, and how i treat people. When i left russia, i also took with me great working skills coupled with a tremendous amount of discipline and the importance of going above the best. i keep my word and i feel it’s crucial to show respect to those who take time to assist you in your field. i make it a point to practice good people skills because i totally believe that the best way to predict the future is to create it,” Zika smiled and said. Zika’s mother was the first female to leave, (Uzbekistan - Muslim country) to study in st. Petersburg, and the first to cut her hair. and Zika was the first to tell her family no. Listen to Zika’s singles at yadi-yadi. 35

niccolio A mAti A

voice thAt needs to be heArd

By Ann MArie Goldstein

it's not everyday that one meets a person who strikes them in their soul. niccolio Amati is one such person. From the minute you hear the voice he brings to mind old school talent like ice-t, run dMC and ll Cool J. An artist of determination and truth, niccolio writes all his own song lyrics. A speaker of truth and life's moments that can so easily pass us by, niccolio talks of his deep respect for women and how seeing his mother attacked at a young age made all the difference in the world to him and how he was going to make his mark as a man. “i know that life has to take its' course,” niccolio muses, “but i can go with the flow. life and circumstances have taught me that patience is a strong virtue to have. i know that God lives in me and has given me a gift. there were times i may have tried to unwrap that gift too soon and now i know that all is as it should be.” An animal lover and humanitarian at heart, niccolio takes pride in doing what he can to keep the earth a clean and healthy place for us all to live. He starts with himself and eating a healthy diet and works out as much as he can when time permits. A strong believer in positive and negative energy, this is one performer who believes in the strength and wisdom of God. He even has a song he wrote entitled “talk to God.” which he happily sang for this writer during our interview. Asked where he sees himself in ten years, niccolio was very definite about his goals. He wants to be in business of course with hands of the entrepreneur with different musical interests and also as a mentor for others who want to have their voices be heard- but he is also focused on using his work as a way to better the environment for all of us to live. As one born under the sign of leo he feels he can accomplish anything he puts his mind to...ruling the world included! His biggest influ36

ence growing up in a less than advantageous world where crime and racism ran rampant, Was his older cousin. Five years niccolio's senior, this cousin was a rapper and by helping him open his shows doing all the backstage work and watching how the crowd reacted the young niccolio knew his calling lay in the world of music. He was only 11 or 12 years old and started writing down thoughts everyday determined that one day his voice would be heard. today, niccolio has paid heavy dues and lives everyday making good choices, as little stress as possible-not always easy when trying to make your presence knownand maintaining a healthy lifestyle in all senses of the word are keys to his balance. He lives for the moments that he can be on stage and following his passion into reality. As niccolio puts it, he “comes alive with music” and hears songs in everything. it may have taken him a little longer but his groove is right on target. When i first met Joe Jackson it was at my friends house in las Vegas , He ( Joe Jackson ) heard my music for the first time and said he wanted to manage me!. i was very happy at the time , because this was something big in the making and i know it. i love Joe Jackson because he gave me the opportunity to be heard by the world. i am forever loyal to him. you can find more about niccolio and his music at


mArven A dynAmic young sensAtion By Trish Geran

Crystal has been on a world tour performing to sell out crowds and will soon be releasing her album due to her enormous fan base and popularity in many continents such as europe, asia, and in africa where they named her "The Golden Princess", as well as south america and the United states. Distributed by Wea (Warner, elektra, atlantic) is under the guidance of the legendary Joe Jackson the patriarch of the most famous family of music, the Jackson Five and Janet Jackson. Crystal has performed on Television shows reaching millions of people in places such as russia, Congo, Caribbean, Germany, Thailand, austria, Belgium, and France. she has just finished costarring in a film called "Destination Fame," which is based out of new york and new Jersey. a Paul Diangelo film. Crystal is also getting ready to shoot two upcoming motion pictures, called "super Cop", which will begin filming in Las

Vegas, nevada and "The Disciple", which will be filming in Detroit. Crystal is simply her name. This r&B songstress has performed in front of standing room only crowds all over the world. her audience adored her silky voice and exotic dance and demanded her return before she boarded the plane back home to Las Vegas. she loves foreign land. it allows her to find out what the world is thinking, which is important if you want to go beyond your ability. “expansion, that’s something i learned from my manager, Mr. Joe Jackson. he believes that the sky is the limit and to never alter yourself for no reason,” Crystal smiled and said, Mr. Jackson is wonderful person, good hearted no one can supersede his Talent as a Manager, he is the Creator of the first royal Family of Music The Jackson’s. he is my guiding light in music, singing and acting Crystal began her tender career seven years ago with Joe Jackson. she was fortunate to have a manager who was well connected, knows how to make things happen, and keeps his word. “But you have to work hard for these rewards and i can respect that.” she plans to get more involved in acting, designing clothing, and even one day launching a soft, exotic perfume in a beautiful crystal bottle.


EyE On Gary, By L aLosa Dent Burns · Photos By tonya r. Frazier


M any will remember Mayor rudy Clay for these famous words, “in Gary, indiana, we are doing great things

and the best is yet to come. the city of Gary is a great city with some of the greatest people in the world.” Whether at home or away, Mayor rudy Clay speaks passionately about the community in which he lives and serves. having an understanding of the Mayor’s sentiments, i would venture to say- Mayor rudy Clay is absolutely correct; especially, when you consider that the greatest entertainer in the world, Michael Joe Jackson also named the King of Pop by the world, is Gary’s favorite son.

the City of Gary, mourned with millions of people on that mid-June day when news traveled world-wide with lightening speed, the passing of Michael Jackson. indeed in the words of Michael’s own hit song, one of the greatest- is


“Gone to soon.” our hearts were heavy as the Mayor described “it’s because of the deep and everlasting love that Gary has for Michael Jackson.” the news of Michael’s passing was most unbelievable as it reached the Jackson Family hometown. thousands of friends, family and fans began a tremendous surge on the Gary, indiana neighborhood in the 2300 block of Jackson street where the rise of Jackson Family began. the Jackson’s music such as “Goin Back to indiana” and “2300 Jackson street, always home” is strong encouragement to Gary, indiana that the family’s roots remained a part of their success. Mayor Clay added, “in Gary, indiana, there is love for Michael Jackson and Michael loved Gary, indiana. the Mayor related the statement to another popular Jackson tune…where there is love, “i’ll Be there.”

Michael Jackson returned to Gary in 2003. he received the Key to the City during a ceremony and press conference at Gary City hall. in 2008, family patriarch, Joe Jackson was back in Gary and was a special guest during a round table discussion at City hall where he included in the conversation the idea of a Jackson Family Museum in Gary. it was just shy of a month before the passing of Michael that tito and Marlon were in Gary paying a visit to the former Jackson home and City hall. the untimely loss of Michael Jackson has heightened discussions in the Gary community and across the globe in regard to construction of a Jackson Family Museum. some have thoughts that a California loca-



tion would be more appropriate, but Mayor Clay says he believes a Jackson Family Museum and a Michael Jackson Performing arts theater should be constructed in the Gary’s downtown. When speaking with Mayor Clay he continued, “For many years the city has had a desire to have a Jackson Family Museum in Gary, indiana. the time has come to make it happen. My position is that such a structure, dedicated to the memory a world icon from Gary, indiana and a world-renowned family from Gary, indiana should be located in Gary, indiana; right in our downtown” since the passing of Michael Jackson, the Mayor says a great number of developers and interested parties have contacted the Mayor’s office and continue to contact the city offering proposals and ideas for development initiatives with emphasis on projects centered around Michael Jackson and the Jackson Family. one thing is for certain, even though a number of challenges have plagued the city over the past few decades, the city of Gary, indiana is poised for economic development. What better time than now? the construction of a Jackson Family Museum and Performing arts theater could be the start of a new beginning for Gary. Both proponents and opponents are rallying together to write the vision and to realize the vision. in Gary, indiana, the Jackson Family will remain an icon forever in the Gary community and to Michael Joe Jackson the city can “never Can say Goodbye.”

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The Real esTaTe Mongol By BoB Rind

Rutt Premsrirut has over 12 years of real estate investment and brokerage experience. Prior to forming Valtus Real Estate LLC, Mr. Premsrirut was the Vice President of a family owned company Prem international inc, in which he assisted the management and advising of several hundred millions of dollars in transactions. on the principal side, over $50 million of real estate assets remains under co-management with Prem international inc. Mr. Premsrirut assisted his family and clients in assembling numerous parcels in the Vegas Valley, particularly in the southwest which is currently known as Mountains Edge developed by Focus Property Group. More recently Mr. Premsrirut and his investment group have assembled over 4000 acres in Sandy Valley, nV. over the years the Premsrirut family have generated significant returns and created hundreds of millions of dollars of wealth for their clients from capitalizing on the growth of the Las Vegas economy and real estate market. Mr. Premsrirut holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance with an emphasis in financial and real estate services from the University of nevada Las Vegas. Mr. Premsrirut is also an active philanthropist and is one of the founders of the Las Vegas Children Foundation in which their mission is to assist the standards of living for children in developing countries. Mr. Premsrirut is also a political activist and a large financial supporter of the democratic Party and was on the national Finance Committee for Hillary Clinton. 42


heaLing The WorLd and paying iT ForWard By L ady SuSan ThompSon


ongratulations to Joe Jackson and Family for your well deserving works of excellence in the entertainment industry and to Brenden Theatres owner, Johnny Brenden for his Celebrity Star presentation and hosting this wonderful event Special thanks also to palms Casino and resort Lady Susan Thompson owner george maloof. We are proud to be part of this celebration with Fans worldwide in the global launch of michael Jackson's, “This is it” highly anticipated film. The King of pop will always be remembered. michael will be missed and we know he will continue watching over us from up above just like Lady Susan Thompson’s brother, andy. The andy Transplant Foundation was established in 2004, by Lady Susan in memory of her brother andy who passed away from complications due to liver failure after not getting the transplant he so desperately needed The andy Transplant Foundation’s, (aTF) main objective is to save lives through charitable fundraising that supports transplant research and increases awareness of the need for individual organ transplant donations. The foundation is headquartered in Cary, north Carolina with operations throughout north america and projects around the world. Fundraising activities are primarily focused on events and other initiatives that drive research and awareness funding, while positively impacting the lives of transplant patients and their families. 44

in addition to her passion for foundation work, Lady Susan, a true humanitarian leads an intensely active professional life with business interests focused primarily in the entertainment industry. a professional model, Lady Susan has applied her talents to international TV with several projects in the works including the launching of The Susan Thompson Show (,. Lady Susan is also a partner in a few film projects. in addition, her company, golden production Services ( provides corporate training, communication and event management. in recognition of her tireless efforts, dedication, and outstanding work, Lady Susan was awarded 2007 executive of the year by Cambridge Who’s Who representing the nonprofit fund raising category. She is presently inducted in their hall of Fame program. For more information about the andy Transplant Foundation and to find out how you can help go to Special thanks and kindness for support with our charity goes to James guyer of Saint petersburg, Florida and his film arigo, written and directed by oscar Winner, alan arkin Starring andy garcia, alan arkin, and others to be announced soon in supporting role. his drive to “explore where science and re-

James Guyer

ligion come together” has led him to become involved in a highly unusual project. about six years ago, James read a book that captured his imagination. arigo: Surgeon of the rusty Knife, by respected investigative journalist John g. Fuller, told the story of Jose pedro de Freitas, a Brazilian villager who became one of the most remarkable healers in recent history. de Freitas, affectionately nicknamed “Ze arigo” (portuguese for “jovial country bumpkin”), had a thirdgrade education and no medical training. yet, while in a trance, he was mysteriously able to cure thousands of people by performing surgeries with rusty knives and no anesthesia. a brilliant diagnostician, he wrote prescriptions for medicines of which he could have no knowledge. in his ten years of healing, not a single person was harmed. arigo’s patients included statesmen, lawyers, executives, doctors – even the daughter of Brazil’s president (himself a physician). arigo was studied by researchers from many countries, including the united States, but no one was able to explain his amazing powers. “as soon as i read it, i knew it had to be a movie,” James says. For James, this project is a labor of love, and love is the essence of the story. “arigo loved people.

i hope his story will open people to their spiritual side and show that holding true to ourselves, in spite of all obstacles, has profoundly positive outcomes. The message of arigo is that miracles do happen, especially when we allow ourselves to be open to them.” according to alan arkin, “Based upon our film’s compelling story, unique characters, beautiful locations, and stunning photography arigo is well positioned to generate profits…” For more information, go to

"the hawK!"

Keep a lOw prOfile and hit hard 46

It was the 50’s, and African Americans were still suffering from widespread segregation. To them, the “American dream,” remained but only a figment of their imagination. At the time there was an unwritten law of death to any black man caught looking at a white woman. People of color thus were forced to walk with their eyes cast downward and most advertisements targeting this demographic were placed near the ground. In the midst of this unjust atmosphere, we encounter a thirty year old African American man with a family of nine children. To try to make ends meet, he struggles with two jobs as a full time crane operator, and comes home daily with barely enough to get by. Imagine Joe arriving home to a tiny house after a hard day’s work with groundnuts and bread. “The groundnuts and bread would be devoured by us in less than twenty minutes” is a direct quote taken from Michael Jackson's authorized biography Moonwalker.

Granted that people Generally acquire fixed habits early in life, a man’s end may therefore be foreseen at midlife. Unless you are a dreamer, you can predict how your life will turn out based on the path your life is taking. you know that it is just a matter of time before you start losing your capacities and the things that matter to you. you lose friends and if you are lucky, your parents will die of old age. your teeth begin to decay and your receding hairline progresses into full blown baldness. Finally your health deteriorates drastically as proof of the hard and poor life you’ve lived. The hopes, dreams and aspirations that burnt deep within you have been chiseled away by the excess baggage society has placed on you. At such times, the Greek phrase rings true: “If the gods love you, you die at birth.”


Andrew ShAwn


Many black men took the only Faustian trade available by abandoning their family for a new life. In return, they give up their soul and dignity as they could never again look at themselves in the same way. Left to fend for themselves, most single mothers struggled with their frustrated sons who, for want of opportunity, ended up in prisons and ultimately uttering the euphemistic mea culpa, “I made an error in judgment.� within this context, we meet our protagonist Joseph Jackson. day in and day out, he is cracking his brains to escape the straitjacket life that surrounds him. however, life seems to be a Manichean devil, always throwing a curve ball when he least expects it. he needs escapism and resorts to playing in a music band called The Falcons.

W hat if you slept ? a nd W hat if, i n your sleep y ou dreamed ? a nd What if, i n your dream , y ou Went to heaven a nd there plucked a stranGe and b eautiful floWer ? a nd What if, W hen you aWoke , y ou had the floWer in your hand ? W hat if ?

This was the flower Joe found upon returning from work one day. The children had broken the strings to his guitar and shrugged in horror, hoping he would not discover it. After fixing the guitar, he had his play for him and right there it hit him. This was it. The odds were stacked up against them as society had predicted, but Joe knew that only he could write his family’s destiny. he grabbed for that flower like a drowning man struggling for that last elusive breath of air. Once asked what differentiated him from most traders, the legendary George Soros commented that when he liked something, he took on a meaningful position. when he shorted the british pound he made sure that the position was large enough so that the winnings would make a difference. he made over a billion dollars in profits within a week. Those are heady numbers! even if Soros had been wrong and the trade had gone against him, his firm because of his shrewed money management would have stood to lose a maximum of 10% of their assets under management. They would be able to carry on and stay open for business. 48

The trade Joseph Jackson took on was beyond money management. his significant position was ,his entire life savings and his job. And quit his job he did.

the bible says, “have faith as small as a mustard seed and you can move mountains.” he bet the farm, buying a call option on his family. As we all know, options have another element of risk: time. There was no room for games, child play or second best. here I stand! To prepare for the big stage, they played every single place Joe could book them: strip joints, brothels, night clubs and bars—pretty much anywhere they could get a gig. In his authorized biography Moonwalker, Michael recalls picking up the coins on the floor that the audience would throw while they were on stage. Imagine the tension Joe had to hold within his gut, watching the crowd as his children sang. he was not there to enjoy the performance. he couldn't! The prize of the night determined whether they would have money to pay for a motel room and enough leftover to buy food. every twitch in the crowd would catch Joe's attention. his stomach tightening, a chill down his spine and he is holding his breath. when the family had finished performing, Joe was in a worse shape than they were but he never showed it. night after night, day in and day out, he pushed on. As the years flew by, Joe hardly had any time to smell the roses. he was too preoccupied with making sure that the family never reverted back to where they started. Then it dawned on him. The year was 1977. he looked over at his sons as they stood in line to meet the Queen of england in London. he had to pinch himself to be sure that he was not dreaming. Just a decade prior to this meeting, he would have been beaten just for looking at a white woman. In those early days, he was struggling to give his children a better life, and now they were being recognized by the Queen of england! he has revealed to me that he never cried when his father passed on, but at that proud moment with his sons, he did fight back his tears. The journey had been difficult, the climb steep, and the sacrifice enormous, but it wasn’t a pyrrhic victory. he had sacrificed his entire middle age life for his children, and yes, he had freed them from a life of poverty planned out for them. Joe repeatedly bet the farm whenever it came to his kids. he believed in them. when Janet wanted to go into music, Joe at that time owned half of the encino home. he sold his half and used those funds to promote her. he paid for an office in Los Angeles, employed staff and pushed diligently to get Janet into the business. reminiscing, he tells me, “do you know, to this day, Janet doesn’t know what I sacrificed. She doesn't know any of this.” At 81, Joe, I hope you don’t mind but she deserves to know! 49

The double bind of this world is rigor and imagination. Too much imagination and you are considered a heretic. Too much rigor and you are confined to the rules of society and all that is considered “normal.” you never achieve much. It is one of Joe’s traits to believe only in big things. he reminds me a lot of Soros who commented to byron wien, “why don’t you go to work only on the days that really count?” byron replied, “The problem is I do not know when those days will turn up, so I have to go every day. you on the other hand have a knack of picking turning points and can enjoy the luxury of coming to work only on those important days.” here in the 80’s, Joe wanted for his late son Michael to not deal with Pepsi or Coke but to have his own soft drink. “you are big enough to buy Pepsi!” Joe would tell his son. he wanted Michael to not work for Sony but to own Sony! People consider Joe too much of a dreamer. “Think rationally,” lawyers and advisors would tell his son in the years that followed. “All of Joe’s deals are too lofty. Pipe dreams!” they would say. well, tell this to a former steel worker who handed each of his sons a briefcase with a million dollars on each of their 18th birthdays! when I first met the Jackson family over a decade ago, I was a huge fan and more intrigued with meeting the children so that I could hang out with them. I grew up listening and dancing to their music. when I first met Joe, I had initially been influenced by the negative press about him and consequently I too, had a skewed opinion of him. The difference between art and entertainment is that with entertainment you like it right away but it sort of leaves you feeling dead at the end. with art on the other hand, you initially do not like it, it is an uphill struggle, an acquired taste, but it leaves you feeling rich and good about yourself at the end. we see this in the movies, like the good guy/bad guy shoot out. As we leave the theater, the scene is out of sight, out of mind. Then with movies like A beautiful Mind, The Pursuit of happyness or The Pianist, you leave the theater in deep contemplation and feel enriched about the event. Such has been my experiences with Joseph Jackson. As the years go by, I have grown to appreciate, respect and like him more and more. All the teaching and books of systems theory, behavioral, emergent systems, 50

recursive feedback loops, etc., could never replace the one to one firsthand lessons I have learned from this man. Joe is built of brick. I mean this literally. brick by brick, and callous hand by callous hand. he has been tried and tested and risen by his own bootstraps. The man has bestowed street smarts I could have never picked up: how to size up a person in five minutes and who to trust; how to bet big and have the guts to pull the trigger on those leveraged trades; how to run so as to live and fight another day; how to impress; how to break away from people who are wasting your time and will make you fail; how to be ruthless. Last but not least, pearls of wisdom beyond the ages. he would scream, “Shawn, never let them see you coming! Always make them believe that they are smarter than you are. never let them know how you know what their game is! It takes a great man to admit he is wrong! Are you listening, Shawn?” I said, “yes,” and he continued, “but it takes a greater man to keep quiet even when he knows he is right! Always remember that.” It has been fifteen years since our paths first crossed. having left Las Vegas and relocated back to europe, Joe comes often for visits. As I sat across from him recently, he went on about each of his children and the problems he was trying to solve. I said, “Joe, you are eighty one years old, don’t you think that it is time that you stop worrying about your family and have some fun for once in your life?” he took a deep pause, looked out the window towards the city and said, “you know, you are right.

if i don’t have fun noW,

then When Will

i have it?

I answered, “The brenden Celebrity Star at The Palms honoring you is one of many more to come. have fun and laugh at the world. I am glad to be able to call you my friend.” Andrew Shawn, Frankfurt, Germany. (reflexivity Capital Group)


Destination Fame by

Destination Fame is a family friendly, music driven, movie which is dedicated to Michael Jackson from his father Joe Jackson. Joe Jackson, the patriarch of the world renowned Jackson Family came from Gary, indiana, raising his family with love, hard work, and making their dreams become a reality. he has been blessed with the foresight to see the talent his family had and perfected them into the iconic talents they are today.

Zachary D'anDria

the Destination Fame movie. While working on the movie, Joseph was approached each day from different talents and their parents for advice. he always found time to help and encourage them. Joseph is a hard worker to this day with a treasure chest of knowledge in the entertainment world with an im-

Through the years, things weren’t always so easy but Joseph always believed in hard work and in helping his family as well as those who were in need to help pursue their careers, to get them to the next level.


Paul Deangelo, who has been close friends with Joseph and his family for many years, showed Joe the Destination Fame movie script he had been writing to go along with the Destination Fame brand. Joseph read the script and said he really liked it because of the many relatable characters, the realism, the good message, and the family oriented theme. Joe suggested that Paulie should call his son Michael Jackson and have him review it. Paulie did just that, and met with Michael, where Mike congratulated Paulie on a well written script.

a group of high school friends learn to be careful about what they wish for in Destination Fame, a tale about the ups and downs of the music industry. When chris (a.J. Gil, american idol), a talented dancer and singer, learns that his mother is deeply in debt, he gathers his ambitious friends to put on a concert. Luckily, they’re approached by a record label; unluckily, the label only wants chris, and the others are left hung out to dry. as chris navigates the challenges and compromises that come with fame, he realizes that he may have traded his best friends for something far less valuable.

Mr. Jackson had then flown to the East coast where he would become an associate Producer and an actor for

Six high school graduates learn about the value of friendship, the inconsistencies of life, and what it takes to make it in the music industry. This is a classic story where the underdog's dreams become a reality. Mario, Jordan Knight and a.J. Gil star. This is the only a.J. Gil video, Stars also making their debut in this video: Jordan Knight, Deja Kreutzberg.

measurable love for his family and for this reason he has dedicated the Destination Fame movie to his son Michael.



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J e r ry O l i va r e z

My interview with Joe Jackson “Father oF the First royal FaMily oF Music� by ray DuGray anD Maria nGo Photo by Phelston

ray DuGray and Maria ngo recently spoke with Jerry olivarez from brenden theatre corporation. Jerry revealed details about his interview with Joseph Jackson



ARIA NGO: Jerry, what is your exact position with Brenden Theatres? Jerry: i am the executive Director of Public relations for the brenden theatre corporation and i am also Johnny brenden's personal publicist. Professionally, for 12-15 years working for the company and we've been friends for twenty years. MARIA NGO: And Johnny Brenden is the owner, President and CEO of Brenden Theatres, correct? Jerry: that is correct...and grandson of famed movie theatre mogul, ted Mann who owned the Mann chinese theatre in hollywood where all the handprints are [of famous movie stars]. and his grandmother is rhonda Fleming, actress from the golden years. so, he has very deep roots in hollywood. RAY DUGRAY: Jerry, as you know, we recently produced a special with you interviewing Mr. Joe Jackson, the father of the late "King of Pop", Michael Jackson, which was absolutely incredible and the most amazing experience. It was history in the making where you discussed the release

instruments and luggage on top of the bus. Just to go a few blocks down the street to play a gig. he said that every time they did that, it looked like they were moving. he said, “Jerry, you know this is what we had to work with- but it worked for us at that time.” it wasn't an interview in any means that was sensationalized. we spoke of behind the scenes rehearsals of the concert that never happened. and now the world is going to be able to see that concert in its rehearsal format. we are still getting that concert but instead of Michael doing 50 concert appearances, he's now performing to the world. and at the end of the day, i think that is what he really wanted to do - is entertain the world. RAY DUGRAY: By the way Jerry, we are very grateful that you invited us to record that moment in history, to be part of that interview. I know how we feel about it, how do you feel about knowing that there we were all in a room with Mr. Joe Jackson, introducing a movie that is going to make history. Jerry: well, like i said it was quite

it's really surreal. and i wanted to again, express my appreciation to you and Maria. the fact is that Johnny brenden really likes the way Maria interviews and he has a lot of respect for the both of you. and, he was quite happy when i mentioned i had reached out to you and asked if you would film this. come to find out that at the end of the interview you both were so gracious, and you never mentioned it to me, but it was Maria's birthday that day and i would have never asked knowing that. MARIA NGO: That was the BEST birthday present! Jerry: well, you know Maria; you had Joe Jackson singing happy birthday to you. let me ask you, how did that feel? MARIA NGO: Oh, how quickly the tables turn. I was in shock. I've never been so surprised in my life. And with you, Joe Jackson, Joe Girouard, Simon of Las Vegas Hollywood Magazine singing Happy Birthday- I haven't seen the clip yet… I am still wondering if it actually happened. So I am glad you brought that up

i think that is what he really wanteD to Do is entertain the worlD of Michael Jackson's movie, “This Is It!” Can you share with us the big reveal? Jerry: it was extremely exciting and quite humbling to be sitting there with Mr. Joe Jackson and we discussed the film coming out. it is a little bitter sweet for him as it is for the rest of the world. i spoke to him [in his role] as Joe Jackson, the father. he shared a couple of stories with us. like when they would pack all the kids into their vw bus with their

humbling. to be honest with you, the magnitude of what it is, you really can't grasp. there are outsiders and there are insiders. and when you are an outsider viewing it like from the general population, it's quite amazing and quite big. and it is to me as well. but, when you're an insider, when you are a part of that, and you are part of that history making moment, you kind of get lost in it. and it's humbling, it's sobering, and it's like- is this really happening? am i really sitting here talking with the patriarch of the Jackson Family?

because it did happen then. Jerry: well, ray snuck that in at the last minute, which i noticed was quite a surprise for you. MARIA NGO: Let's go back to the big premiere of “This Is It!” Brenden Theatres really has a great opportunity and alliance. I know that Johnny Brenden was close to Michael Jackson and his family. Can you tell us the release date and tell us more about the movie, what people can expect when they see it?


Jerry: yes, absolutely. the movie opens on october 28th. but the studios have agreed to let everybody see it starting midnight on the east coast, which is 9:00 pm on the west coast. so tickets have been on sale already. we have sold out quite a few auditoriums. the first screening starts at 9:00 pm on the 27th, which is a tuesday. Prior to that screening, the day is going to be filled with fes-

tivities. we're branding brenden theatres at the Palms and our other brenden theatre locations in northern california as “Michael Jackson central” because of the relationship that Johnny had with Michael Jackson and has with his father Joe Jackson. a couple of months ago we unveiled a brenden celebrity star in honor of

Michael Jackson [on his birthday]. now, he was aware of this, the brenden celebrity star that is in the lobby of the theatre in las vegas at the famed Palms casino resort. we had asked his father, if he would come down and receive it on behalf of Michael. Joseph said, “i’m his father. yes. of course i will be there. i am humbled and i am excited. the only thing that i wish is that Michael

Joe Jackson and Jerry Olivarez

was here to experience this for himself because i knew he was quite excited about it.” in fact, Joe Jackson helped champion this brenden celebrity star for over the past three years when we first met him. we told him that we would like Michael to have a star and he said, “Don't worry about it, we'll make it happen.” and one


thing led to another, we ended up meeting Michael at his house in las vegas. you talk about an experience. that was unbelievable. but, i don't want to get away from your question Maria. that brenden celebrity star is now going to be unveiled to Joe Jackson on the 27th of october that will start at 7:30 pm. and there will be lite-

rally hundreds and thousands of people at the theatre. we'll start with a drum line of about twenty drums. it will be hosted by the famed renowned robin leach. and there will be a tremendous amount of media there. immediately following the unveiling of the brenden celebrity star for Joe Jackson, in which we are honoring

him for the legacy and the contribution to the entertainment industry. we will go into the theatre where Joe Jackson will welcome everybody, see the film, and then we will continue that enthusiasm in a very spe-

reaching out and honoring these two people. in fact, they bought out the first screening in las vegas. to have never-been-seen footage of fans celebrating him all over the world has definitely differentiated us

world. we are the only ones that have that footage. what a huge endorsement that is to brenden theatres and what an honor. again i have to say humbly, to get that type of accolades from the fan clubs that

the really excitinG thinG about this is that it is a liMiteD enGaGeMent cial after party at the Moon nightclub at the Palms casino resort in their Fantasy tower. and that evening, the music will all be dedicated to Michael Jackson and it will only be Michael Jackson music for that entire evening.

from all the other movie theatres not only in las vegas but also in the

are really supporting this. we are really left speechless. but it just shows

MARIA NGO: That sounds like a full day. So much fun! And like you mentioned earlier, bitter sweet. But we get to see and celebrate Michael Jackson’s career, his life, and everything he has given to the world. I am looking so forward to it. I can't wait. Jerry: yeah, i am really excited, and you know phones have been ringing off the hook; people have been lined up for tickets. the really exciting thing about this is that it is a limited engagement. the film is only going to be in movie theatres for two weeks, period. RAY DUGRAY: Jerry, we actually interviewed the president of Michael Jackson's United Nations International Fan club, Raquel Choyce. She mentioned that there will be twenty minutes of Michael Jackson footage from fans around the world that is exclusive to Brenden Theatres before the showing “This Is It!” How do you feel about having that little nugget, that special piece to call your own? Jerry: well you know that is very exciting. and, the fans have all rallied around brenden theatres because of what we have done with Michael Jackson and his father by

Joe Jackson and Jerry Olivarez


you how much Michael Jackson just loved his fans. and his fans loved him even more. they want to share in the special moment. now the world will be able to share in this screening. it's how Michael Jackson would have liked it -every-

never got into trouble. and a lot of those kids in that neighborhood are no longer with us because they took different paths. Michael was very talented and he needed to hone in on those skills. that's why i wouldn’t' let him go play with those kids.”

happened in the past is the past. The truth of the matter is that Michael Jackson is the “King of Pop”, always will be and he needs to be respected for what he has accomplished. I think the movie “This Is It!” is a chance for people to pay their respects by attending that movie. So on that note, where can people get more information about the premiere “This Is It! “ Jerry: thank you ray. they can go to and the front page will describe the day's festivities. RAY DUGRAY: Is there anything you would like to say to the fans?

Joe Jackson and Jerry Olivarez

body gets to share in it now. we're showing that footage from people all around the world. the fans in vegas will get to see the fans in Japan, europe, and africa, etc. i mean it's just amazing! MARIA NGO: What impacted you the most during the interview? Jerry: what impacted me the most and where i really got a sense of understanding was that the 60’s was another lifetime. it was a difficult time. and you know i asked him if he was a strict disciplinarian, and he looked over at me and said, “Jerry, Michael had a childhood; he had his brothers and sisters to play with. he wanted to play with the neighborhood kids and i wouldn't let him. My kids are good kids. they've

what can you say to that? a man raising nine kids in a small house. there was nothing to reference, back then, on how to be an exceptional parent or not. when we visited with Michael and Joe, we saw the respect between Michael and his father. i believe the world has not seen that. as we discussed in the interview, they had a tumultuous relationship. but they reconciled years ago. so who are we to cast any expulsions? the fact is that he [Joe] is still in their [his children’s] lives and was always there. that's when it really clicked for me.

Jerry: i would like to express deep gratitude from the owner of brenden theatres, Johnny brenden and myself. this could not happen without the support of the fans. honestly it is because of the fans that we are doing all of this and we cannot thank you enough. i encourage all of you to go to brenden theatres, which was Michael Jackson's favorite movie theater. where he often brought his kids every other week to the theatre because it was a place where they could feel normal. so a heartfelt thanks to the fans! we look forward to seeing you at the theatre. this is a film that you are going to want to come see several times. it's going to be like going to a concert. you just can't get enough. i am excited and i look forward to seeing everyone there. RAY DUGRAY: Thank you Jerry. We look forward to covering the entire event.

RAY DUGRAY: You know Jerry, times have changed. What ever

the strip view live!, hosted and produced by a married team of Maria ngo and ray DuGray, is a success talk show where celebrities, entrepreneurs, and industry experts share their success stories and positive messages from the red carpet, at live events, on location, and in the home. visit to subscribe to stay connected to the las vegas celebrity scene.


WelCoMe to the FASCInAtIng World oF

BB SIMON the Revolutionary Designer that brings forth an eclectic, unique collection of handcrafted Italian Leather Belts, fashion & Home accessories all adorned with authentic Swarovski Crystals. B.B. Simon leads the way with cut-

By LVH Staff

ting edge, magnificent designs that unquestionably raise the bar of higher design standards. Some may say "Imitation is the Best form of flattery", and many accessories have been made to resemble our breathtaking designs. Unfortunately they do not compare with the extraordinary quality & creative genius exclusive only to an Original B.B. Simon Design.

Joe Jackson and BB Simon presenting the Crystal Frame around Michael Jackson Picture, At the Brenden Celebrity Suite PhotoS By PhelSton

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Antiquities By KennetH HaLL

M ICHaeL faVORIte G aLLeRy Michael Jackson frequented antiquities,

the gallery he often called his favorite store, located at the forum Shops in Caesars. He was captivated by the signed photos and memorabilia of the people, who have made the world smile, laugh and feel joy.

toby Stoffa, Antiquities, Presenting the unveiling of Michael Autographed picture to Joe Jackson , Johnny Brenden, B.B. SIMon, and Simon Sahouri , At the Brenden Celebrity Suite

PhotoS By PhelSton

His favorite was always Walt Disney. If he was only in town for a short while, he would call at my home as early as 6 in the morning to have me rush over to open the store for him to purchase some new treasure, and at other times he would just stop by to say hello and tell me some important news, like the birth of his children. there were even two occasions when Michael purchased his own signed and framed albums to give as a gift to some friend he was visiting. fan friendly, warm, kind and funny, none of us at antiquities will ever forget Michael Jackson. Joe Jackson and toby Stoffa of Antiquities , presenting the Framed Picture signed by Michael Jackson At the Brenden Celebrity Suite PhotoS By PhelSton

toby Stoffa President & CeO of antiquities (702) 792-2274 WWW.antIqUItIeSLV.COM


FOUnder OF JAcks


There is noT much ThaT hasn’T been said abouT michael Jackson afTer his Tragic deaTh on June 25 of This year. buT whaT really remains? his fans will say: a legend, The king of PoP. his friends and family say: a man who was Too kind for This world. or, as his sisTer JaneT PuT iT: To you he was a suPersTar, To us he was family. here we are going To look aT The beginnings and whaT made This young boy The mosT famous Person ThaT has ever lived – well wiThin his lifeTime.

how The Jackson 5 were discovered This is probably one of the most legend-filled story about Michael Jackson and his brothers. There are many different stories about who discovered them and when. The truth, as confirmed by several of the brothers, is as following. Motown artists Bobby Taylor  and  gladys  knight  had  «The  Jackson  5» open their shows at chicago’s The guys' and gals' cocktail Lounge and restaurant. Both knight and Taylor were extremely impressed with the boys and decided to bring them to the attention of Motown. Bobby Taylor invited the brothers and father Joe to

live at his detroit apartment on July 22, 1968. due to shortage of beds, they had to sleep on the floor. The next day, Motown executive suzanne de Passe and Taylor persuaded Motown founder and owner Berry gordy to let «The Jackson 5» audition at Motown. The brothers sang James Brown’s «i got The Feeling». gordy, who was very reluctant to receive them before the audition, was blown away. He immediately decided to sign the boys and to make huge stars out of them.  in november of the same year Berry gordy invited the  Jackson  brothers  to  his  villa  where  they  met Motown’s shakers and rollers. They performed before Motown stars, executives and creative people, 61

us four consecutive number one records. And you delivered them all. i’ll  never  forget  it.  it  was  a  first  in music history».

michael & diana ross

and later met diana ross and several other stars. This was famously depicted in the ABc mini-series «The Jacksons – An American dream». gordy came up with a great plan to introduce  the  Jackson  5  to  the world.  He  simply  had  diana ross  do  it.  The Jackson 5 made their  TV  debut on «The ed sullivan show», singing  their  first single  «i  Want You Back». After the  performance, ed sullivan asked diana ross, who was in the  audience  to stand  up.  He then  proclaimed that she had discovered  the «Jackson  5»  in gary,  in.  The same  was  written on the back cover of the group’s first album  which  was called «diana ross Presents The Jackson 5».  When  «The  Jackson  5»  were  inducted  into  the «rock ‘n roll Hall of Fame» on May 16, 1997, Michael Jackson remembered those first months during his acceptance speech. Of that party at Berry gordy’s house he said: «Berry gordy, you promised 62

When Michael and his brothers were signed  at  Motown  records,  one  of Michael’s biggest wishes was to meet his idol diana ross. That particular wish came true very soon, when the boys  and  father  Joe  met  her  and other stars at a party held by Motown founder Berry gordy.  Michael and diana developed a deep friendship over the years.  At some point in the nineties Michael and  diana  had  a  mysterious  falling out, which they must have resolved. As the world now knows, he named her back-up guardian of his children if his mom was not willing or able to take that role.  After Michael Jackson’s death, tapes have surfaced in which the singer speaks of deep feelings  of  love  for  diana  ross. Whether they were reciprocated or not is a mystery for the ages.

The brothers The relationship between Michael and his brothers wasn't always easy. There were the pillow-fights in hotel rooms  while  on  tour.  There  were the  pranks  played  on  grown-ups. But there was also the rivalry and other troubles. Another issue was the fact, that Michael was so obviously the star of the band. sure, there was the handsome Jermaine and Jacky who were popular too. But wherever they went, Michael was  the  star.  it  went  even  so  far that sometimes they were introduced as «Michael Jackson and The Jackson 5» – and this was back in the  seventies,  before  «Off  The Wall»,  before  «Thriller»,  «Billie Jean» and all the rest.

leaving motown By the mid-seventies The Jackson 5 weren't as successful as they used to. The last number two hit in the  Us  is  the  1974  single  «dancing  Machine». Their  last  single  released  under  Motown  is  the beautiful «All i do is Think Of You» which peaks at 50 in the Us r&B charts and fails to chart in the Us mainstream charts or in the Uk.

Michael and his brothers put more and more pressure on Motown to let them write and produce their own work. But Motown was beginning its decline and it seems that ceO Berry gordy was unwilling to make changes.  Ultimately  the  Jackson  brothers  decided  to leave Motown. With one exception: Jermaine. The lead singer of the Jackson family band, before  Michael  joined,  had  married  gordy's daughter Hazel and felt indebted to his fatherin-law. He remained with Motown and left the Jackson 5. He later released a few albums which never had the same kind of success he had enjoyed with the Jackson 5 in their heyday. To replace Jermaine, the youngest Jackson brother randy joined the band. The group signed with cBs records in 1976 and changed their name to «The Jacksons» because Motown legally stopped them from using the name «The Jackson 5» any longer. They released 6 albums before Michael left the band in 1984, effectively dissolving the band. some of the biggest Jacksons hits which are still well known today are «Blame it On The Boogie», «shake Your Body down (To The ground)», «can  You  Feel  it»,  «enjoy  Yourself»,  «state  Of shock» (with Mick Jagger) and more.

ving a little brother who works in the same field as you, only with a lot more success. Once the split came  about,  the  anger  and  frustration  on  both sides lead to confron-

The Jacksons split in  1984  The  Jacksons  (The  Jacksons  plus  Jermaine) embarked upon a nationwide tour. during that tour Michael's striving for creative control and his expectations of his brothers lead to the inevitable: The Jacksons split.  What ensued was a first major upset between the Jackson brothers. With the brothers' age differences it must have been difficult to keep things together for as long as they had. The traditional Jehova's Witnesses upbringing they had would have been a huge help in this. That, however, can only last for so long. Add i t i o n a l l y, Michael w a n t e d more  control  over what he did as an artist. The  1982 a l b u m «T h r i l l e r » had  alr e a d y made  him a  superstar  in  his own  right. it  is  not easy  ha-

tations and some legal disputes. Michael Jackson donated his earnings from the tour to charitable organizations. That was the last time Michael recorded or toured with his brothers.

leaving The nest After the split from his brothers, Michael withdrew from  the  family  and  dedicated  all  of  his  time  to working on his solo career. He released the hugely successful «Bad» album in 1987 after writing «We Are The World» for the «UsA For Africa» charity project in 1985. «Bad» spawned a massive 4 number one singles and 2 top ten hits. The least successful single in the Us-charts was «Another Part Of Me» which was released during the Bad World Tour and peaked at "only" 11.

The rest is history in 1991 Michael Jackson released the heavily anticipated dangerous Album. One of the biggest selling albums ever and the biggest selling album of the nineties, it included hits like «Black Or White», «remember The Time», «give in To Me» and many more.  «Heal  The  World»  was  another  big  hit  all around the world, except for the UsA.  From day one the sales figures of the «dangerous» album were astronomical and solidified the image 63

of Michael Jackson as a living legend. His «dangerous World Tour» broke record after record.  Michael Jackson was also entered into the «guinness Book Of World records» as having donated more  money  to  charity  than  any other artist that ever lived. He still holds that record, along with many, many more. Those days were the last times that Michael could really enjoy his life. The problems had already  begun.  in  the  eighties  Michael had had an accident during the  filming  of  a  commercial  for «Pepsi», in which part of his scalp was  burned.  An  injury  he  never recovered  from.  it  was  also  the time that he was diagnosed with «Vitiligo».  A  skin  condition  that

slowly but unstoppably destroyed the colorpigmentation of his skin, essentially turning him white.  Those problems along with other health issues  like  a  lung  condition  he  had  since birth were joined by extortion and public accusations  against  him.  eventually  he was  tried  and  found  innocent,  but  not until 10 years after the first accusations. By that time he was already branded a pervert, a weirdo.  The astonishing thing was not only that Michael survived all of these things. He also released music throughout and after these ordeals. And successfully. The «History» album which was released after the first allegations became the biggest selling dou64

ble-album of its time. statues were erected all over the world to promote the album and Michael kept selling out stadiums and breaking sales records.  no matter what he had to go through or what was done to him, his music always shone through. no other  artist  has  had  to  go

through anything remotely as careerending as Michael Jackson, emerging with a still intact career at the other end.  The perfection, dedication and endless talent and  love  for  music  are  the things  that have  never before  come together  in one  single man  in  this way. And they never  will again.  so  lay  back, play  your  favourite Michael Jackson  record and  thank  god that you had the pleasure to have witnessed  that period of time in which  Michael Jackson  walked the earth.  As for Michael - i will leave you with one  of  his  most memorable quotes:  «if you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.»

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JACKSON FANS Messages froM the presidents of MJ fanclubs Michael Jackson's United nation international Fan clUb Website: „Michael you will be forever missed. Your legacy will live on through us, our children and the world. Thank for all the joy and happiness you brought to our lives. We love you more.“ We are fans of Michael Jackson and the Jackson family. Michael Jackson World netWork – MJWn Web Site: President: Jayne Ross „Michael - Our inspiration, motivation and the reason we do what we do. He will continue to live on in each and every one of us - FOREVER!“ Michael Jackson bUtterFlie Website: President: Julie Bramow „I have been a fan of Michael Jackson's and of The Jackson Five, since 1969. I grew up listening to their music, most all of my life. My kids, and my grandkids, grew up, and are growing up listening to the music of all the Jacksons. We Love Great Music!“ MJ soldiers oF love aroUnd the World President: Farah Pajuheshfar email: „My life will be never the same without Michael Jackson. But I will promise to keep his legacy alive for the rest of my life.“ 66

Jackson soUrce Website: President: Janneke van der Linden „Keeping the legacy alive of the Greatest Entertainer Who Ever Lived and the Royal Family of Music!“ king oF PoP Fanatics Website URL: President: Donna Green „Michael, thank you for everything you unselfishly gave to the world. We will keep your legacy alive forever and we will always love you MORE!“ iMPersonator nation Website: President: Arelis Gonzalez „This fan club is for all MJ fans who dress dance and love to sing especially imitate our King the legend Michael J. Jackson R.I.P.“ heal the World in loving MeMory oF Michael Jackson Website: President: Mihaela Zamfir „We Are Here To Heal The World In Loving Memory Of Michael“ the MJlUv Fan clUb Web Site: www.MJLuvFanClub.Ning.Com President: Krislynn Piersall „To The Worlds Leading Shinning Light - I love You, Michael!“

Messages froM the fans nikki danielle Firth „The King will live forever in our hearts & memories, Thank you Michael for everything you gave me and the world! you made us believe in love, music, magic & dreams, Rest In Peace King Michael Joseph Jackson 1958 - Forever“ ryan van heMert „We here at Michael Jackson World Wide would like to thank all our friends on MySpace and followers on twitter for helping support a global icon who's legacy is of a King. Long live Michael Jackson and may his new movie be the greatest of all time just like his music.“ Phonchrist „Mike I will never forget you cause I can feel your presence everyday in my life.“ aMit valand „I remember watching my first Michael Jackson video when I was three years old. The video was Bad. Since that day Michael is the reason I dance. Truly inspiring, my HERO!“ nataliJa Jakovleva „When I was 5, I said that when I grow up I will marry Michael Jackson . Now I am 26, but still loving Him and always will.“ PaUl colebrook - MJcool „Michael you were and always will be my childhood hero and you made me into the person I am today. You will always have a special place in my heart Michael” hailey drakos „Michael, you are gone but never forgotten! You will always live in our hearts. Long live the King of Pop.” sherry davis -MlleMJ „Michael's eyes, smile, passion,

spirituality, humility and innocence suffused the world with wonderment and joy. Michael's music harmonized the world with hope and communal reverence. Thank you, Michael. I love you.“ Montserratt correa „I L.O.V.E. You So Much Michael. You Always Live In My Heart.” sharon hall- coUntrygal2004 „I love Michael Jackson been a fan since he was a kid with the Jackson 5. I also love the other Jackson family members, especially Janet and La Toya. Of course Michael is my favorite. I love doing things in his memory. He will always have a special place in my heart and I miss him so much.” Michelle richet- MJJFanForever „Michael you are not just the King Of Pop, but the King Of Music, I love you now and forever“ gigi „No other man has captured my heart like Michael Jackson. I will always love him.” Mich raPaille „Michael, you where always in my live and now I have to go on without you. That is so hard. I miss you! Thanks for all you gave us! Love you!” Mariatresa „The greatest entertainer the world has ever known and an extraordinary caring human being. I love you Michael!” sheril snider „MJ Your music made my soul smile always will.” Jannie - MJ's bad girl „I love you Michael with all my heart. I will miss you dearly. Thank you for giving us such love and warmth in your music. For showing

us what true love is and was.” shaWn henning aUthorshenning „Michael Jackson you are inspiration to millions of fans around the world and we miss you. The media caused you pain and your fans will not let that be, we will forever carry your Legacy. Our Voice Will Be Heard. You are the reason for my book.” Janlee56 - Janice Miller „Michael you are the most wonderful man and father. We will miss your smiles and the love you shared with us THE FANS and we will NEVER forget you!" Pearl Jr „Protecting the Legacy“ Miroslava c asiano „Michael I love you and miss you so much although I know that THIS IS NOT IT!” toshio Fish „Michael Jackson always will be the King of Pop and the Greatest Entertainer. Michael Jackson's legacy will lives on forever. Rest In Peace.” kevin ingol „Michael I Love you more and thank you for inspiring me to be the best.“ il adybUgForever „Michael you are the sun, moon, and everything to me. I will love you forever, Sleep tight sweet angel.” sherily Joy g. credo „Michael Joseph Jackson was one of the most superb geniuses to ever walk the face of the earth. He shall always be remembered as an inspiration to many individuals, including myself.“ 67

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Joseph Jackson PHoto By BaSim



Joseph Jackson was born July 26th, 1929 in Fountain, arkansas. He indeed was a man with substance, who understood the importance of hard work and taking advantage of an opportunity. as a former boxer and a crane operator for Gary's u. S. Steel company, located in Gary, indiana (where he later lived), Joe had a love for music, and enjoyed his experiences as a musician. in the early 60's Joe discovered that his three eldest sons, Jackie, tito and Jermaine had natural musical talents. in 1967 his two other sons marlin and michael were ready for the music world. the Jackson 5 was created and the family signed with motown records. Joe helped shape and guide the musical careers of the Jackson 5, including the musical careers of his three other daughters, La toya, Janet and rebbie. His strict guidance as their manager, teacher, mentor and father helped all his children gain world wide acclaim





By Pete aLLman

Corp., introduced robin Leach- who introduced various celebrities and Johnny Brenden, President of Brenden theaters- who will present Joe Jackson and his family with the Brenden Celebrity For 20 years, i've known Joe Jackson. Star. George maloof -President and i've seen Joe live his music. He's always Ceo of Palms Casio resort will also be been kind to me, inspired me and given me sound advice. that also includes taking care of ones health. So Joe certainly contributed to my walking every day and making me aware of natural health products. to become the superstars of the music world. thus, Joseph Jackson became the patriarch of the Jackson Family- the first royal family of music.

today at 80 years young Joe Jackson is a man of his own virtue. He survived the toughest times, celebrating the success of the Jackson name and his late son, the ''King of Pop'', michael Jackson. now in completion of his musical journey, he'll inspire new talent through his record company, Larance. it's only fitting that Joe received his own Brenden Celebrity Star on october 27th. Jerry olivarez, the executive director of Public relations for Brenden

there to honor mr. Jackson and his family. the mega event, also is screening 'this is it'' a film compromised of the King of Pops footage of his preparation for his 2009 concert tours in London, just before his passing in late June of 2009.

Karma Foundation By Karma Foundation StaFF

Karma Foundation is pleased to have a strategic relationship with such a prestigious publication as LVH magazine. With the many luxury brands that are present worldwide, Karma Foundation is pleased to be the luxury brand relationship of LVH magazine. our Foundation headquartered in Beverly Hills, Ca is an exclusive lifestyle membership organization that provides its members and member guests with remarkable upscale lifestyle experiences that enrich their lives, expand their networks and benefit noble causes. this focus combined with our active global infrastructure which enables us to provide our members with the ultimate access for hospitality, nightlife, gaming, entertainment and luxury lifestyle amenities and services anytime anywhere makes for a wonderful synergy with LVH magazine. our four main principles networking, Philan-

thropy, revelry & ultimate access are very aligned with the readers of a magazine such as LVH.

our latest Karma event where some of the executives are LVH were in attendance, Kandy Halloween took place at the Playboy mansion on october 24th and was lauded by many of the world’s foremost tastemakers as one of the premier events

of the year. our event included mr. Hugh Hefner himself, a world famous icon as our guest of honor who along with many celebrity guests and a bevy of lovely ladies rocked this sexiest Haunted House with world famous recording artist Flo rida headlining the evening. this years deserving charity was Beating the odds Foundation Beating the odds Foundation who organization helps america's youth become winners in life despite the challenges, setbacks, or obstacles they face in today's society, and works to inspire individuals to reach their full potential in life. We are always dedicated to improving the lives of our members and others that are worthy of our support and contributions and are proud that LVH magazine is supporting our efforts. For more information about Karma Foundation please contact mr. marco derhy 310 613 2773 69

The happily Married dynaMic duo Behind The STrip View LiVe! SucceSS Talk Show By Dina Hall


ave you ever wondered how successful people became successful? or, what it took for a movie star to make it? or, how did an entrepreneur grow a business to billions? or, how someone overcame extreme adversities? these are the questions that this featured couple continually asks while pursuing their own dream. that dream is a success talk show with the greatest reach and positive impact than any other media outlet in history. it is a show that features celebrities, entrepreneurs, and industry experts on their success secrets and positive inspiring messages.

Here’s how it all started for these big dreamers …Ray DuGray was born and raised in Canada. He was a small town boy who grew up with low self-esteem. as an average student, he would rather spend his days playing hockey instead of hitting the books. Ray didn’t know where he would go in life. then a ferocious spark lit in him that would be the catalyst to all his successes today. in his final year in high school, fear set in as other students were planning their future. Ray didn’t have a plan. in fact, he wasn’t sure if he would graduate with the rest of his class. so he did everything in his power to finish on time. He buckled down and studied and ended up with high marks for the first time. this juiced him! He began to read and learn about personal development from gurus like tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, napoleon Hill, earl nightingale, and hundreds more. the 70

PHoto By PHelston

fire kept burning and even more furiously. He went on to become Valedictorian of his Xray program, to a professional firefighter, paramedic, then owning an emergency medical training company, and later a keynote speaker. He later met Maria ngo during a trip to the United states. Maria would become not only his life partner but also his business partner. Maria ngo was born in saigon, Vietnam. During the war, she and her parents escaped to the United states and survived in a refugee camp. From there, she and her parents were sponsored to Missouri where she would grow up, a long way from her native country. she had the fortune to attend private schools even on her father’s minimum wage salary. she learned work ethic from her parents at an early age. and deep within her, she strived for the american dream. she first learned about entrepreneurship after her encounter with Ray. they quickly found that they shared the same interests and motivation. after two years of collaborating long distance they made the leap of faith, went into business, and got married. While living in Canada together, Ray and Maria started

a PhD program in entrepreneurship. they interviewed successful entrepreneurs for their studies. initially the interviews were conducted via telephone documenting general success findings. then they opened up conference lines knowing that other people could benefit from the interviews. small audiences across Canada and the United states participated on the calls. and that’s when the dream took flight.

expertise. the segments may be produced in print, audio and/or video formats. When asked if they have fulfilled their dreams, Maria and Ray’s response was, “We have fulfilled components of the dream. We are so fortunate and grateful

in 2004, they took another leap of faith and left everything behind in Canada to make a new life in las Vegas. the vision was to go mainstream and incorporate the success theme into a talk show format. they conducted interviews behind the scenes at live events, in hotel rooms, red carpet events, and eventually on stage in front of live audiences as a television production. Presently, as owners of Wealth Matters llC - a new media production and distribution company, Ray and Maria embrace cutting edge technology to deliver their positive messages on their own four niche media networks including,,,, along with live and on-demand 24/7 global streaming on live stream Broadcast network. in addition to the show, their company provides: onstage expert showcase - Features an onstage show production of the strip View live! at a live event such as a conference or convention – featuring keynote speakers, dignitaries, and special guests in a talk show format- lights, Cameras, action! Red Carpet showcase - a very popular service for conventions and professional associations, in which Ray and Maria host and produce a special red carpet event at award ceremonies, tradeshows, banquets, ViP receptions, etc. top Business showcase - a service that showcases top businesses using the power of viral video distribution. Maria and Ray provide companies ways to compete in cyberspace by producing short interviews with business representatives followed by distribution of the informative video clips using the power of the internet. Profound advice showcase - a special 1-3 minute segment where an industry expert provides their very best advice in Santana and Mayor oscar Goodman their area of

Simon Sahouri, Joe Jackson Maria ngo, Jerry olivarez, Joe Girouard and ray duGray

for all the people who believed in us and still believe in us. it is sometimes astounding to see how much we have accomplished. However, we still have a long way to go. our vision is much greater. We have a tremendous opportunity to really expand our show into something that will impact the world. Just like the way Michael Jackson impacted the world with his music. this is the level of how we desire to contribute and make our mark. that’s how grand we see our show. But we can’t do it on our own. We need the help of sponsors and other distribution networks to take this content to the masses. and in the words of our friend and mentor Bill Bartmann (business coach and self-made billionaire) who told us, ‘Don’t just think Big, think CRaZy BiG!’ to some, we may just seem crazy but to us, it is a calling, a purpose that we can’t articulate fully. We have such passion and drive for what we do that it is only a matter of time that the dream will come to fruition.” the journey continues … Maria and Ray’s desire to report on ‘all things positive’ has set them apart from the majority of the media companies. today as the co-hosts and producers of the strip View live! success talk show, their mission is to inspire, motivate, educate, empower, and entertain audiences around the world. they have interviewed some of the most recognizable people such as smokey Robinson, stevie Wonder, tony Bennett, Christina aguilera, Dennis Hopper, Joe Jackson, Donald trump and hundreds more. Ray DuGray and Maria ngo are on their way to creating a massive media empire. it will be exciting to see how things unfold for this dynamic couple. to watch full episodes and celebrity interviews go to and please ‘pay it forward’ and ‘pass it on!’ 71

What is better:



Mercedes Benz?

My tiMe spent with Joseph Jackson in europe by Ralf SeSSelbeRg

Through a mutual friend, I got to meet Joe several years ago at his residence in encino California. Since then, as his european public relations manager we have done several projects together. We both share a close relationship with africa, in particular Congo. Joe visited me for the first time in europe in early

a Press conference with Joe in a little town in the north of germany called friedrichstadt. The 1st of april is known world wide and particularly in germany as april fool’s day, so many took the media invitation of “Joseph Jackson, father of the first family of Music comes to friedrichstadt” as a joke. Nevertheless out of curiosity 7 TV Teams and over 30 journalists showed up in this remote area without the faintest of an idea as to what will take place. During the Press Conference, Joe announced that his autobiography will be published soon in germany and only in the german language. He repeated this statement during his appearance on germany's number one late night talk show “beckmann”. (beckmann is germany's equivalent of David letterman).

2003. a day before his arrival scheduled for the 1st of april 2003, I invited the german media to


In early 2004, the publication of Joe's autobiography “The golden truth” hit the german stores. for fourteen consecutive days we crisscross through europe, promoting the book. Joe gave at least 3 to 4 autographs and uncountable interviews. after 14 days he had over 790

articles about his book in the german newspapers, magazines as well as 27 TV reports about him in germany, austria and Switzerland. Such an astonishing amount of press coverage is unheard off not even the german Chancellor has ever gotten this press coverage not even in 3 months! I will never forget how after a autograph meeting in Dresden, we got lost on the road driving to Vienna at 9.00 pm. Deciding to take a shortcut, I never drove through Munich but rather decided to cross through the Czech republic. Just as we were about to reach Prague, the road simply stopped! Right in front of us, instead of a street was a large 15 meter deep hole! In front of it was a sign written in a language that neither Joe, I or the bodyguards who were protecting us could read? We turned around and after a while turned left. for nearly 2 hours we drove confused through the dark night, without lights on the street. It was

pure horror. I was in panic mode. Only Joe was smiling, grinning and kept saying. “Common, I

know you can do it! The stupid navigation system kept repeating “Turn around, immediately turn around!” I decided to try my luck and I simply continued straight ahead until finally on the left side of the street we were able to see a house with its lights on! I asked Joe to stay in the car with the bodyguards as I wondered off on my own into this house. It was a run down joint, and they had just given the last call. Nobody there spoke english or german. With my hands, feet, and body language I tried helplessly to explain that I needed directions to get to Vienna.

Joe Jackson and ralf sesselberg

Then suddenly the door opened, and in walks Joe with his 8 bodyguards. He wanted to inquire what was taking me so long. Sometime later the owner of the restaurant was able to get a hold of her son on telephone who spoke german.


He was able to order a Taxi for us. While I was struggling to organize all this, Joe had already made friends with the common folk and was having coffee with them. Joe did not understand a word of what the young men in the bar were saying and they in turn did not understand a word he was saying, and yet they got along so well, laughing and smiling as if they had known each other for years. It was just fascinating to watch! and brought to mind what a good heart and down to earth person Joe is. One cannot help but like him. The Taxi finally arrived, and drove in front of us as the one eyed leading the blind right up to the austrian boarder. We arrived at about 4.00 am at the Hotel in Vienna. by strange coincidence the OPeC


meeting was taking place in that hotel, with all the major leaders of the OPeC countries and their oil ministers. On each floor one could see 4 to 5 police officers walking around with loaded machine guns. Regardless of how late and tired we were, Joe kept up his good humor by saying: “Thank you for having arranged all this security for me! “ He finally went to bed. The next day during breakfast, all the OPeC ministers in turn came over to Joe to pay

their respects. each came over and made a gentle bow of respect, followed by giving Joe a present. It was as if I was in the god father movie, and Joe was the god father of the OPeC. I could not believe my eyes. In the afternoon Joe had his interview with the austrian national television and thereafter we left for Zurich, whereupon he was rushed onto the live Swiss show. Since 2003 Joe and I have traveled over 120,000 kilometers together. and at each resting point Joe asks the same question. “What is better: bMW or Mercedes?” as I drive a Phaeton from Volkswagen, I always answer “Neither of them. The best is Volkswagen”. as soon as we arrive our destination, I can count on Joe to ask the first person. “What is better bMW or Volkswagen?” The majority answer “bMW”. Joe then with a beam on his face, mischievously smiles, and say: “Janet drives a bMW but it is more than half the time in the repair shop!” During his last visit to germany, Joe took the new “audi R8”, which is comparable to a ferrari, for a test drive. He traveled with it at a speed of over 270km/h through the german autobahn. as he finally got out of the car, he asked. “I think an audi is better than a Volkswagen”. He then gave me that mischievous smile as he got inside my Phaeton. In the last decade, through the multiple projects we

have done together, Joe has become one of the most recognized faces in germany. Particularly kids and young teenagers rush to him, to have their photographs taken with him. They want to shake his hand and pay their respects. The children and young people in general recognize without words that he has a wonderful heart. I cannot explain that in any other way. My offices in Rastede, ger-

many receives over 100 letters everyday for Joe, mostly autograph requests but also many letters with best wishes for him and his family. I am very proud to be able to work for Joe. He once told me. “you know, you could be my son, if you were not white”.

Ralf Sesselberg Promevent & Media Postbox 1462 26172 Rastede germany


TRUE HOLLYWOOD  He Never waNts to be coNtrolled aNd He will do wHatever to sHow His iNdepeNdeNce. In 1999 we were throwing a party at Michael's Neverland ranch. While staying at the Encino residence, My friend Rutt Premsrirut and I, combed through the Forbes list inviting many billionaires. Michael's personal assistant Evvy Tavscci kept breathing down hard on us about how many people we could bring. We were nervous. What do we do. What if they turn the guests away. Then we came up with a plan. We walked over to Joe in the living room and sat down as if nothing was up. Rutt began the conversation: “Joe, I thought you were the man, but how come so many people control you!” Joe exclaimed in disbelief. “What! Nobody controls me! I am Joe Jackson!!” Then I interjected. “That might be right Joe, but Evvy is trying to control your party!” Before I could say another word, Joe got up. A man on a mission. Rushed to the family library, screaming get Evvy on the phone. Minutes later, that was Joe on the phone giving Evvy hell. She never knew what hit her. Bottom line, we never got query about our guest list and ended up having the party of a lifetime in Neverland.

tHere is Joe's way aNd tHere aNd tHey are all tHe same.

is tHe rigHt way,

We often drove by car from Las Vegas to Los Angeles and would spend the weekend at the Jackson's Hayvenhurst encino residence. Joe and Katherine had a disagreement on which was the best way to get to L.A from Las Vegas. Katherine's way was to take Interstate 15 from Vegas all the way, then connect to the Interstate 10. Joe's way was to take Interstate 15 but get off and take the scenic route. Go off on the 58 around the back, which connects to the 14 then to the 5 before getting you on the 405. Now in all fairness, and I will probably get into trouble for this, Rutt told me Katherine's way was much faster. As we left Vegas, Joe kept calling us to make sure we use his way. We however to speed By ANdREW SHAWN PHoTo By d. TRuScELLo





up our journey took Katherine's way, the faster route. our dilemma: What do we say when we get to Encino. We didn't want either Katherine or Joe to get upset with us. The solution I told Rutt was simple. When we see Katherine and she asks us, we will say we took her way. Then when Joe asks us, we will tell him. “We took your way Joe”. Rutt was not satisfied with

If he says he Is goIng to do somethIng for you or come to some event

the solution. “What if they are both in the same room when we arrive? I replied. What would you rather do. Have either Joe or Katherine upset with us for the whole weekend ? No sooner were the gates to Hayyenhurst open, Katherine happened to be in the drive way. After the small talk, the big question came up. “Which way did you take?”. We both replied in unison. “We took your way Katherine”. She smiled and said. “Joe's way is so long but he just will not admit it. He is too hard headed.” We next spent what seemed like a lifetime pretending to unpack our luggage. This gave Katherine enough time to go upstairs. After 15 minutes, Joe came out to inquire what was taking us so long. After the small talk the tough question came. “Which way did you take?”. I jumped in right away. Joe, you know I don't drive and then I mischievously turned and asked. “Which way did we take, Rutt?” Rutt froze like a deer in the headlights but was quick on his feet. He played the ambiguity card “Joe, we took the only right way, the Jacksons way! It was fast, we were so fast”. He smiled. “That's right, Katherine's way is longer, full of traffic but she is hard headed and will not admit it.”

He loves to play tHe detective. He is tHe Hawk. NotHiNg caN get past Him. His eyes are everywHere. one of Joe's friend's, goes by the name “Royalty” and is known as “Joe's royal host”. He has a knack for making up problems and then mysteriously solving them himself, thereby becoming the hero. When I called Joe, he was very disturbed and worried on the phone. I inquired what the problem was. “you, know this Hollywood Star, from the Movie Lethal Weapon 4. That tough chinese dude that is supposed to be the new Bruce lee. He rented a suite at the Venetian and went all crazy up in there, trashing the place, kicking the walls, breaking all the furniture. Now the casino security is looking for me”. “But that doesn't make sense? What has that got to do with you?” I asked “I don't understand it either. Royalty says, the guy was using my name. But Royalty said not to worry he is going to straighten it all out. He is right now at the Venetian straightening it out. He says if this guy tries anything he will beat him up, because Royalty knows kungfu too!”. It was only a few days later that Joe figured out this was just another invented “Royalty” story with a happy ending as Royalty the hero. 78

Joe tHe boxiNg promoter! As a former amateur boxer Joe has always held a love for the sport. A Friend introduced Joe to a very big, muscular, young, up and coming boxer. Supposedly a secret weapon and the next

you can bet your bottom dollar he wIll be there and he wIll do It.

hIs word Is hIs bond. world heavy weight champion. Apocryphal rumors had it that he had knocked out most unsigned contenders in the tough chicago neighborhood. Joe rushed and brought him all the way to his west coast home. All day the guy would walk around the house without a shirt, exposing his gigantic muscles. He would shadow box in the living room and then finish off by starring at his clenched fist and scream “I can throw these!” Joe was so excited. “This is my fighter. I am Joe Jackson!” He went out shopping, getting the latest gear in boxing. The latest dress fashion for a prize fighter. He went all out. Word spread around town, that Joe had the next heavyweight. He was moving into don King's territory. Finally Joe decided to test out his boxer. They went over to the boxing gym. He pulled up hollywood style with his whole entourage and his prize fighter dressed with a flashy cape engraved with “Joe Jackson Boxing” As the boxer began putting on his gloves the owner of the gym approached Joe and inquired. “Are you sure this guy can box. From the way he is putting on the gloves, it doesn't look like he has any experience whatsoever in the ring. I am going to have a small fighter step into the ring with him.” With all the crowd behind him, Joe began getting worried, hoping he doesnt get embarrassed. Within 2 minutes the little guy had knocked Joe's big, muscular prize fighter down three times. Joe turned right around and escaped out of the place. His assistant called out. “We have to wait for “I can throw these”, he is still getting back his consciousness. “No way is he getting into this car. Tell him to take the next greyhound back to chicago!” Joe replied.

He carries two wallets. one wallet is loaded with crisp 100 dollar bills. The other is empty with five and one dollar bills. To get him to pull the right one out, make sure in the restaurant, you have a pretty girl with you at the table. Joe will always then pick up the tab. Rutt and I figured this out the hard way.

you caN baNk oN His word. If he says he is going to do something for you or come to some event you can bet your bottom dollar he will be there and he will do it. His word is his bond. 79


Mr. Lowell henry, ceo of Game on Products, Inc. is a california based national and international Businessman/entrepreneur, for the past 30 years. he is a results oriented professional and effectively negotiates and closes revenue generating business opportunities successfully and consistently. he has acted as Agent/Manager for several star athletes such as Tony Dorsett of the


Dallas cowboys and edwin Moses, the former world record holder and olympic Gold Medal Winner in the 400 meter hurdles. Mr. henry considerably increased Mr. Dorsett’s net worth by securing commercials and endorsements for shoes, clothing, books, etc. he was able to position Mr. Moses on the lecture circuit and succeeded in having Mr. Moses placed as honorary chairman of the Boy scouts of America.






Mr. henry’s business experience is extensive in a wide range of areas. he has orchestrated and been involved in a variety of promotional business ventures and financial investments in the entertainment industry. he worked with Mi-

chael Jackson, the Jackson 5 and their father, Joe Jackson. he also worked with Berry Gordy Jr. (Founder of Motown Records) and developed Mr. Gordy’s sports ventures the “Detroit Wheels” (arena Football team) and “san Diego Breakers” professional volleyball team, winning 3 titles. During the past 16 years, Mr. henry operated as a commodities broker, trading diverse international products out of the






Middle east. In 1984, he helped develop and manage an international clothing line and distribution operation out of Italy. Also, in 1984, he produced a very successful sports radio show during the 1984 olympic Games in Los Angeles entitled “countdown to the ‘84 olympics” hosted by seven-time Gold Medal winner, eric heiden. currently, Mr. henry is the ceo of “Game on Products, Inc.” (GoP) Reno, nV and “Game on Products, Ltd.” herts, england. he operates the businesses from his california office/warehouse in Torrance california. GoP founder and chairman/ceo Mr. Lowell henry, has drawn from his vast business experience to design his business plan and lay the foundation of his company's vision, philosophy and strategy. he has outlined the various elements of the company and a coherent system of profit. Joe Jackson is a board member of Game on Products, Inc Phone: 310-516-0489 By John Pecos

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Casino and ResoRt the Palms Casino Resort offers its guests some of the city's most spectacular views of the Las Vegas Strip, unique rooms, memorable nightlife venues and a bevy of dining options. Ghostbar on the 55th floor to Rain Night Club to the Exciting MOON Night Club, to the elegance of the Playboy Club, the Palms, So much so that the 12th season of MtV's "the Real World" was shot at the resort, and now hotel guests can stay in the 2,900square-foot suite created for the show's cast. the Palms parlayed its role as the home of "the Real World" into permanent status as the Vegas playground for music celebrities and Hollywood stars. the resort is now the home of Bravo's "Celebrity Poker Showdown," specialty suites offer extra-large furniture for the hotels many NBa guests and the two luxury Playpen suites (complete with stripper poles) attracting not only bachelor and bachelorette parties but also a-list celebrities. the Palms has also constructed the 40-story fantasy tower. Besides standard guest rooms, there are a series of from the mammoth and lush to the ultra-hip the Palm's fantasy Suites turn a regular vacation into one fit for a Vegas high roller. Other luxury options include the hip-hop-laden, the bachelorette partyfriendly. at the top of the fantasy tower are the six Sky Villas, which each offer an outdoor pool overlooking the Strip; Playboy Club with its own casino; Moon nightclub, with a retractable roof; the new tower also houses a state-of-the-art recording studio and a floor of meeting space.


It's no wonder the stars are attracted to the Palms. the resort offers some of the best nightlife in town, beginning with “Ghostbar”. Its open-air deck offers amazing 180-degree views of the Vegas Strip. fiftyfive stories below, the 1,500-seat, state-of-the-art nightclub and showroom venue “Rain” have a line of fun-loving partygoers every weekend. a significant player in Las Vegas' music world, Palms is also home to the Pearl concert venue as well as the Studio, where major artists flock to record their newest hits. the resort's Playboy Club and Moon nightclub complete the party circuit and make the Palms the place to be seen in Las Vegas. the resort's dining options are equally extraordinary, from alize , where diners can enjoy floor-to-ceiling views as well as gourmet meals, to Little Buddha, with its crimson, gold and celadon decorations and giant Buddha statue. you can enjoy the best Ribs in town at Simon’s Restaurant, presented by Celebrity Chef “Kerry Simon” at Palms Place, if you're looking to relax, the Palms features a 20,000-square-foot Spa boasting numerous services. Outside, the pool provides a welcome reprieve from the Vegas heat with multiple pools, including two designed just for shallow lounging. If indoor fun is more your style, check out the 14theater Brendan theatres complex or stop by Hart & Huntington tattoo Company, the only tattoo parlor in a Vegas hotel. With all these amenities and a hip atmosphere, the Palms makes every guest feel like a celebrity By LVH Staff


A  M A L O O F  C A S I N O  R E S O R T 4321 West Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89103 Las Vegas Tel: 702-942-7777 · Las Vegas Fax: 702-942-700

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