Practical Guide to Recycling in Offices

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Recycling in your offices, made simple and intuitive!

Protecting our Planet our world.

Encourage Ensure a sustainable future for ce waste in redu ent ronm colleagues to consider the envi e. mor cling the workplace by recy e recyclable materials in the ■ There are probably mor ent. Simply by workplace than any other environm s in the workplace dard stan cling recy e sam applying the g recyclable ratin as we do in the home, such as sepa ity and mun com l loca t mee waste streams, we can ets. targ ent agem man te European was all paper, glass, textiles, plastic ■ By 2015 across the EU go to landfill. By exceeding er long no and metal will as at home, we can recycling targets in the office as well ble future. aina sust e mor h muc a to ard look forw – reduce the financial cost of your ■ Profit from Recycling recycling in the workplace, you By ent. agem waste man ness a favour. It is estimated busi are in fact doing your 4.5% of annual turnover to up lose es ness that busi te. through avoidable was

Practical Guide to set up a recycling programme!

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