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PRODUCT TRENDS The term web 2.0 is associated with web applications that facilitate information sharing. A web 2.0 site allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue, in contrast to websites where users are limited to viewing the content. Some examples are social network link sites, blogs, video sharing.. As the web is increasingly becoming participative, more and more websites are being developed on the web 2.0 platform and the existing ones are changing to include the Web 2.0 features. One of the domains where web 2.0 features have been successfully leveraged is that of city guides. When someone wants to have some information about a particular city or place in a particular city, he can ask friends, read books..The web 2.0 plataform gives them the benefit of a place being reviewed by a large Lumber of users so that they can take the perfect decision. This sector was pioneered by two gentleman from US namely Craig Newmark and Bill Gross in the year 1995. The three top players in this sector are craigslist.org, citysearch.com and yelp.com. They started as Web 1.0 and gradually changed to Web 2.0. The online ad-­‐industry is growing very rapidly. The future trends in this industry include virtual tours, the use of 3G and GPS on Mobile for directions and the increasing use of video ads.


Consumers are trying to find new ways of finding the information they want. They want to find their own version of the story. They do not want just a written information or a simple image. They are developing as quickly as technology do. News headlines, blogs,podcasts. They are looking for an easy viewing of what they are looking for. Consumers are motivated to participate in order to achieve a sense of belonging to a Group. Contribution with the new Technologies. Because they can gain status, they create connections with others who have similar interests online. They like to inform and be informed. They want to participate in the websites. Chats, Forums, blogs, communities, mobiles, RSS.. Until nowadays, people got information about various cities by asking relatives or friends, travel agencies, books, Bellow pages, Internet 1.0..websites. However now, everything is changing and more and more people are asking for new activities inside websites.

B-­GUIDED WEB 2.O Using a web 2.0 city lifestyle guide website is the fun and easy way to find, review and talk about what is great(and not so great) in the World. The easiest way to find the best places is asking a friend. A web 2.0 makes it Fast and easy by collecting and organizing your friends recommendations in one convenient place. It is convert into a community. It reveals honest and current insights on local businesses and services on everything. It connects to just real people, writing real reviews, and that´s the real deal. It is the real sharing of information. B-­‐guided should include accommodation, restaurants, attractions, fashion,events, map,pdf for the visitors. FUTURE TRENDS IN WEB 2.0 CITY LIFESTYLE GUIDES We are now entering in a World where webs are changing radically. Virtual tours or panoramic tours is a simulation o fan actually existing location, videos and virtual models of the real localization. Sound effects, music, narration and text. GPS on mobiles is also getting more and more customers. This accessorie helps the user to get directly to the place on his Mobile phone when travelling. Videos would make more sense since this would enable the user to get the feeling of what a shop/restaurant/art gallery really looks like.

NEW B-­GUIDED 2.0 APPLICATION After the extend research on new 2.0 applications in city and lifestyle guides we have determined which are the best option for B-­‐GUIDED. First of all, First of all, is basic to be connected to the world of twitter and Facebook. B-­‐guided should have its own page on Facebook to pick up all the readers and followers. In the case of Twitter, B-­‐guided would have its own section to go directly to it´s Twitter profile. There will be constant feedbacks and publications. There would be the option to see all the other profiles of people connected to B-­‐guided. Moreover, we have decided that inside B-­‐guided, you Could have a 360º view of all the expositions, shops and restaurants. This is the way all the consumers and viewers could get the perfect idea of what are they will see.

Furthermore, inside the website, there is going to be a link to a personal Blog of B-­‐ guided. Constant actualizations of events, photographs and even information that has completely nothing to do with B-­‐guided but that Could be interesting for the Readers. To continue getting better with 2.0 web Communication, B-­‐guided should include the possibility of feedback in each of it´s sections. There would be the possibility of messaging each of the personal working for B-­‐guided. With this, B-­‐guided Could know all the new ideas, Could also have more information of new places and activities. We want to create Communication between the reader and the writer. In addition, B-­‐guided should create an application for Mobile and Iphone. This application would include a list with all the people in B-­‐guided World. With this application consumers Could vote for the best places and have opened chats to know peoples reaction to every place or activity they go. You will be able to know the favourites of every single person. The best recommendations of all participants and all the people involved in the World B-­‐ guided. Inside this application, there would be the possibility of making reservations. With a GPS application to arrive to the places. Events, expositions ..You will be able to book wherever you are with just one click. Online bookings will also be available. This are our ideas to convert B-­‐guided 1.0 website to a 2.0 website. Here there is a picture where you can see how we would start changing the website.


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